WTB Zelda 3DS XL Bundle as close to Black Friday prices as possible
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Send me a PM!
I have a digital PSN code for Retro City Rampage/Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time/Uncharted: Golden Abyss if there's any interest.
Asking for $20, trades are feasible too.
WTB: Nintendo DS games. Looking for the most: rpg, action, platform, etc.
Shipping to Europe (Sweden)
Positive buyer feedback for Scoobert
Awesome buyer, would definitely do business with again!
Preinstalled. (It says so on the front of the box!)question: does the mario & luigi 3ds xl come with a download code for the game like zelda, or is it just pre-installed?
Positive Feedback for Birbo. Paid Quick. Smoooooth!
Code is all 3 bundled?
I have the NSMBU + NSLU disk, still sealed for $40.
Anyone interested?
Amazon has NSMBU for $45 and NSLU for $25.
NeoGAF Gold seller! Buy with confidence. I ship within the United States and accept PayPal payments only. All prices include shipping. All items are mint/complete unless otherwise noted.
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Digital Code - $28
WTB SWTOR time card
Btw is this game any more alive than it was a few month ago? Last time I played on Jedi covenant and at most there were 130 people in the fleet at one time.