Back at the old family homestead and am looking to get rid of some game-related material that would otherwise just sit here on the shelf. So, get them from me for cheap prices! Magazines $5, books $5 or $8; shipping FREE in USA:

In the photo, from top left:
* Final Fantasy Type-0 V-Jump Guidebook : $8
* Tactics Ogre PS1 Golden Perfect Guide : $5
* Tales of Destiny Complete Guide : $5
* Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Starting Guide : $8
* Final Fantasy XIII V-Jump Guide : $5
* Final Fantasy Type-0 World Preview Book : $8
* Final Fantasy XIII World Preview Book : $5
* Famitsu Magazine December 5, 2013 (Lightning Returns, Monster Hunter, etc.) : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine #462 15th Anniversary (FFXIII) : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine FF Type-0, FFXIII-2, XIV : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine FF Type-0, Dark Souls, Ao no Kiseki, Xillia : $5
Paypal Gift or Amazon Payments very welcome. Respond before December 27; I'm going back to Japan after that!

In the photo, from top left:
* Final Fantasy Type-0 V-Jump Guidebook : $8
* Tactics Ogre PS1 Golden Perfect Guide : $5
* Tales of Destiny Complete Guide : $5
* Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Starting Guide : $8
* Final Fantasy XIII V-Jump Guide : $5
* Final Fantasy Type-0 World Preview Book : $8
* Final Fantasy XIII World Preview Book : $5
* Famitsu Magazine December 5, 2013 (Lightning Returns, Monster Hunter, etc.) : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine #462 15th Anniversary (FFXIII) : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine FF Type-0, FFXIII-2, XIV : $5
* Dengeki PlayStation Magazine FF Type-0, Dark Souls, Ao no Kiseki, Xillia : $5
Paypal Gift or Amazon Payments very welcome. Respond before December 27; I'm going back to Japan after that!