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Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

Not open for further replies.


Have : Dark Souls 360 (Digital/BC)-5$
Overwatch Origins Edition Goodies- 10$

Want: Paypal
Shadowrun 360 Digital Code(Not Sure If That Even Exists)


WTS: Includes shipping if in the US, international is extra, Paypal or Amazon, buyer covers any fees. Feel free to make offers.

ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red -PS3 --$13

I have a couple more DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems available, will also throw in a router as a bonus for Gaf
Ubee DDW3612 8x4 - $35
SMC SMCD3GN2 8x4 -$35
Motorola SURFboard SB6121 4x4 - $25



*100% Positive feedback rating with both NeoGAF and the Steam Trading community*
If its a key trade, and not a "Steam gift" trade, I may ask you to trade your key first.

Want to trade my USA-region Steam giftable games for Steam USA-region copies of:
Rocket League
Devil Daggers
Doom (2016)

I have the following games to offer toward a trade:
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition (SS:HD1&2 plus the original versions of 1&2 - 4 games total)
Defense Grid and DLC
Binding of Isaac (Original)
Two Tribes Pack (Edge, Rush, & Toki Tori)
The Ship (2 game pack)
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Bionic Commando (2009)
Super Hexagon
"Valve Complete" Steam Game collection (every Valve game made)

Also willing to trade for an Uncharted 4 PS4 code, Doom (2016) PS4 code, or Overwatch PC Standard edition.

PM me and Ill get back to you ASAP (may be a while due to my work schedule though.)



iPad Mini 4 Space Grey 64 GB

$420 shipped

Like new, bought it about 2-3 months ago. Comes with charger and a black ESR flip magnetic case.


I am looking for a Tritton Warhead for the XBOX 360. I am playing Destiny on the Xbox 360 since the community is different and unique versus those on the other consoles. I still play on the PS4 and Xbox One but it still surprises me that there is a hardcore Destiny community that still plays on the Xbox 360.

Is $50 plus shipping too little to ask for?



Got an unopened Oculus Rift CV1 w/ game codes.

$800 including shipping within the US

Please PM if interested
NeoGAF + Buyer and Seller

Digital Codes for Trade/Sale

Battleborn Digital Deluxe Copy (Game + Season Pass) PS4 $35

The Division Gold Edition (Game + Season Pass) PS4 $35

Want to Trade for (but not limited to)

Doom Digital Code PS4 or XB1

Ratchet and Clank Digital Code

Mortal Kombat XL Digital Code PS4

Physical Items for Sale

If no price is listed, make an offer, PM for more pics!

Metal Gear Solid 5 CE PS4 New - $85

Fizzie plush from Sunset Overdrive


Kirby 20th Anniversary Collection Wii - New

.Hack//Quarantine PS2 - New

Xenoblade Wii with Pre-order Artbook - New

Hyperdimension Neptunia Producing Perfection Vita - New

Ni No Kuni Wizard's Edition + CE Guide PS3 - New

NieR Replicant PS3 - Like New

The Idolm@ster 2 PS3 (Greatest Hits version) - Like New

Tales of Symphonia Collector's Edition PS3 - New

PS3 Games (Like-New unless noted)
Atelier Ayesha
Atelier Escha and Logy
Atelier Rorona (original)
Atelier Totori (Limited Edition)
Atelier Meruru (New with Artbook)
Valkyria Chronicles
Soul Calibur V
Star Ocean The Last Hope International
Heavy Rain Directors Cut (sealed)

PS3 Imports
Initial D Arcade Stage
Samurai Warriors 3 Empires (New)

360 Games (Like new)
Warriors Orochi 2
Eternal Sonata
Divinity 2 Dragon Knight Saga
Dragon's Dogma

Dreamcast Games (Like New)
Soul Calibur
Rival Schools - Project Justice
Garou Mark of the Wolves

Vita Games
Virtue's Last Reward (Sealed)

GBA (Like New)
Castlevania Circle of the Moon
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Amiibo - Captian Falcon, Dedede, Diddy Kong, Ike, Little Mac, Lucina, Marth, Pit, Robin, Rosalina, Sheik, Toad

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward Watches: Yellow and Red, Brand new, only opened to confirm color and that it worked properly.

