My XB1 console from the Prime Day Deal of the Day still hasn't shipped. Talked to Amazon and they said it would be restocked and sent 7/25 (after previously being told it would be 7/22). The page said yesterday it was sold by some other party but fulfilled by Amazon. One CSR told me it would be 8/24 before they got more. Then the other one yesterday after that said this 7/25 shipment from the other seller, since it's fulfilled by Amazon, would be sent tom me.
Today I go on the page:
Now it says only available from third party sellers.
The Amazon guy I talked to last said he'd call Friday to follow up. He assured me they'd definitely fulfill the order since it was a Prime Day DOTD. But...I'm becoming increasingly skeptical.
Anyone have experience in this or other similar situations?
Yes we have a full thread of people who pre-ordered Zero Time Dilemma, got it 1-2 weeks late and the entire time Amazon was shipping same day copies for new orders. You just have to wait pretty much.
In my experience with Amazon I can tell you this, DO. NOT. CANCEL. Let it sit. I ordered something at one point they had for DOTD and they told me it was a pricing error afterwards, nope it was DOTD. I left the order while they told me "It's out of stock". I left it for 3 months and they finally sent it to me after a call every couple weeks.Gah.
My XB1 console from the Prime Day Deal of the Day still hasn't shipped. Talked to Amazon and they said it would be restocked and sent 7/25 (after previously being told it would be 7/22). The page said yesterday it was sold by some other party but fulfilled by Amazon. One CSR told me it would be 8/24 before they got more. Then the other one yesterday after that said this 7/25 shipment from the other seller, since it's fulfilled by Amazon, would be sent tom me.
Today I go on the page:
Now it says only available from third party sellers.
The Amazon guy I talked to last said he'd call Friday to follow up. He assured me they'd definitely fulfill the order since it was a Prime Day DOTD. But...I'm becoming increasingly skeptical.
Anyone have experience in this or other similar situations?
In my experience with Amazon I can tell you this, DO. NOT. CANCEL. Let it sit. I ordered something at one point they had for DOTD and they told me it was a pricing error afterwards, nope it was DOTD. I left the order while they told me "It's out of stock". I left it for 3 months and they finally sent it to me after a call every couple weeks.
I would say though, Amazon has been slipping pretty bad lately. I've had orders lost, they tried to cancel my Uncharted 4 preorder because I had to change the CC after it got stolen, items shipping late/not arriving on time, wrong items received. Honestly at this point everyone matches Amazon for the most part and Amazon charges sales tax in my state, so I just generally buy it locally. The only thing they're really good for anymore are these one off crazy deals. I never understand why people come to the defense of them like their brand is their friend. At one point they did have service that could differentiate themselves, but that's simply not the case anymore.
You're very welcome. I was a HUGE advocate of Amazon and I've been a member since the third year they existed and spend just shy of $15,000 a year until these past two years. They've slowly turned into Walmart, but ultimately they don't make that much off orders to begin with. The ONE thing they still have that's great is their return process, but even there I'll warn you be careful. Earlier this year I built 2 expensive PCs and got a 4K TV for a monitor. UPS was being extremely rough with my stuff, broke 3 items and damaged the TV. I even took a VIDEO of UPS delivering something by throwing it. I requested Amazon return and replace the items and I got an email from them warning me that my returns/refunds were excessive and they could terminate and BAN me from their site. I took it upon myself to pull EVERY order I had made in my 16 years on their site and my return % was 2%. I emailed them, got a generic response and was told "I'm flagged for 2016, but don't worry you won't be banned we just wanted to understand". Since then I decided I don't want to jeopardize my account and have just shopped locally. Morale of the story? Brands are not are friendsThat's very helpful to know. Thank you. I'm sorry to hear you've had similar frustrations with them before. One CSR was super rude with me yesterday and "hung up" on the chat which was kinda shocking to me. Generally I've had such good experiences with them in the past. I was genuinely thinking about just cancelling so it's good to know that's not the wisest course of action here.
