traveler said:Wait- you're not talking about the CC- BK deal are you? What is this $30 deal you speak of?
theres a glitch at cc and theyre selling cod4 for 30 bucks.
traveler said:Wait- you're not talking about the CC- BK deal are you? What is this $30 deal you speak of?
MaX_PL said:theres a glitch at cc and theyre selling cod4 for 30 bucks.
Zack-Morris said:Just got back from Circuit City and they refused to honor the free CoD3 game, saying the ad was a misprint. I'm really getting pissed off on spending my lunch hour for these "bait-and-switch" attempts. Looks like I'll be going for the $5 Target gift card deal.
I stopped by there at lunch to see if it was ringing up at $29.99 and it did not. Also, they said there was nothing on the screen about a free game. Sounds like the free COD3 deal is not in the computer yet or does not exist.traveler said:Can people confirm this? Are they really putting out false advertising?
chubigans said:They didn't. Both games on each system were developed simultaneously for the respective hardware. The lead platform was PC (which is another way of saying there wasn't one).
Perhaps it has something to do with Xenos' scaling abilities, perhaps not, but I cannot deny that the 360 version looks sharper and more "high resolution" than the PS3 version does. This is true even with both consoles set to 720p. There is a clarity and pop to the 360 output that I simply don't get with the PS3 version. It's similar in some ways to how GRAW 2 fared on the PS3, except not quite that drastic. I am not very tech-savvy, but I think it might actually have something to do with level of detail. The 360 version pretty much has the same level of detail at all times, whereas, the PS3 version seems to have a soft appearance in certain areas. I know how discerning you are, Dark, and I would personally recommend that you get the 360 version. But the PS3 version is no slouch either, it's the best looking game on the platform (overall imo).dark10x said:OK, why do you say that? I went ahead and bought the PS3 version, so I'm kinda stuck with it.
What differences brought you to that conclusion?
Zack-Morris said:Just got back from Circuit City and they refused to honor the free CoD3 game, saying the ad was a misprint. I'm really getting pissed off on spending my lunch hour for these "bait-and-switch" attempts. Looks like I'll be going for the $5 Target gift card deal.
I was asked to explain what I found different about them. Not sure what the big deal is.borghe said:it's quite humorous how we have multiple folks going into a bit of detail on why they think the 360 looks a bit softer and slightly lower rez textures on each syste, as compared to the other system.
can we give it up already guys? obviously both systems are the same in this case. let's stop already with "I don't know, but to me the [PS3/360] version just seems to have sharper detail and better textures than the other one. But the other one stsill looks great."
sorry. I didn't mean to go into you specifically, and I didn't mean to single out the 360. the 360 was a typo. both "sides" are doing it.JB1981 said:I was asked to explain what I found different about them. Not sure what the big deal is.
dark10x said:I suppose we'll see. I ended up with the PS3 version.
I find that the PS3 looks better on my TV. I use HDMI set to "Full" on the PS3 as my TV (Pioneer 5080) can actually display the full range of colors (rather than simply crushing the blacks). I also find that PS3 tends to deliver a slightly sharper look.
I've done a lot of demo comparisons between the two systems and have become used to the look and feel of each. 360 via VGA looks very nice, but I use my VGA input for my PC. Right now, 360 uses component.
Are there any differences between the assets used in the two versions (textures, models, etc)?
IW insists that all versions use the exact same assets.dark10x said:Are there any differences between the assets used in the two versions (textures, models, etc)?
borghe said:one system looks a bit softer and slightly lower rez textures as compared to the other system.
can we give it up already guys? obviously both systems are the same in this case. let's stop already with "I don't know, but to me the [PS3/360] version just seems to have sharper detail and better textures than the other one. But the other one stsill looks great."
What is your TV?JB1981 said:I am using HDMI full range as well. There are no differences in assets, from what I could tell.
Give him a break, I asked for the info and he provided it.Hey, this guy JB1981, I don't know if he has any agenda or not but he keeps repeating that the 360 is better almost on every page so people can see it.