Want to Buy

Bloodborne The Old Hunters Code - 15

Feel free to send me any other offers via PM
Looking to sell off a few items. All prices include shipping. PayPal ONLY. Send as FF/ Gift. Due to shipping cost US only

Majoras Mask 3D, 3DS, Used- $30 (Small indent on the top left corner of the mask in the logo. Picture was hard to get a shot of and does not show up that good.

Would also trade for one of the following, Super Smash Bros. 3DS complete, or Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam complete. Game & Wario (Wii U) complete, Kirby (Wii U) complete

A few Digital movie codes. (if the code does not work PM me and I can refund your money) $8 for all 3

-Lords of Salem
-Breaking Bad 5th Season
-Breaking Bad Final Season


Could you leave only 5 with the IMG tags and the rest as links? So you can meet the other rule about images.

Each image size is around 10kb and 160px. The combined total of the images in my post is less than the first two listings on that very same page, and of others on this page.

If I combine them all as one (or several), even though the image(s) will then be much larger in total dimensions and filesize, then that would be okay?

As a strictly mobile user with limited bandwidth, I understand the purpose of this new rule. However, it doesn't make sense if it is applied senselessly, especially when the poster is actually being considerate of the original reason that the rule was implemented.
WTS: Uncharted 4

Want: 40$ via Paypal

Shipping from North NJ

Have one positive rep in feedback and one from hardware swap on Reddit.


edit: includes shipping :)


US PayPal. Trade or Offers, don't be afraid :).


These codes come from my wife's PC purchase:

  • Counter Strike Global Offensive: $10 OBO / Trade

World of Tanks Promo New Accounts:

2 Codes for: 5$ per code
500 in-game gold
30 Days of Premium

3 Codes for: 3$ per code
5 days of Premium
Tank Garage Slot

Now these are from Humble Bundle Monthly:

  • Rocket League - $10
  • Nova-111 - $2
  • Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche - $2
  • JumpJet Rex $2

Steam Gift Inventory:

  • How To Survive - Storm Warning Edition - OBO / Trade

  • I also have an extra 5,000 YEN JPN PSN GIFT CARD for sale (I can buy them locally)! $55


sparkle this bitch
Free shipping to US and Canada. Paypal only(Cover the fees ^_^)

Twilight Princess - 43$
Tales of Symphonia(Complete) - 15$

Knights of the Old Republic(Complete) - 10$

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance(Cart) - 8$

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Limited Edition(New) - 26$

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow - 20$(Complete)
Pokemon Black(New) - 40$
Clubhouse Games(Complete) - 7$
Dragon Quest V(New and Used copies) - 50$ New
Etrian Odyssey II(Complete) - 16$

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness(Complete) - 8$
Persona 3 Portable(Complete) - 19$
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology(Complete) - 10$
Phantasy Star Portable 2(Complete) - 38$
Ys Oath In Felghana LE(New) - 55$
Trails in the Sky LE(New) - 100$
Persona PSP LE(New) - 45$
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth(New) - 15$
Tactics Orge(Complete) - 12$
Persona Innocent Sin LE(Complete) - 45$

PC (All PC Games but Mists for 60$ shipped)

Devil May Cry 4(Complete) - 4$
Obvilion GOTY(complete) - 4$
Knights of the Old Republic II(Complete) - 8$
Silent Hill 2(Complete) - 30$
Mists of Padaneria LE - 80$
Vampire Bloodlines (Game and Manual) - 15$
Arcanum(Game and Manual) - 4$
No One Lives Forever Guide - 3$
Fallout Collection(Complete) - 4$
Kohan(Game and Manual) - 5$
Alice(Game and Manual) - 10$
Witcher(Complete) - 4$

