borsdy said:How well is the map pack selling anyway? Practically all the people I seen in 'em were lvl 55-ers grinding for points and headshots...
borsdy said:How well is the map pack selling anyway? Practically all the people I seen in 'em were lvl 55-ers grinding for points and headshots...
raYne said:Indeed. The new maps are in matchmaking. <3
There were like 70,000 people in the three Variety modes this weekend... so probably a shitload (obviously).borsdy said:How well is the map pack selling anyway? Practically all the people I seen in 'em were lvl 55-ers grinding for points and headshots...
Because colored bars are easier for the casuals to figure out, compared to numbers.PedroLumpy said:And another thing! Why do we just get bars for connection speed these days? Why not just show us our ping?
raYne said:Killhouse is terrible in FFA. Random grenades FTW! As a matter a fact, I can't name a mode that it'd actually be good in.. heh. Silenced anything is the way to go though. People will just run right past you because of all the chaos.
You literally spawn 3 feet away from someone 98% of the time you spawn. Meaning you don't evern have to bother running around and can rack up kills with one hand.PedroLumpy said:I'm surprised Killhouse made it into the Free for All playlist, there's no way that can support 8 players I would think. I imagine it would be alright for team tactical, but I haven't played it yet.
I don't have many problems with the older maps since they added more spawns, but the spawns on the new maps are worse than the old ones ever were.Andokuky said:Man how do people stomach playing TDM extensively? The spawn system is so fucked up. I've become a S&D guy and now that I'm prestige 10 I'll dip into TDM every now and again to rack up kills on certain weapons and it's ridiculous every single time. Especially on the new maps. Played Chinatown a second ago and holy shit.
Andokuky said:Man how do people stomach playing TDM extensively? The spawn system is so fucked up. I've become a S&D guy and now that I'm prestige 10 I'll dip into TDM every now and again to rack up kills on certain weapons and it's ridiculous every single time. Especially on the new maps. Played Chinatown a second ago and holy shit.
PacoDG said:
When I downloaded it at about 10am est on release day, there where about 100k people on, spread between the then 2 servers. I'd say the odds and the force are with youborsdy said:How likely will the new maps turn up in rotation? Apparently, it only happens if everyone on the server has them. So they'll be grouped closer during matchmaking or something?
How well is the map pack selling anyway? Practically all the people I seen in 'em were lvl 55-ers grinding for points and headshots...
knee said:I before E except after C.![]()
ElyrionX said:I don't get what people like about Hardcore and I don't understand the mode at all. You die so quickly in that mode and it's really all a matter of who spots who first. I know it is about playing intelligently and making your way around the map in the right way but the gameplay is too slow for me. I can appreciate the lack of radar and hip firing cross hair but the low health just kills it for me. Snipers have absolutely no chance in that mode because you die so quickly as soon as someone spots you regardless of what weapon they're holding.
ElyrionX said:I don't get what people like about Hardcore and I don't understand the mode at all. You die so quickly in that mode and it's really all a matter of who spots who first. I know it is about playing intelligently and making your way around the map in the right way but the gameplay is too slow for me. I can appreciate the lack of radar and hip firing cross hair but the low health just kills it for me. Snipers have absolutely no chance in that mode because you die so quickly as soon as someone spots you regardless of what weapon they're holding.
In real life, people don't die in you wing them in the ankle with a single bullet.Relix said:Just like real life!!!
raYne said:In real life, people don't die in you wing them in the ankle with a single bullet.![]()
I'm sure you had a lot of time to think about that, what with all that knifing I saw you doing all over the place. Sonnyboy = Stealth ninja confirmed.SonnyBoy said:Dude, when we were playing last night I was thinking that it'd be awesome if the game was like army dodge ball. Ok, ok...bear with me for a second. :lol :lol If I knife you and miss but catch your arm, you may still kill me but that arm of yours is useless now. So now all you have is a pistol. Yeah, that'd be pretty lame. :lol
ElyrionX said:I don't get what people like about Hardcore and I don't understand the mode at all. You die so quickly in that mode and it's really all a matter of who spots who first. I know it is about playing intelligently and making your way around the map in the right way but the gameplay is too slow for me. I can appreciate the lack of radar and hip firing cross hair but the low health just kills it for me. Snipers have absolutely no chance in that mode because you die so quickly as soon as someone spots you regardless of what weapon they're holding.