Yes we have a full thread of people who pre-ordered Zero Time Dilemma, got it 1-2 weeks late and the entire time Amazon was shipping same day copies for new orders. You just have to wait pretty much.
You're very welcome. I was a HUGE advocate of Amazon and I've been a member since the third year they existed and spend just shy of $15,000 a year until these past two years. They've slowly turned into Walmart, but ultimately they don't make that much off orders to begin with. The ONE thing they still have that's great is their return process, but even there I'll warn you be careful. Earlier this year I built 2 expensive PCs and got a 4K TV for a monitor. UPS was being extremely rough with my stuff, broke 3 items and damaged the TV. I even took a VIDEO of UPS delivering something by throwing it. I requested Amazon return and replace the items and I got an email from them warning me that my returns/refunds were excessive and they could terminate and BAN me from their site. I took it upon myself to pull EVERY order I had made in my 16 years on their site and my return % was 2%. I emailed them, got a generic response and was told "I'm flagged for 2016, but don't worry you won't be banned we just wanted to understand". Since then I decided I don't want to jeopardize my account and have just shopped locally. Morale of the story? Brands are not are friends![]()
WTS Steam Keys for PayPal friends and family.
Skull girls and all characters and color pallettes $2
Civilization V (Base game, no DLC) $2
Shadowrun Dragonfall DIrector's Cut $1
Walking Dead Season 1 $1
NBA 2K16 $4
Mafia 2 Director's Cut $3
Forza Horizon 2 digital code $15
You're very welcome. I was a HUGE advocate of Amazon and I've been a member since the third year they existed and spend just shy of $15,000 a year until these past two years. They've slowly turned into Walmart, but ultimately they don't make that much off orders to begin with. The ONE thing they still have that's great is their return process, but even there I'll warn you be careful. Earlier this year I built 2 expensive PCs and got a 4K TV for a monitor. UPS was being extremely rough with my stuff, broke 3 items and damaged the TV. I even took a VIDEO of UPS delivering something by throwing it. I requested Amazon return and replace the items and I got an email from them warning me that my returns/refunds were excessive and they could terminate and BAN me from their site. I took it upon myself to pull EVERY order I had made in my 16 years on their site and my return % was 2%. I emailed them, got a generic response and was told "I'm flagged for 2016, but don't worry you won't be banned we just wanted to understand". Since then I decided I don't want to jeopardize my account and have just shopped locally. Morale of the story? Brands are not are friends![]()
Amazon saw you were a drain on their finances, and told you as such. Your loyalty meant squat.
I'm not going to get into a pissing match, but no you're completely wrong but I do appreciate the drive by judgement.
I spoke with a senior customer service manager and this is an automatic flag that is done in the system on a yearly basis and resets yearly. Essentially if you order $1500 and return 25% of that or $375 you are flagged automatically and receive an email. The actual threshold varies per customer based on ARPU etc (I'll assume you know what that means) and you'll probably never see one. Since I spent nearly $5,000 and had to return multiple big ticket items, boom.
But yeah, it's cool Amazon is totally your buddy. If you feel the need to get the last word you can PM me.
Back on topic: WTB
Hands of Fate (Is this game even good?)
I don't think the person you just quoted was judging you. I think he was making a cynical observation about how Amazon views its customers.
I seriously doubt he was taking Amazon's side and calling you a financial drain. At least, I hope not.
I got some World of Warships code with my motherboard purchase. I don't know what it is, nor do I want it, so help yourself to it (first come, first serve):
"Redemption instruction
To redeem this Code:
Go to and create a new account.
Select Your Game Name Top Right Corner
Select Activate Wargaming Code bottom of drop down
Follow Redeem Wargaming Code instructions
Roll OUT!"
If you've redeemed it, please quote this message and say you have so that others will know it's gone. Thanks.
[img][/img] [URL=""]2nd pic[/URL] [URL=""]3rd pic[/URL] [URL=""]4th pic[/URL]