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 20$
Children of Eden(Complete) - 5$
Espgalduda II Black Label(Complete) - 30$
Deathsmiles Limited Edition(Complete) - 17$
Metal Gear Rising(Complete) - 5$
Devil May Cry 4 LE - 12$
Culdcept Saga - 15$

Xenoblade Chronicles - 50$

Mars Matrix(Complete) - 60$

Odin Sphere(Complete) - 10$
Silent Hill 2GH(Complete) - 20$
Grand Theft Auto VC(Complete) - 5$
Tales of the Abyss(Complete) - 18$
Dragon Quest 8(Complete) - 15$
Xenosaga III(Complete) - 53$
Devil Summoner LE(New) - 60$
Berserk Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō(Complete) - 20$.
Shadow Hearts Covenant(Complete) 25$
VP2(Complete) 10$
Gradius 5(Disc Only) - 22$

Earth Defense Force 2025(Complete) - 8$
Tales of Graces F - 20$
Zone of the Enders Special Edition 30$
Tales of Xillia SE - 80$
Tales of Symphonia SE(New) - 115$

Gameboy Pocket Limited Edition - 50$
Street Fighter 360 Controller(Fightpad)(Chun Li) - 35$
Pokemon Walker - 5$

Azumanga Daioh Complete Thin Pack - 35$
Shiki Part 1 BluRay LE - 35$(New)
Shiki Part 2 BluRay LE - 30$

TV Shows
Chuck Season 1 & 2, 10$
Spartacus God of the Arena BluRay - 9$
FireFly DVD - 4$
Sox World Series 2005 LE New - 20$

Movies. All BluRay BluRays I have priced for 5$ or under. I'll do 50 shipped for every single one.
Life of Pi - 5$(R)
Avengers - 5$(R)
Arrietty(New) - 20$
Beauty and the Beast(Diamond) - 50$
The Lone Ranger - 5$(R)
CaddyShack(New) - 5$
Supercop(new) - 5$
Man of Steel - 5$
Love Actually - 5$
The Dark Knight Rises - 5$(R)
Django Unchained - 5$(R)
Alien - 5$
Nausicaa(New) - 16$
Up - 20$
Worlds End - 5$(R)
This is the End - 5$(R)
Batman Collection(Batman, Returns, Forever, Robin) - 5$
Silver Linings Playbook - 5$(R)
Total Recall(The Good one) New - 5$
Lion King Diamond Edition 3D - 55$

Below are all digital codes. Sell the entire lot for 50$


Sacred 3 Gold -
Risen 2 Dark Waters Gold Edition -
Saints Row 2 -
Dead Island GOTY -
Dead Island Riptide CE -
Saints Row 3 Full Package -
Dragon Age Origins -
Bejeweled 3 -
Mass Effect 2 -
Samorost 2 -
Samorost 2 -
Cortex Command -
Wizorb, Bit Trip Runner, Gratuitous Space Battles, Jamestown -
Trine 2 Complete Story -
Mark of the Ninja -
Eets Munchies -
Fez -
Rocketbirds:Hardboiled Chicken -
Virus Named Tom -
Limbo -
Bastion -
Toki Tori 2+ -
Surgeon Simulator 2013 -
Bit Trip Presents.... Runner2 -
Papo & Yo -
Joe Danger 2:The Movie -
To The Moon -
Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes -
Mercenary Kings -
The Stanley Parable -
The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing II -
Screencheat -
Freedom Planet -
Coin Crypt -
Oceanhorn:Monster of Uncharted Seas -
Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown -
Warmachine Tactics -
Warmachine Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle -
Shadowrun Returns -
Transocean:The Shipping Company -
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! -
Magicka 2 -
Burnout Paradise:The Ultimate Box -
Red Alert 3 Uprising -
Dead Space -
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box -
Crysis 2 Max Edition -
Medal of Honor -
Mirror's Edge -
Red Alert 3 Uprising -
Dreamcast Collection -
Nights Into Dreams -
Sonic All Star Racing -
Total War Rome II - Caesar in Gaul -
Empire Total War -
Company of Heroes 2 Western Fron Armies:OW -
Sonic Generations -
Company of Heroes Complete Collection, Warhammer 40,000 Master Collection, Medieval II Total War Collection, Sega/Megadrive Strategy Pack -
Hitman Absolution -
Supreme Commander 2 -
Deus Ex:Human Revolution:DC -
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -
Startopia -
Red Faction:Armgeddon Path To War -
Titan Quest -
Warhammer 40,000 -
Batman AA GOTY -
FEAR 2 -
FEAR 3 -
LOTR War in the North -
Scribblenauts Unlimited -
Batman AC GOTY -
Guardians of Middle-Earth -
Mortal Kombat Kollection -
DLC for Guards of Middle Earth, Gotham City, Batman AO, LOTRO
Scribblenauts Unlimited -
Batman AC GOTY -
Mortal Kombat Kollection -
DLC for Guards of Middle Earth, Gotham City, Batman AO, LOTRO
Alan Wake Collector's Edition
Alan Wake American Nightmare
Neighbours from Hell Compilation
Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander:Forged Alliance, The Guild 2, Red Faction Armageddon
Telltale Games Steam

