All prices include shipping, I accept Paypal only, and I'm only shipping in the US, unless you want to pay the overseas shipping cost. All of these games are in pretty great condition unless other wise noted. Most of the manuals have never even been removed, discs are unscathed, and most of the promotional material is even still in here, hah.
Nintendo Gamecube:
-Soul Calibur 2 $10
-Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes $25
-Resident Evil 0 $12
-REmake (plastic on front is wrinkled, was like this when I bought it

-Mario Party 4 $15
-Viewtiful Joe $10
-Pikmin $20
-Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door $20
-Metroid Prime (Target edition) $12
-Metroid Prime 2 $15
-Legend of Zelda OoT/Master Quest$30
-Eternal Darkness $20
-Super Smash Bros.-$30
All of the NGC games are black label.