Want To Sell:
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Juggernog Edition (NO GAME OR SEASON PASS) $200
Shipped OBO Must sell this guys!
Pictures on request!
WTS some Steam/Uplay keys
1993 Space Machine $1
Absolute Drift $2
Avalance 2: Super Avalanche $2
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls $2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel $5
Bulb Boy $1
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack $4
Cthulhu Realms $1
Deathtrap $3
Duke Nukem Forever $1
Fran Bow $2
Freedom Force $1
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich $1
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series $3
Jurassic Park: The Game $2
Life Is Strange: Episode 1 $1
Mafia II Director's Cut $3
Murdered: Soul Suspect $2
NBA 2K16 $4
Nova-111 $2
Planetary Annihilation TITANS $3
Poker Night at the Inventory $1
Poker Night 2 $1
Puzzle Agent $1
Puzzle Agent 2 $1
Railroad Tycoon 3 $$Free to a good home

Renowned Explorers: International Society $2
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse $2
Satellite Reign $4
ShadowGate $1
ShadowGate: MacVenture Series $1
Soul Axiom $3
Spec Ops: The Line $2
Snakebird $2
Steredenn $2
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1 $2
Switchcars $1
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified $2
The Darkness II $2
The Red Solstice $2
The Wolf Among Us $3
Wasted $2
Yosumin $1
Battleborn + Battleborn Starter Skin Pack + 230 Battleborn Platinum Currency $10
(Hope that's a fair price)
Affordable Space Adventures $2
Darksiders II $3
Freedom Planet $2
Runbow $2
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse $3
Swords & Soldiers II $0.50
Thanks everyone!