Dead Space
Burnout Paradise:The Ultimate Box(2x)
Crysis 2 Maximun Edition(2x)
Medal of Honor(2x)
Mirror's Edge(2x)
Red Alert 3: Uprising(2x)
Dead Space 3
The Sims 3
The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff
The Sims 3 Late Night
The Sims 3 Date Night
Battlefield 3


Want to Trade
This may be a long shot but I have a spare US Wii U Darksiders II code from the recent Humble Nintendo bundle. My oldest daughter apparently would really like copies of US 3DS Retro City Rampage DX and US 3DS Shantae and the Pirate's Curse like her brother got. PM me here to discuss if interested in doing some code swappin'.


SOLD PC Overwatch Origins Edition $41.
Ended up being cheaper at BestBuy and forgot I had an Amazon preorder so I'm trying to sell it at how much I paid. I'll send digital codes, but not the box unless we can figure out a way to ship it cheap


Each image size is around 10kb and 160px. The combined total of the images in my post is less than the first two listings on that very same page, and of others on this page.

If I combine them all as one (or several), even though the image(s) will then be much larger in total dimensions and filesize, then that would be okay?

As a strictly mobile user with limited bandwidth, I understand the purpose of this new rule. However, it doesn't make sense if it is applied senselessly, especially when the poster is actually being considerate of the original reason that the rule was implemented.

I know. But the problem is: If you get a pass, what about the others that did remove the IMG tags and posted them as links instead? You aren't the only one with a big listing.

Do a collage if you have to. As long as the resolution is met, the file size is fine. But leaving more than 5 images, even really small ones, would not be fair to the others that removed theirs. Sorry.


Rocket League Humble/Steam gift

Looking for either:
€5 PayPal (fees paid)
a Steam gift of Adventure Time: Magic Man's Head Games which is €4.99, but it will save you the PayPal fees.
WTS Steam Keys:

JumpJet Rex $2
Fran Bow $2
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty $2
1993 Space Machine $2

Age of Empires II: HD Edition - $10
2 X Bioshock - $5

Paypal gift please. PM me and I'll respond ASAP. Prices are not firm.
Plus Seller.

All prices are flexible. Discounts given if you buy multiple.

Some keys are uPlay or Origin, but most are Steam.