Marty Chinn said:I just got back from Sunnyvale Circuit City and they didn't have either CoD4 or CoD3 in. They claimed that they will probably get copies of CoD3 in with the shipment. Is this the case or should I not bother going back to this store during my lunchbreak as there's no way I'll be getting the free game there.
why didn't you just quote my tag? :lolwowfactor said:Hey, this guy JB1981, I don't know if he has any agenda or not but he keeps repeating that the 360 is better almost on every page so people can see it.
wowfactor said:Hey, this guy JB1981, I don't know if he has any agenda or not but he keeps repeating that the 360 is better almost on every page so people can see it.
borghe said:sorry. I didn't mean to go into you specifically, and I didn't mean to single out the 360. the 360 was a typo. both "sides" are doing it.
It's like looking at two different items that are blue and asking people to tell you which item is "bluer". Every one will have a different response. We really just need to drop the comparisons at this point. I know this has been a huge deal since the birth of multi-platform releases, but when it gets as close as CoD4, we just need to let it go.
belvedere said:So is beyond3d still sticking to the better AF/sharper distant texture stance in regards to the PS3 version?
Definitely sounds like we're re-living the Oblivion port again, but without the extra development time this go'round.
Mojovonio said:Honestly, B3D is not the best source for that information.
Mojovonio said:Honestly, B3D is not the best source for that information.
tinfoilhatman said:Who is then?
dark10x said:I suppose we'll see. I ended up with the PS3 version.
I find that the PS3 looks better on my TV. I use HDMI set to "Full" on the PS3 as my TV (Pioneer 5080) can actually display the full range of colors (rather than simply crushing the blacks). I also find that PS3 tends to deliver a slightly sharper look.
I've done a lot of demo comparisons between the two systems and have become used to the look and feel of each. 360 via VGA looks very nice, but I use my VGA input for my PC. Right now, 360 uses component.
Are there any differences between the assets used in the two versions (textures, models, etc)?
oo Kosma oo said:Well importing from the US/Canada would still cost around 50 euro, that's only 10 euro difference with the EU price.
Mojovonio said:See, there you go with the bias bullshit again.
belvedere said:So is beyond3d still sticking to the better AF/sharper distant texture stance in regards to the PS3 version?
Definitely sounds like we're re-living the Oblivion port again, but without the extra development time this go'round.
belvedere said:After seeing them both side-by-side at EB, they looked pretty damn close. There may have been magic worked into the AF on the PS3 version similar to what Bethesda did with Oblivion, as it seemed like the textures were sharper at a distance on the PS3 version.
Here's the deal...Shogmaster said:Dude, why don't you move the 360 back to the VGA and get a cheapo HMDI > DVI for your PC?
belvedere said:There you go with that complete inability to determine sarcasm/humor again.
urk said:Jokes on you. I detected his sarcasm just fine.
f@luS said:and i dont play with GAF anyway![]()
Francias Castiglione said:Um, you made the claim you saw it yourself a few pages back. Something doesn't add up.
McDragon said:Agenda? isn't he a Sony fan?
whatever though, he is only answering a question.
Francias Castiglione said:Um, you made the claim you saw it yourself a few pages back. Something doesn't add up.
wowfactor said:You never know, viral marketing is at full force this fall.
Im not accusing him, just a ? mark there
Yeesh what a mess... Good luck with all that.dark10x said:Here's the deal...
The PC I use DOES work with HDMI (and my HDMI ports support PC mode), but whenever I switch to another input or power off the TV, the PC switches back to its own LCD (it's a laptop). I've fiddled with it a bit, but never had any luck. Perhaps I'll mess around with it some more soon, but I'm not sure if there is a solution. I have another PC which does work properly with HDMI, but it is also 5x as loud and much to large to hide in the living room. The current PC I use is always powered on and works great whenever I need it.
I really should look at the problem again, though, as I do have 4 HDMI inputs. :\
HomerSimpson-Man said:So the biggest difference noted so far is something like color contrast sharpness output?
Dude, this has gone beyond nipple hair detail at this point.