raYne said:Oh, finally went back to the SMGs like I said I was going to. I forgot how much I <3 silenced MP5s. Chinatown just got real... 37-5 in one of my last TDM matches last night. :O
rofl :lolSonnyBoy said:BS unless you've gon prestige!! It means nothing.
BTW, I'll be on tonite around the same time as yesterday. We shall win massive amounts of games as we typically do.
raYne said:rofl :lol
I was in a group of level 3+ prestigers in FFA after you left. After the first few matches, (my victories of course), they'd ask if I, "had enough points to go Prestige yet?". I didn't answer... Then 5 games in, still all victories, they go, "Ok, I know you have enough to go Prestige now!"
Anyway, yeah.. I'll probably be on then. If not, just head on and I'll probably see you online and catch up with ya.
daw840 said:I definitely would have all the gold guns by now if I wouldn't have prestiged. Oh well, gotta keep doing it now i guess
Max out the challenges for each weapon category. For example, if you max out all the Assault Rifle challenges, you get a gold AK47.SonnyBoy said:All the gold guns? There is more than one? I only have the gold desert eagle? How do you obtain the rest?
i saw someone with a killer gold shotgun. so all he had to do was max out those two weapons in barracks?raYne said:Max out the challenges for each weapon category. For example, if you max out all the Assault Rifle challenges, you get a gold AK47.
There's only one gold weapon per category.
Right.Socreges said:i saw someone with a killer gold shotgun. so all he had to do was max out those two weapons in barracks?
I played it 1v1 against a friend and it was pretty good like that. If it's not in the Ground War playlist I won't be playing it regularly anyway.raYne said:Killhouse is terrible in FFA. Random grenades FTW! As a matter a fact, I can't name a mode that it'd actually be good in.. heh.
ElyrionX said:S&D is a goddamn camper whorefest and sitting around for 5 to 10 minutes if you die early in the round is lame. What's even more lame is watching one idiot on each team camping their asses off when they're the only ones left on the map. Thanks but no thanks, I've already had my fill of CS eight years ago.
That actually makes a lot of sense. It'll certainly make it more tolerable than it is at the moment.Rayme said:...come to think of it, a hardcore 3-on-3 (TDM, S&D, ...etc?) playlist would be heaven for me.
ElyrionX said:I don't get what people like about Hardcore and I don't understand the mode at all. You die so quickly in that mode and it's really all a matter of who spots who first. I know it is about playing intelligently and making your way around the map in the right way but the gameplay is too slow for me. I can appreciate the lack of radar and hip firing cross hair but the low health just kills it for me. Snipers have absolutely no chance in that mode because you die so quickly as soon as someone spots you regardless of what weapon they're holding.
If they put these in a single non-Hardcore gamemode, it'd end up being my favorite of the bunch.OldJadedGamer said:* No killcam.
* No grenade icons.
* Friendly fire is on.
* No instant respawn.
* No Radar.
OldJadedGamer said:I'm sure many people will disagree with me but these are why I personally love Hardcore. It feels way more intense when playing in this mode, like I always need to be sharp and on top of my game and my friends and I like that. We've gotten to the point where we won't play anything but Hardcore.
Seemed fairly common, but that's dependent on what mode you play. Team modes, for example, seemed to have a much higher chance.Relix said:I am going to buy the maps tomorrow after I get a 1600 points card (like hell I am giving them my CC). How common is the maps to appear in the rotation?
Nothing. I had 1400 points in my Live "account" for over a year before I bought the maps. Just keep the extra for when something good comes out.Also! In what else should I waste the 800 points? Recommend anything.... except more DLC =P
IkarugaRelix said:Also! In what else should I waste the 800 points?