1600 would be insane.
Can't wait till I hit Commander. (Level 55)
Doublexp weekend has helped a lot.
Can't wait till I hit Commander. (Level 55)
Doublexp weekend has helped a lot.
Mmm, I had a look throught it just now.PedroLumpy said:It's probably to small for FFA too. Not sure exactly, but Showdown is too small for shipment, I doubt Killhouse can handle it. There's always cage match though.
Victrix said:Random thoughts, after a few evenings of extended play.
One quirk the new maps are exposing, due to their larger size, is even more issues with the spawn system. I've already ranted about the idiocy of HQ location spawns before, but in terms of just *normal* spawns, they're kind of broken on the bigger maps.
Notably, at the START of a match on Broadcast, I spawned staring an enemy in the face across a room.
On Creek, I've spawned being stared at down a gun barrel several times. The larger, open spaces cause this to happen every now and then. It isn't often enough to really piss me off, but it's definitely not great when it happens :/ It's cool watching a killcam where the guy is staring at your location and 'pop!' a target appears!
As for other effects, the ACOG is considerably more useful on both Broadcast and Creek. Most of the mid and smaller size maps from the normal set just don't have good lines of sight for the ACOG - your targets are usually too close, or at a medium distance where a red dot or irons would be just as good, and you suffer from the loss of periphreal vision and the slow scope time.
Good snipers on Creek are hell, bad snipers on Creek are just annoying. Especially annoying is the tendency for the round to start, and you're staring at a row of ghillie asses. This is moderated if you're playing with friends, but god it must suck to pub it up with two teams of 4+ snipers every round. With no one clearing and flanking, it turns into godawful sniper warfare.
Anyway, generally fun otherwise, though I'm annoyed that killhouse doesn't seem to be in the playlists (it says team tactical and cage match, but I thought the new maps weren't integrated into the old lists yet?)
Has anyone seen IW mention how they're going to go about adding the new maps to the playlists?
Huh? Patch for what reason?U K Narayan said:Have they patched this game at all? Is anything like that planned?
I'm just curious. I've only played the beta of this.raYne said:Huh? Patch for what reason?
I've heard someone say that Juggernaut has less health and Last Stand last longer, among other things, but I can't confirm it.U K Narayan said:I'm just curious. I've only played the beta of this.
You and I played in it, before. I remember. It was grand.
Well, I suppose you could mention differences between the beta and the final version. But I'm really just wondering if Infinity Ward mentioned patching this game at all.USD said:I've heard someone say that Juggernaut has less health and Last Stand last longer, among other things, but I can't confirm it.
Nope. I was just expecting a general statement. (IE: Yes or no.raYne said:That's why I'm asking if you mean something specific?
Nope, it's the placebo effect. There are times where it'll seem like it, but times where it's obvious that it didn't do a thing.womp said:I read mention of a helicopter coupled with an active UAV in unison with each other wields more copter kills...Any truth in this?
I makes sense but I wonder if it is something actually in the game or not.
Oh, well.. yes.U K Narayan said:Nope. I was just expecting a general statement. (IE: Yes or no.)
raYne said:-Host migration.
If host leaves mid-game, everyone will be sent back to the lobby and a new host is selected. It used to be that if the host quits, everyone gets kicked from the lobby.pj325is said:
USD said:If host leaves mid-game, everyone will be sent back to the lobby and a new host is selected. It used to be that if the host quits, everyone gets kicked from the lobby.
pj325is said:Oh, I thought you meant REAL host migration, like socom
Andokuky said:Fixed for accuracy. Halo's stop the game, black screen for 15 seconds then randomly throw people back in the game isn't perfect either. Amazing that an old PS2 game has the best host migration features.
Andokuky said:Fixed for accuracy. Halo's stop the game, black screen for 15 seconds then randomly throw people back in the game isn't perfect either. Amazing that an old PS2 game has the best host migration features.
pj325is said:If it could be done well on ps2, it should be a requirement for all current gen games. Nothing's a greater buzz kill than "host has ended the game" in cod4. It's also bad because whenever I'm the host, I feel obligated to not quit, even if I want to stop playing.
PjotrStroganov said:I think this is made easier by dedicated servers.
Regardless, the option would always be nice to have.pj325is said:I don't think widespread dedicated servers will ever happen on consoles. At least not on xbl. There would be practically no need for host migration if there were dedicated servers, because the host only quits when he shuts the server down or the power goes out or something.
pj325is said:I don't think widespread dedicated servers will ever happen on consoles. At least not on xbl. There would be practically no need for host migration if there were dedicated servers, because the host only quits when he shuts the server down or the power goes out or something.
pj325is said:I don't think widespread dedicated servers will ever happen on consoles. At least not on xbl. There would be practically no need for host migration if there were dedicated servers, because the host only quits when he shuts the server down or the power goes out or something.
PjotrStroganov said:I more was hinting at the fact that SOCOM uses dedicated servers (it does, doesn't it?) and that therefore it is easier to cope with the problem of discos.As you already stated, this likely won't happen on a large scale this gen. So making it a requirement is not even an option.
This confuses me. During the 2+ years that I spent playing SOCOM, I never once had a game end or pause while the "host" left. Also, weren't the "US West 1," "US West 2" etc. listings the servers that the games were hosted on?Andokuky said:SOCOM doesn't use dedicated servers.
botkiller said:This confuses me. During the 2+ years that I spent playing SOCOM, I never once had a game end or pause while the "host" left. Also, weren't the "US West 1," "US West 2" etc. listings the servers that the games were hosted on?
raYne said:Well, they've done a bunch of updates. At least 2, but maybe 3 by now. Adding/improving:
-Weapon accuracy.
-Weapon balance.
-Added new kill cams.
-Tweaked matchmaking and host selection.
-Improved network performance in general.
-Added a lot of new spawn points in the old maps.
-Host migration.
-Tweaked gamemode stuff like adding unlimited sprint and higher clip capacity in "Old School" mode
-New control scheme.
-3rd person spectator cam.
-Better player mute option.
-General game fixes.
etc etc etc.
They've added a lot of things. That's why I'm asking if you mean something specific? Of course there were also improvements from the Beta to the retail. Because that was the point of the Beta. And of course, being a Beta, there are much more stuff (maps/weapons/perks/ranks/singleplayer lol) in the retail.
They tweaked the sniper rifles' scopes and the ACOGs, and nerfed the running speed you get with the P90.Strider2K99 said:What are these weapons balances? And also, is double EXP still on?
For you? Well, great updates all around then.Frillen said:They also added a 1 second bullet lag![]()
Warhawk sez haipj325is said:I don't think widespread dedicated servers will ever happen on consoles
roosters93 said:How do you know if you are the host?
I always notice I'm host because when I get frustrated and quit the game says that the Host ended the match instead of just me leaving.PedroLumpy said:Well, you'll have 4 bars..... and they game will feel almost like you're playing on Hardcore while everyone else is still stuck on normal. I dunno, there's nothing definite I guess, but if you notice people shooting to the left or right of you a lot well chances are you're host.
When the match begins look at the bottom left. If you appear first and the text has everyone else's names as "soandso43 has connected" and doesn't list you then you're the host.roosters93 said:How do you know if you are the host?