Patrick Bateman
No_Style said:Video of Arcade Mode is up. I can see this being addictive.
Wait, is this the real mode? With pixel-menu and everything?
No_Style said:Video of Arcade Mode is up. I can see this being addictive.
The IW crew have been playing their retail 360/PS3 copies ever since the boxes arrived at the studio from the factories (Thursday). I mean, like, nonstop. It's epic. =)Vyse The Legend said:Man, people are leveling up fast. I saw a few 30s already.
Rayme said:The IW crew have been playing their retail 360/PS3 copies ever since the boxes arrived at the studio from the factories (Thursday). I mean, like, nonstop. It's epic. =)
Defuser said:For overall of the PS3 version is that:
Great graphics although there some bad textures here and there but overall is great.
Smooth framerate.
Online Multiplayer is great.
ElyrionX said:Also, for those of you who are already playing it, does anyone notice a bug with the grenade launcher not functioning correctly? There are plenty of times where I fire it off and it hits the wall and it doesn't explode. All I see is green trail of smoke. Is it just me or is it a bug?
painey said:i want this game for absolutely nothing except for single player mode.
acabado said:Any information about dedicated servers? At least on PS3?
Quellex said:PC Gamer UK gives the game a 85%
Gamerstar (German PC Game Mag) give it a 91%
jobber said:Gamestop automated call thing told me Gamestop would have it tomorrow (Early evening)
When I preordered today they told me Wednesday by the latest, probably Tuesday. >.<jobber said:Gamestop automated call thing told me Gamestop would have it tomorrow (Early evening)
jobber said:Gamestop automated call thing told me Gamestop would have it tomorrow (Early evening)
Vyse The Legend said:A word of caution to people who are picking this up this week: When you first start out on MP, you will die a lot. Don't be discouraged. Just stick with it, until you get decent gear.
Goreomedy said:The default weapons are more than decent, you'll find, when you go back to max out the objectives for those weapons and have become comfortable with basic controls and map layout.
spermatic cord said:Anyone know if there are any nighttime multiplayer maps?
vumpler said:Confirmed: At EB stores in the greater St. Louis area and greater Nashville, TN area Call of Duty 4 will be there "after 12pm" tomorrow (Monday November 5th.)
I know managers in both places and they will be selling it then tomorrow.
Not sure if this is for all eb games stores but its the ones I can positively confirm. If you're in those areas and interested get ready@!
Somnia said:The gamestop I work at is getting it around 7PM CST for xbox360/ps3 tomorrow...without real numbers lets put it this way were getting 72 more copies for 360 than ps3...poor ps3 =(
h3ro said:I'm curious to see the sales numbers for this game and the breakdown b/w the PS3 and 360 since I'm guessing most 360 owners are still knee-deep in teh Haloz and besides Ratchet thats already out, there isn't much besides that on PS3 right now (until Uncharted anyway)...
h3ro said:I'm curious to see the sales numbers for this game and the breakdown b/w the PS3 and 360 since I'm guessing most 360 owners are still knee-deep in teh Haloz and besides Ratchet thats already out, there isn't much besides that on PS3 right now (until Uncharted anyway)...
quality re-confirmedQuellex said:PC Gamer UK gives the game a 85%
Gamerstar (German PC Game Mag) give it a 91%
There's no reason for there not being. It's P2P right (and as far as I know, only MotorStorm has region locked (dedicated) servers for any PS3 game).spwolf said:do we know if it will be world play on PS3? I am getting it from USA, just making sure it wont match me only to US servers.
Grecco said:Hell why not mention teh orange box too lawls
This game is going to sell very well on the 360. The Beta did wonders for this