Mew and Darkrai codes: $2 each
Hyrule Warriors New Characters DLC: $10

Tier 1: $1 or less each
Affordable Space Adventures Wii U
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Dragon Age Origins
Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate
Ghost Recon (uPlay)
Grow Home
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Wii U
Hitman 2 Silent
Hitman Absolution
Hitman Codename 47
Incredible Van Helsing Complete
Life is Strange Episode 1
Mighty Switch Force 3DS
Mini Ninjas
Quantum Conundrum
Rainbow Six (uPlay)
Rainbow Six 3 Gold (uPlay)
Rayman Origins (uPlay)
RE Revelations 2 Episode 1
Retro City Rampage DX
RPG Maker Adventurer's Journey DLC
RPG Maker Royal Tileset
RPG Maker Tyler Warren's First 50
RPG Maker VX Ace
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Wii U
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (uPlay)
Star Wars Dark Forces
Star Wars Jedi Academy
Star Wars KOTOR
Star Wars Rebellion
Supreme Commander 2
Sweet Lily Dreams
The Last Remnant
Thief Gold
Tomb Raider I
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Woah Dave! 3DS
X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Balance of Power

Tier 2: $2 or less each
Citizens of Earth Wii U
Dragon Age: Origins, Peggle, Dead Space 2, Command & Conquer Generals + Zero Hour, and Medal of Honor Allied Assault War Chest (Origin)
Freedom Planet Wii U
Gunman Clive 3DS
Lara Croft Guardian of Light
Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel
Moon Chronicles Episode 1 3DS
Nano Assault EX - Nintendo 3DS
OlliOlli 3DS
OlliOlli Wii U
Overlord, Overlord: Raising Hell, Rise of the Argonauts, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Retro City Rampage: Nintendo 3DS Theme
Runbow Wii U
Sportsball Wii U
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Dark Forces II
Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Star Wars KOTOR II
Star Wars Republic Commando
Star Wars Starfighter
Swords & Soldiers II Wii U
The Fall Wii U

Tier 3: $4 or less each
BIT.TRIP Runner 2 Wii U
DmC Devil May Cry
Kane & Lynch Collection
RE Revelations
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure - Nintendo 3DS
Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third

Tier 3: $6 or less each
Darksiders II Wii U
Sleeping Dogs Definitive
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Stealth Inc 2 Wii U
SteamWorld Dig Wii U
Super Street Fighter IV 3DS

If trading, looking for the following Steam keys:
Rocket League
Mad Max
Tales From the Borderlands
Wolfenstein The New Order



BenQ RL2455HM 24 inch LED Monitor. I bought it last year but it's in mint condiition and has been used maybe a total of a week. The rest of the time it's been sitting in a closet collecting dust.

Asking $135 shipped.
Classic RPG compilation packs. Offers are welcome.

Blood Omen: Legacy Of Kain - Very Good & Very Rare - £30


Dungeons & Dragons Goldbox Collector's Edition - Good - £44.99


Ultimate Fantasy Pack - Very Good - £20


Dungeons & Dragons Masterpiece Collection - Very Good - £34.99


Darklands 5.5 Rare Version - Very Good - £47.99


Dreamfall Limited Edition - Very Good - 14.99



For Sale: Pokemon New 3ds edition Console with listed games.
Also comes with both faceplate sets and all included codes unused. Comes with box and box has 1 by 2 inch puncture when I bought it but with it being so rare I took it anyway. Console and accessories with it are in like new condition. Played maybe 3 hours since release date.

The unit has installed:
Monster Hunter 3
Cave Story
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario Golf
SteamWorld Dig
Gunman Clive
Zelda Four Swords Anniversary Edition
Ghost Recon Shadow Warriors
Rustys Real Deal Baseball
Olli Olli
Mighty Switch force 1
Mighty Switch force 2
Shovel Knight
Resident Evil Revelations
Street Fighter 4

All Installed on a 32gb microsd card included. No Included charger

Looking for $320 shipped in the US.
I take Square cash online payments or amazon gift cards emailed
Tons of feedback on here.
PM if interested


forgot to cancel my dang humble monthly subscription, sooo -

Rocket league Steam key - $5 paypal gift or $5.50 regular
(International shipping available as long as USPS/UPS ship to the country. Shipping fess may increase.)

