I would say mrgrgr but sure, it's nice to point out that 970/980 prices will be dropping ^_^
WTS 2x MSI GTX 980Ti Golden Edition - $300 each
EDIT: got damn
WTS EVGA 970 FTW+ w/5 year extended warranty. It's about 8 months old, never had any issues, never OC'd and comes with EVGA's best-in-da-biz warranty.
Card pics: http://imgur.com/a/prMUd
Card details: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487090 (5 stars for a good reason)
Comes with a nice looking backplate as well. I don't have the box anymore, so it would just be a sale for the card itself and the warranty transfer, well boxed and dusted-down, of course lol. PM respectable offers and we can make a deal.
I know the new cards were just announced, but that is a "too good to be true" price.
Qualtiy transaction sir!NA eShop: $50 for $42.50
I'll sell it to youWTB
Rocket League key for Steam for 5$.
I don't know if they're region locked, but I'm from EU.
WTB Fran Bow ~$1. PM me.
edit: Thanks to r3n4ud!
150 posts between WTS/WTB dude. Edit your existing post if it hasn't yet been 150. You've been around long enough to know the drill.
Fuuu I am shamed150 posts between WTS/WTB dude. Edit your existing post if it hasn't yet been 150. You've been around long enough to know the drill.