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Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2013

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Positive buyer feedback for sk3tch.
Nice guy and easy transaction!

Digital codes or Blurays for Disney and Pixar movies!
Please PM me what you've got!


Unconfirmed Member
Is there any chance anyone who has one of the Assassins Creed IV codes for Xbox One willing to let it go for $20? I would like to get one for about that much. If so, PM me!


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Want to Trade

I have a 3DS MarioLand UK code. Want to trade if for another 3DS download code. Preferably the new Zelda game.
Or even swap for WindWaker WiiU download code.


I am GAFplus.

Want to buy/Want to trade for:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Road Rash 3
Endless Ocean 2
Killzone Trilogy
Star Wars Racer [PC]
Silent Hill 4 [PC]
~~Game Manuals~~
Wonder Boy
Outrun 2019
Super Monaco GP II
Mega Turrican
Dynamite Headdy
Rocket Knight
Hyper Stone Heist
Urban Strike
Jungle Strike
Road Rash
Fullmetal Alchemist
Samurai Jack
Clone Wars [Animated]
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650

Shipping to the US only. Shipping cost included in prices. Prices are negotiable for multiple items.

**Click names for images of each game**
PS3 PSN Download Codes:
-Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
-Metal Gear Solid + VR Missions
-Dr. Mario $6
-The Legend of Zelda $12
-Super Mario Bros. 2 $10
-Super Mario Bros. 3 $10
-Spike V'ball/World Cup $5
-Mario Bros./Duck Hunt $5
SEGA Genesis:
-Flashback $3
SEGA Saturn:
-Nights $10
-Final Fantasy Chronicles $10
-Final Fantasy VII $30
-N64 system w/ controller and power cable [no AV cable] $20
-Mario Kart 64 $30
-Diddy Kong Racing $10
-Donkey Kong 64 $10
-CIB Mario 64 $30
-Star Wars: Episode I Racer
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-Jet Grind Radio [Missing manual] $10
-Skies of Arcadia [2 copies] $55 EACH
-Animal Crossing $20
-Cubivore $50
-Geist $7
-Paper Mario $28
-Super Monkey Ball 2 $7
-1080 Avalanche $7
-Mario Kart Double Dash $20
Disk only games
-StarFox Adventures $5
-Metroid Prime $5
-Dragon Quest VIII [demo missing] $7
-Dynasty Warriors 2 $7
-Okage $10
-Kingdom Hearts $10
-Dot Hack Infection Part 1 $15
-Tales of Legendia $20
-Star Wars Racer Revenge $6
-Starocean $7
-Disgaea: Hour of Darkness $10
Game Boy:
-Super Mario Land $5
Game Boy Advance:
-Metroid Fusion $10

I also have extra manuals for N64, GC, and Wii.

Official Memory Cards:
PS1, PS2 $5 Each


Positive Feedback for Dunan, once again made my holidays and is still my favorite seller (sorry every other awesome seller).

Hswbaz, the pleasure is mine! I love bringing Japanese stuff to people who would ordinarily have a tough time acquiring it, and you're one of the best and most gracious buyers out there. The positive feedback I give you each time you buy something from me (post 23516 if you haven't seen it) is well-earned.

And let me also give some positive feedback to Bigwinnerx, whose item arrived right on time even during a busy Christmas week -- gotta love those thin Vita game cases that can be sent first class!


If you PM me and I don't respond within 24-48 hours, I did not receive your PM. Please PM me again! Gaf's messaging system screws up occasionally.

Selling: All prices for physical goods are SHIPPED. If you buy multiple things, price will go down to reflect on saved shipping. I will consider offers, but most of these things are about as cheap as I can go. If you buy more stuff, I am more likely to give a discount.


Lowe's Credit:
10% off; $100 increments.

Google Play Credit: Selling in increments of $5 up to $75 (currently, but will go higher).
$5-20: 20% off
$25-50: $25% off
$55-75: 30% off

3DS/WiiU eShop Credit:
I will sell US 3DS/WiiU eShop Credit at face value for the international users who aren't able to get it themselves. Increments of $20, $35, or $50. Please use ppfeecalc.com with the "International" setting to calculate fees. I usually have codes on me, but sometimes need to run to the store to pick more up.

XBL 1 Year Code - $40

PS+ 1 Year Code - $35

Club Nintendo Codes:
Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS) - 40 Coins (+ 10 via Post Play Survey) - $4


XBOX 360:

Hori Fighting Edge (Used; Acceptable Condition) - $135 shipped
Stock ball top has been replaced with a black mesh top. Scuffs and cosmetic issues throughout as pictured.



Hori HRAP 3 (Used; Good Condition) - $75 shipped
Does not come stock with Sanwa parts; they have stock Hori parts.
Has plastic crease mark on top left. Might be able to peel back plastic or press it down. Not too familiar with the plastic layer on top of this stick. Other than that, works and looks great.


Eevee or other Pokemon related stuff
Discounted Best Buy/Amazon.com/GameStop Gift Cards

I take Paypal and Amazon Payments. If you choose Paypal, please gift or pay fees.
NeoGAF GOLD! (82+ Positive Transactions as a Seller!) (Gonna keep the Feedback List in my B/S/T posts from now on. Feel free to use =])
Still got this.

WTT: I have an Ultraviolet Pacific Rim code to trade. Looking for US Nintendo eShop stuffs comparable in value. $2 worth?