Everything below is full price shipped (U.S)

Gamecube with two controllers and all cables $65*

Memory Card $6.50*


Gameboy Player with Activation disc $60*


Get whole Gamecube bundle (Console, Memory Card, Controllers, Gameboy Player) $120* ($70* without Gameboy player)


Last Issue of Nintendo Power, SEALED IN NEW CONDITION PM me for price.


*Prices are not final, PM me if interested


WTS for PayPal or Amazon

Fran bow $1 steam key
Odd world new n tasty $1 steam key

Darksiders 2 $2 Wii u key
Swords and soldiers 2 $1 Wii u key
Hi guys.

I found a seller for my iPhone through Craigslist and I just wanted to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid during the transaction.

I told him we will met at a Starbucks across the street from a mall today at around 7:30

Now when I am at Starbucks I will make sure to sit with my back to the exit door so he can't run away with my product.

Do I have to worry about counterfeit bills?

I"m meeting him at 7, so after the deal should I wait a bit so I don't worry about getting jumped..

These are the only precautions I can think of.



Hi guys.

I found a seller for my iPhone through Craigslist and I just wanted to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid during the transaction.

I told him we will met at a Starbucks across the street from a mall today at around 7:30

Now when I am at Starbucks I will make sure to sit with my back to the exit door so he can't run away with my product.

Do I have to worry about counterfeit bills?

I"m meeting him at 7, so after the deal should I wait a bit so I don't worry about getting jumped..

These are the only precautions I can think of.


Seems like you're prepared to me.

I know in my area, there is a dedicated area at the police station to sell stuff on Craigslist. Maybe check if there is something like that near you.




Any retro video games and systems in general!

I want to buy large lots, or small lots, your entire collection, your friend's collection, or whatever! Boxes, manuals, guides, loose cartridges, systems, handhelds, etc. And yes I consider Dreamcast/PS1/PS2/Gamecube as retro.

Send me a private message and let's make a deal

I am also willing to meet in person for very large collections if shipping is too much. I live in the midwest (Illinois) and in general I'm willing to drive pretty far.

First year issues of retro magazines and guides. EGM, Nintendo Power, etc.

Retro store signage. Stuff like this:

Paypal or Cash in person.
What kind of person is the buyer? Does he/she seem like the type that can afford to buy a used one with cash? If you have enough of their personal info, look them up on FB/LinkedIn to see if they're legitimate.

For large transactions I like to meet close to a bank so I can quickly deposit the money (less risk of being jumped afterwards). But a well-lit public place is also good.

Bring a friend with you. If you don't have one, pretend you have one nearby (wave/gesture at a stranger in line).

Remember that the buyer, if he/she's legitimate, will be just as wary. They'll be carrying a lot of cash on them, and could be buying a stolen/fake product with an IMEI that will get blacklisted with no recourse.
Seems like you're prepared to me.

I know in my area, there is a dedicated area at the police station to sell stuff on Craigslist. Maybe check if there is something like that near you.


What kind of person is the buyer? Does he/she seem like the type that can afford to buy a used one with cash? If you have enough of their personal info, look them up on FB/LinkedIn to see if they're legitimate.

For large transactions I like to meet close to a bank so I can quickly deposit the money (less risk of being jumped afterwards). But a well-lit public place is also good.

Bring a friend with you. If you don't have one, pretend you have one nearby (wave/gesture at a stranger in line).

Remember that the buyer, if he/she's legitimate, will be just as wary. They'll be carrying a lot of cash on them, and could be buying a stolen/fake product with an IMEI that will get blacklisted with no recourse.

Thanks for this advice, I will see if I can look them up via facebook.



Wasteland 2: Director's Cut - Classic Edition - SOLD
Nuclear Throne - SOLD
This War of Mine
Mad Max - SOLD
Rocket League - SOLD
South Park: The Stick of Truth

from Humble Bundle. $5 each. Paypal F&F.



