Here is a quick and dirty set of pictures to possibly offload a few things easy. I'll be leaving town for more work in a couple of weeks and figured I could clear out some of the stuff I don't need. For the sake of ease i'm not going to list prices for each right now, but keep in mind I do sell on eBay and have all the same tools you do to figure out pricing, so I expect to get in line with what is possible there. Obviously, no eBay fees and such mean you can still pay less, but there is no fire sale in mind for this stuff.
Condition wise, most of the stuff is in pretty good to excellent shape and complete to my knowledge (sans maybe a few games), in the event you inquire on anything I will happily detail anything, but I figured I shouldn't bother unless there is at least a bit of interest. Some of this stuff will be going on eBay in the next couple of days due to time limitations, and if it doesn't sell will just be closed back up in the box and stored for awhile, so act if you're interested! Don't ever be shy to inquire or 'waste my time' as it were, as it's all just friendly business even if no sale happens, pictures or details will just be put into a folder so I can use them for reference for other potential buyers, so no harm

Edit: Also, I don't typically ship outside of the US due to the hassle and cost, so I am a US based seller, figured I should point that out
Halo Trilogy Pack (doesn't have the Halo map pack, outer box has some wear)
The Urbz
The Bouncer
Champions of Norath Return to Arms (this one has wear on the art)
Star Wars Bounty Hunter (gamecube)
Nier (Ps3)
Kingdom hearts (Ps3, New)
Final Fantasy IV (PSP)
Buzz! (PSP)
Splinter Cell 3D (New)
Cubic Ninja (New)
Sonic Chronicles
Rhythm Heaven (No manual)
Imagine Makeup Artist (Hot seller)
Rhythm N Notes
Okami, Fist of the North Star 1/2 Manuals
Left 4 Dead 2
Truth or Lies
Body and Brain Connections
Bomberman Land
Castlevania Judgement
Marble Mania
The Munchables
Dawn of Discovery
Worms a Space Odyssey (no manual I believe)
Sam and Max Season One
Carnival Games Mini Golf
Batman Brave and the Bold (no game, just the case/manual)
Help Wanted
Biohazard Battle (No manual)
Wipeout (this is a rarer variant, small jewel case black label version, so keep in mind)
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Battle
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (no manual)
Mario Golf
Ys Memories of Celceta
Tekken 3d Prime (cart)