I don't get it. I disputed the purchase but You said you sent the PS3 with tracking info and all that. So I say send the info through PayPal if Neogafs system is messing up. Even say the same on PayPal to send me the info in the dispute. But you just refund me. And I receive the only other message on Neogaf is you confirming you sent the refund. Odd.
Final Fantasy XIV - 60 Days Time code (EU) - $20 paypal
Don't have time to commit playing anytime soon, so I'm selling this.
I can go first if you have reps.
No way to get this working with an NA account?
Considering your past history I wonder why....
Post a picture of them. Seems you sent 1 of the 4.
Add a picture of the WiiU while your at it and a how many you have to sell.
We meant 4 ps3s
Lying aint cool, prove it.
Hell, it's not even proof that you didn't get 3 friends to save you, but still, this is ridiculous in general, and that would go a long way.
I already mailed out 2 of 'em...
I already mailed out 2 of 'em...
By that logic, shouldn't you be able to have 2 of them pictured at least?
I only see 1, in a dirty backpack for some reason.
Do you guys want the PS3's or not? I still have time to cancel the shipments and refund the remaining payments.
Do you guys want the PS3's or not? I still have time to cancel the shipments and refund the remaining payments.
Do you guys want the PS3's or not? I still have time to cancel the shipments and refund the remaining payments.
Cheap unlocked phone, either Android or iOS (prefer android).
.Want to sell Humble keys:
Choice Chambers - $1
Nidhogg - $1
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball - $1
Skullgirls - $3
Spelunky - $3
PayPal F&F or buyer pays fees.
How can you cancel the shipments if they've already been mailed out?
You are only allowed to cancel prior to it actually being shipped out as you are able to void the label purchase.
If it's actually been given to the carrier, as you've noted earlier, there is no such option until it arrives to the actual sendee, at which point they will have the option to either accept the package, or refuse it and have it be returned to the sender.
You seem to be having a really hard time trying to make sense of something that is already nonsense.
Hey, just to let you know, he messaged me this morning that it's still available. So I hope you got your money back
Please read the new rules about images in the OP ^.^
Yes there is.
I've seen it happen plenty of times with USPS.
Muv Luv - http://store.steampowered.com/app/449830/
Want: 25$ (don't like price? Offer yours!), paypal friend/family. Can trade for some Vita games too.