MaX_PL said:i heard the PS3 version is better because it uses bluray. is this true?
Mojovonio said:So about the complaint that you're more watching the game play than interact with it, does anyone else feel the same way?
pixel monkey said:No, not at all. While the game is very cinematic, you're much more in control than you are in any Metal Gear game for example. It's not remotely an issue of walk ten feet, cutscene, take 3 more steps, cutscene, kill a guy, preachy cutscene about killing said guy, like any MGS game.
Not bashing the Metal Gear Solid series (I love the games), but COD4 is not even remotely like that. It's all under your control all the time.
The opening credits are a great example. Brilliantly done Infinity Ward.
tha_con said:Yea....this is a gross exaggeration of MGS games.
rance said:So, I hear there are some problems with digital 5.1 surround sound.
What exactly are they?
MaX_PL said:i heard the PS3 version is better because it is PS3 . is this true?
RavenFox said:Sony Bravia kicks back to 720p when the game starts on my friends set. Its a native 1080p set by the way.
pr0cs said:I'm choked that it still looks like this won't be in stores today..dammit.
Voice quality is great. Heard some guys bitching last night as to why Ace combat is on 360 while fragging LOLRagnarok10 said:How's the voice chat quality on the PS3 version? Resistance like (good) or Warhawk like (robotronic)?
Hmm worth a try. Thanks.DKo5 said:Thats odd. We've got a 46" Bravia XBR4 in the office, and its got both a 360 + PS3 hooked up (HDMI on both) and they'll both spit out 1080p. Maybe set your XMB to just 1080p?
Dai Kaiju said:Well I went in to pay off my pre order in full last night and much to my surprise, the Gamestop in my area already had it in and was selling it. It's absolutely incredible. The campaign...there are no words. I didn't think i'd be saying this, but...amazing as Halo 3 is, Bungie has been dethroned as the king of console FPS. Fuck Mario, fuck Master Chief, and fuck Nariko (lolz). The hero of the year is a marine named Paul Jackson, and he's muliplatform.
Wario64 said:Someone is saying Circuit City has a glitch that knocks off $30 from the COD4 price, making the game $30 for both COD4 and COD3. wtf.
MaX_PL said:where you read this?
So it's only happening on the east coast? Fuck I was just at Circuit City yesterday but it wasn't in!Wario64 said:It's on CAG. And someone just posted a very shitty pic of his receipt. Holy crap I would go right now but I'm in the west coast.
InterMoniker said:So it's only happening on the east coast? Fuck I was just at Circuit City yesterday but it wasn't in!
how do you do it? I'm on the east coast and I want this.Wario64 said:Well it isn't opened in the west coast, so I hope this glitch is still live in the next hour...
InterMoniker said:So it's only happening on the east coast? Fuck I was just at Circuit City yesterday but it wasn't in!
Synless said:how do you do it? I'm on the east coast and I want this.
Wollan said:PSN is down? When is the last time that happened (if ever)? 2.00 coming?
I've never seen that logo, does it pop up on the screen or something?chubigans said:Well, I pick up COD4 in a few minutes and guess what?
Single player, here I come!
Aeon712 said:I've never seen that logo, does it pop up on the screen or something?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
Whichever's cheaper.borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
borghe said:ok, so here's a question for you guys.
I have a PS3. I have a 360. I don't have any friends who are picking this up. I am not interested in the collector's version. I like both controllers. Which one do I buy?
chubigans said:Well, I pick up COD4 in a few minutes and guess what?
Single player, here I come!
Wario64 said:Well it isn't opened in the west coast, so I hope this glitch is still live in the next hour...
M_A_C said:So I have the 360 version, and I'm wondering if there are a lot of low-res textures (ground, walls, everything except for player models) or am I just spoiled my playing so much Orange Box on the PC?
Mojovonio said:no, that's the limitations of the 360 at work.