Mother of God.
Somnia said:So I get my game tomorrow...its all paid off..but I cant experience the best looking next-gen FPS cause of 3 little red lights...ah microsoft how I love thee
Jtyettis said:This being released at Gamestop on Tuesday or tomorrow? When I reserved it the other day the guy said they were getting it a day earlier than everyone for release, is that supposed to be Tuesday?
Vyse The Legend said:Just played a bunch of games with Rayme and TSUEnami from IW. Good guys. I can't wait for more people to get the game, though. I want to play objective-based games.
Vyse The Legend said:Just played a bunch of games with Rayme and TSUEnami from IW. Good guys. I can't wait for more people to get the game, though. I want to play objective-based games.
FFChris said:That sucks. Try and get a straight swap from the shop you bought your 360 from.
h3ro said:whoa....
Insane Metal said:Some more, people. Sit down now, or you may fall on your knees O_O
gray_fox224 said:are you on a LCD or Plasma Sammy?
Insane Metal said:Yeah, the dude that took the screens ( has a 1080p sammy. Don´t know which model it is.
Big-E said:Can't wait for next week but god damn why do games have to come during paper writing season?
Was really cool running into you two. Holy crap was I dying a lot; but had a lot of fun. And I hear you on wanting to play the Objective modes; we played some S&D/Domination/HQ until 6am this morning... as good a time as I have with straight-up TDM (and I do!), I *heart* the Objective types so, so bad.Vyse The Legend said:Just played a bunch of games with Rayme and TSUEnami from IW. Good guys. I can't wait for more people to get the game, though. I want to play objective-based games.
spwolf said:do we know if it will be world play on PS3? I am getting it from USA, just making sure it wont match me only to US servers.
Yup; you'll be fighting with people the world-over.Remy said:One of the guys in a game I played today was British, and was asking if anyone else was British, so...
Rayme said:Yup; you'll be fighting with people the world-over.
Matchmaking is much-improved over the Beta, though, so you won't get matched up with bad hosts nearly so easy as could happen a few months ago.
Mr.Potato Head said:well i got my copy tonight.. im lost for words with the overall atmosphere this gem of a game gives, brilliant job IW.
That back seat in the car cutscene is remarkable and it will be remembered by me as one of the best kick off beginging of a game sequences ever crafted..realy sets the tone of this game, simply amazing.
The gameplay.. lost for words, GAME OF THE YEAR HERE, Crysis, your damn pretty and pretty fun, atleast with the demo but i think COD4 gotcha![]()
adelante said:I still can't believe how GORGEOUS this game looks, after having played it past two days. TONS of enemies onscreen, vast open areas, objects n people that casts soft self-shadows, and those awesome DEPTH OF FIELD effects!!!!! (love how the grass blurs away as you crawl past it, strangely enough that effect only happens in the first sniper mission :/ ) And IW as managed to pull all that off at 60 FPS NO FREAKIN LESS!!!! :O
pxleyes said:Well, I'm going to get the 360 version. Will look great on my HDTV, and I'm getting it at Circuit City so I get a free CoD3 to...use a coaster or something.
MercuryLS said:Also, this isn't real-time is it?
It's gotta be pre-recorded CG right?
adelante said:I still can't believe how GORGEOUS this game looks, after having played it past two days. TONS of enemies onscreen, vast open areas, objects n people that casts soft self-shadows, and those awesome DEPTH OF FIELD effects!!!!! (love how the grass blurs away as you crawl past it, strangely enough that effect only happens in the first sniper mission :/ ) And IW as managed to pull all that off at 60 FPS NO FREAKIN LESS!!!! :O
wowfactor said:just put side by side:
The soldier models are a little bit different.[/QUOTE]
wowfactor said:just put side by side:
The soldier models are a little bit different.
wowfactor said:just put side by side:
The soldier models are a little bit different.
Vyse The Legend said:You haven't seen anything yet. Some of the environments look even better.
wowfactor said:just put side by side:
The soldier models are a little bit different.
Remy said::lol
That's in-engine, friend. And interactive.
people are gullible enough to buy that?jjasper said:Or sell it on ebay to make back some of the cost.