PayPal Friends & Family

Just Cause 3 Steam Key $15

$20 PSN Credit $18 | $50 PSN Credit $43 | $100 PSN Credit $85
$20 Steam Wallet $18 | $50 Steam Wallet $44

1 Year PS+ Membership Code $40

$50 eShop Credit $43
No shipping included. US only.
Want Paypal gift/fees paid and/or US PSN credit.
Feel free to message me with any questions or offers. Thanks.

Darkstalkers 3(no original case or booklet) $10

Metal Gear Solid Saga Vol. 2 $5
Shadow Hearts: Covenant(No original case or booklet) $20
Evil Dead: Regeneration(No original case or booklet) $5
Parappa The Rapper 2(No original case or booklet) $5

Uncharted 1-3 $10 or $5 each
Killzone 2 $5
Watchmen: The End is Nigh: Complete Experience(game and bluray) $10

GameCube controller(blue) $15
GameCube memory card $5

Gameboy Advance
Kingdom Hearts: CoM(cartridge only) $5

Strategy guides
Breath Of Fire 4 strategy guide $10
FFX/X-2 strategy guide $30
Final Fantasy 13 strategy guide $5
Final Fantasy 7 strategy guide $10
Metal Gear Solid 2 strategy guide $5
Mass Effect 2 strategy guide $5
Kingdom Hearts BBS strategy guide $5

Nintendo wi-fi USB connector $5
Nintendo DS Rumble Pak $5
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass lunchbox with DS case and stickers inside $10
Code Of Princess Collector’s Edition box and soundtrack CD(no game) $10
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 limited edition box with collectible pin(no game) $10
Fallout 3 PS3 Collector's Edition(no game included) $30
Beyond: Two Souls steelbook case(no game or dlc) $5
Dead Space 2 PS3 Collector’s Edition(Everything except game or dlc) $20
Bioshock Infinite PS3 Premium Edition(no game or dlc) $20
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection box and book(no game or case) $20
The Dark Knight Joker Headknocker bobblehead(new) $40
Max Media Dock(DS Lite media player) $5
3DS black universal folio case(new) $10
NDS Game Keeper steel case $10

Blurays - $5 each unless noted
Clockwork Orange
Jackie Brown
Full Metal Jacket
Reservoir Dogs
Django Unchained
Planet Terror
Alien anthology $15
Tim Burton Collection - Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1985) Beetlejuice (1988) Batman (1989) Batman Returns (1992) Mars Attacks! (1996) Corpse Bride (2005) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) $20
007 Daniel Craig Collection $15
Departed/Goodfellas/Aviator Collection $15
Edward Scissorhands
Hellboy 2
This Is The End
Pineapple Express
Funny People
This is 40
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Ghost In The Shell 2.0
Walk Hard
Talladega Nights
Sleepy Hollow
There Will be Blood
Big Fish
Escape From New York
Sin City: Two-Disc Theatrical & Recut, Extended, and Unrated Versions
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
Blade Runner Collector’s Edition
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Shawshank Redemption
Lord Of The Rings extended trilogy $40
The Professional
Terminator 2
The Green Mile/Forrest Gump collection
Sweeney Todd
30 Minutes Or Less
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Austin Powers trilogy
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Rambo First Blood part 2
The Road Warrior
First Blood
Blair Witch Project
Sixth Sense
Dog Day Afternoon
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
District 9
Horrible Bosses
Step Brothers
Big Trouble In Little China
Iron Man 2
Gangs Of New York
Interview With a Vampire
Louie season 1
Louie season 2
Kick Ass
American History X/A History of Violence/True Romance Collection $15
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Simpsons Movie

South Park seasons 1-12 $45
Eastbound & Down season 1 $5
Futurama volume 1-6 $30
Futurama Green Yonder $5
Aeon Flux collection $10
Flight Of The Conchords complete series $15
Tim & Eric season 1 $5
Daria Complete series $15
Samurai Pizza Cats collection reissue $25

Want To Trade
Overwatch PS4(digital preferred)
If you have either of these things and want to trade for some of my stuff, send me a message.
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