Or maybe gift me KoF 97 on iOS?
PS+ 1 year (NA) - $36

Ultraviolet codes (from Blu-ray)
Person of Interest season 1 - $11
Dredd - $3.25
Amazing Spider-Man - $3.25
Prometheus - $3.25
42 (Jackie Robinson) - $3.25


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Going back to the 360 launch era, but does anyone have a copy of Quake 4, specifically Quake 4 with the Quake 2 bonus disc? I can always just throw the Quake 4 disc away. ;)


Want to sell:

Etrian Odyssey IV complete (early edition, has music cd and outer box) - 28 shipped

Prof. Layton and the Miracle Mask - complete - 24 shipped

God Of War I & II Collection - complete - 10 shipped

Shadow of the Collosus / Ico Collection - 10 shipped
Alright guys, guess I'll announce it here, I assure this is not for my profit :

So 6 months ago I began trading here, me and a trader known as rash formed a team, he sold the games I did the distribution, I put on a 4% over fee on the majority of the games we sold to make some sort of $. This works great for us, we did over 4000$ in revenue ( Not idea what his margins are ), me making a modest 310$ ( Screw You Assassins Creed 4 )

Over the course of the period I noticed the reason 90% of users were buying from me was they were scared of traders and wanted security within comfortable means. They knew i was not the one in Russia yet felt better
having someone from here get them their games.

With this knowledge I am starting a new system, this is rash's price checking site


This is my paypal email : [email protected]
I am no longer making any profit, all I ask is to send 3-4 cents more to cover fees.

I am also introducing a tip jar none of this goes to ME or RASH. But rather YOU

Say you buy the walking dead season 2 for 16$ instead of 25, maybe you want to do a giveaway but can't, well by donating 1$ to the tip jar you can help be a part of that. Once enough money is in the tip jar I will purchase a game from Steam and give it away here on steam gaf. This way everyone can contribute to giveaways even if they can not afford to pay.
If you want a game email me the hyperlink ( Red text on the site, pm me and attach a note to the PP )

Again I am doing this as honestly as I can, I want to help not make money and I feel like this is a great idea, none of the risk yet still a discount. You can deal with rash yourself, I call him the grumpy russian just mention my name if you can

This should allow for the lowest prices possible

Positive feedback for Maneil99

Thanks Maneil!


Positive feedback for ta9qi. Great buyer! Bought PS+ sub from me.

Positive feedback for Necrovex. Great buyer! Bought eshop code from me.



TAKE ANY FOR 15 DOLLARS!!! Please I need to buy 3DS games.

Whats left


Positive feedback for ChronoX, Fracas, ricochetguro, Maragidyne and isual.

Hello everyone, I'm a steam game seller, I've done 30 or more trades on neogaf, not much but I have hundreds of positive rep on other trading sites.

About the games that I'm selling, all of them are in steam gift form, region free, multi language. Contact me by adding me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/iHEO/, or add my alt account http://steamcommunity.com/id/ALexUi/ or add me on skype: longnguyen259. My friendlist is usually full so it is recommended to add me on skype.

If you're looking for something that's not on my list, feel free to ask me, I can't list all the games on steam.

Day 13 daily deals

XCOM: Enemy Within ROW - $11
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure ROW - $12
Company of Heroes 2 ROW - $10
Company of Heroes 2 - Digital Collector's Edition ROW - $17
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition ROW - $7
Half-Life 2 - $2
The Orange Box - $6
Half-Life Complete - $6

Day 12 daily deals

Metro: Last Light - $8
Metro: Last Light - Season Pass - $4
Metro Franchise Pack - $12
Farming Simulator 2013: TITANIUM - $7
Grand Theft Auto IV - $4
Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack - $8
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition - $6
Rising Storm - $4
Rising Storm - Digital Deluxe - $5
Rising Storm 4-pack - $12
Kerbal Space Program - $11
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition - $16
Outlast - $5.5


I got these two from the Nvidia Holiday Bundle and want to sell them. Both are PC UPlay codes. I will send the code and instructions on how to redeem the code.
I have only one recorded (and one pending) feedback on GAF, eBay feedback, CAG feedback, and one on Reddit.

1) Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - $30
2) Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe Edition - $10

Paypal preferred. Can send offers.



Super Smash Bros: Melee (complete) - $25
Xbox One Day One Achievement - $25
Project X Zone: LE (sealed) - $25 shipped
Shin Megami Tensei 4: LE (sealed) - $30 shipped
Last shot if anyone is interested. If I don't have any takers I'm going to go ahead and throw them both up on ebay. Looking to sell or trade a few Xmas gifts which I already own:

X:Com Enemy Within (STEAM): $10 paypal
The Wolf Among Us (Telltale): $10 paypal.

Would be willing to trade both for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or Metro Last Light.

Can send you the codes via PM immediately, thanks!
Is there any interest in making a separate B/S/T thread for digital codes? It seems to me that there's not much overlap between the people who sell and trade physical stuff and those who sell and trade codes.


NeoGAF Gold seller! Buy with confidence. I ship within the United States and accept PayPal payments only. All prices include shipping. All items are mint/complete unless otherwise noted.


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4, codes used) - $35
Killzone: Shadow Fall (7 day PS+ trial included) - $35
Game of Thrones Complete Season 1 Blu-ray - $23
Game of Thrones Complete Season 2 Blu-ray - $23
Game of Thrones Complete Season 2 (DVD, in Game of Thrones sleeve) - $9
Game of Thrones Complete Season 2 Digital Code - $6
Sword of the Stranger Blu-ray - $20

Digital movie codes from Blu-rays:

The Raid: Redemption - $2
Money Ball - $2
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - $2
Pacific Rim - $2
The Dark Knight Rises - $2
Chronicle - $2



Sent you a PM.


Positive Feedback for televator

Purchased an RGB Nintendo 64 from me, and paid right away. Easy transaction for sure.

Only have 1 left so look a page back if you want one for cheap!

Positive Feedback for baphomet 666!
I made a deal with the devil and it paid off. lol Would definitely consider buying from again!
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