Okay. time for a repost with a bunch of odd additions! Mostly unedited for the repost stuff:
Selling hundreds of my games.
I'm up to NeoGAF Plus now. I'm looking to sell most of my collection and I'd really like to offer stuff on here before I resort to large lots on eBay or whatever. And it should be noted that I offered to friends and family first, hence some stuff marked sold. Now, to list the important details:
1) I didn't bother listing prices because it turned out to be simpler to get lists of wanted titles from friends and then figure prices out for those. So list what you're interested in and I'll reply with prices for each individual, as well as a total, and typically I'll offer discounts on bundles and shipping and such. A "-" through the price means I intend to keep the game. You're free to ask for something marked but don't be surprised if I don't bite. I might turn down some others without a "-" because I'm not looking to sell everything and didn't go through super carefully to make sure I marked all.
2) I'm shipping out of the Portland, OR area, so consider that if necessary. Or if you live nearby I don't mind a safe local sale. Also, I've never shipped internationally but I'm willing to do so if you're willing to pay whatever the shipping is. I'll accept and any all tips on how to keep the price low and not get either party bit by fees.
3) I'll take pictures as requested. The notes column is really the most important to consider as I was pretty careful about listing the condition of anything that didn't look near new. Typically even commented when even just a single small scratch or whatever.
4) First come, first serve. I'll look to sell to people based off the order I receive PMs. If you're not first I'll reply to let you know and then get back to you if the item frees up.
5) Payments through Paypal. I don't see this changing since I don't have any others set up but let me know if there's another safe method that is needed for an agreement to get made on a sale.
That's pretty much it? I'll try to reply quickly to everyone. The term is just starting back up so aside from classwork and some social time I should be making sure I get replies to everyone fairly quickly. I'm assuming I'll get a decent number of messages so I'll aim to clear out replies before I go to sleep, though I'll be looking to reply to PMs earlier than that when possible.
I'll aim to keep prices lower than you could get elsewhere (and feel free to let me know when I'm off on pricing, I don't mind discussing it) and I'll tend to look to be more easy on pricing when looking for multiple items instead of single games.
Please send PMs if interested. Heh, and hopefully this doesn't end up with me getting only two replies!
Alright, so I took oodles of pictures of collectibles and a couple consoles and such. These aren't added to the Google Doc linked above so I'll mark things appropriately as sold or pending here when appropriate.
Also, to note before I list stuff. Most of this is random odds and ends and I'm honestly not expecting to bring in some big money with most of these. I'll likely end up donating whatever doesn't sell so please ask if there's something you want and unless I can verify it's worth something I won't be asking too much more than shipping since I'd rather people had the collectibles instead of a garbage can or a donation center who may end up tossing it if they can't find any value in the items.
And not everything is gaming related as there's a few anime-ish things I'll list, too.
Nintendo 3DS XL Blue/Black - SOLD - Everything is complete. Played for six hours.
Super Mario 3D Land - (Sealed)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - SOLD (Sealed)
Theatrhythm - SOLD (Open, played for six hours)

NES Top loader and a dogbone controller. - SOLD - I also have the Nintendo RF Switch and AC Adapters but they're boxed up elsewhere so I didn't include them in pictures.]

Sega GameGear. - SOLD - What you see is what I have. I don't have a specific AC Adapter for it. I was given this and have never used it. I'm fairly certain I still have a game or two around as well but haven't ran into them.

Sega CD Model 1 with Sega Genesis Model 1. Box is not in the best condition but nearly complete. It's missing the original Sega Genesis A/V Cable but I have a replacement R/F Switch included. Also missing Sega CD mixing cable. Both cables are very cheap to replace (around $10 combined). The systems are in great condition and I tested both the other day and work perfectly. Two Genesis controllers, one of which is a third-party turbo controller. Have all the discs that come with the system (Sega Arcade Classics, Sherlock Holmes, a soundtrack thing, Sol Feace). If anyone is interested I can take other pictures if needed and answer any questions. A complete system costs more than a standalone so only ask if you don't mind the extra costs that come with it.

Discworld I & Discworld II
Discworld II is complete with a smushed box. Discs are in excellent condition. Discworld I came inside the box for some reason so discs and manual are also in excellent condition.

Diablo II: Lords of Destruction (Sealed)
Space Quest Collection (Open)
King's Quest Collection (Open)
No One Lives Forever (Open)
Stronghold: Legends (Sealed)
Myst IV: Revelations (Open)
As far as I can tell all the open games don't have keys so I doubt any issues with installing or whatever. Let me know if I'm wrong on any of them.

Disgaea stuff!
The Etna Max Factory figure SOLD has been opened and photo included shows some of the wear on the box. The figure itself should be in great condition. The Palm Figures I believe I split up correctly based on the series but it's really difficult for me to be certain. Also looks like I'm missing one weapon since one of the Vol. 2 characters has no weapons. I'd prefer to sell them all together but if not that then by set. I'm not looking to sell them off individually but you can ask and offer a price that makes it worth it and I might go for it.
Looks to be like 30-40 old posters and inserts from old gaming magazines. These are likely mostly from a mix of GamePro, Official Playstation Magazine, maybe Nintendo Power and EGM. Probably some others. -

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children 8" Buster Sword and box. I've never taken it out of the box so condition should be quite great.

One large set of different collectibles. I'll try to list most everything...
Elise SSX Figure (sealed)
Viewtiful Joe tin reel (dented and scratched a bit)
Sonic Adventure plush
Halo 2 sticker
Street Fighter something Vega bust (still unopened in bag)
Digital Devil Saga 2 soundtrack and controller sticker
Demo Discs (some open and some not. Genji, two different God of War 2, Dragon Quest VIII, Shadow of the Colossus)
Princess Mononoke ad things (I believe sealed in plastic?)

I think this stuff is all from E3 2002
Pins (unopened: Metroid, Nintendo, Mega Man Trasmission, Panzer Dragoon Orta)
Growlanser blow up sword
Enthusia racing bag with ad stuff inside
Rockstar Pins (sealed)
Rockstar postcards (sealed)
Rockstar stickers (sealed)
PSM Magazines (two different E3 issues?)
Loads of advertising booklets and pamphlets and such. Some other stickers and fake tattoos.

Pokemon hand puppet thing was purchased at Nintendo World Store. No idea how rare.
Two Dot-S Mario sets. (Sealed) -
The other two are obviously opened boxes but the top one has its parts sealed

Blanka X360 controller (sealed)

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin pre-order bonus. Box isn't in great condition but everything inside looks fine and untouched. -

Random art cels. Two from a Bomberman anime, I believe, and the other is from Neoranga. Last shot is just the back side showing what appears to be the pencil sketches.

Old Retro Gamer magazines. Also the Retro Gamer Collection Volume 1. Some of these are a bit rare. The Collection definitely is. -
Not pictured:
Gaming magazines:
- EGM -
- EGM2 -
- GameInformer
- Incite -
- @Gamer
- Random guides
An 8800GT Nvidia graphics card
Most of these collectible things I will be putting on eBay within a day or two because I don't expect most of these to be wanted by anyone, honestly.
That includes some of the games. I'll probably look to get rid of all Xbox 1 games in a big lot so if someone is interested in getting any of those (or all!) you better be quick. But so far nobody has asked for a single one.