Any NeoGAF impressions? Game is out in EU.
Plenty over the last page or two
Any NeoGAF impressions? Game is out in EU.
Unit 13 is buggy as fuck..... It can and will hard lock your Vita and crash to sound loops at times.
I played the demo for about a minute before it had a major crash and froze my Vita. I was interested in the game before that. But that issue put me off. As well as having no competitive multiplayer of course.
That was at launch. After some firmware updates the game was rock solid - in my experience at least.
The multiplayer in this game looks fun, I would probably impulse buy if I see this game half off or something on black Friday.
That was at launch. After some firmware updates the game was rock solid - in my experience at least.
Just been playing the campaign so far. After 60 minutes I'm not feeling this game at all. Blops 1 was at least entertaining.
Not sure when or if I will go for the MP, but maybe later at some point. After more than 10 years I'm most likely finished with this series for good. Next one I will gladly skip.
these are impressions for blops2 or declassified?
Just been playing the campaign so far. After 60 minutes I'm not feeling this game at all. Blops 1 was at least entertaining.
Not sure when or if I will go for the MP, but maybe later at some point. After more than 10 years I'm most likely finished with this series for good. Next one I will gladly skip.
Whoa at the Metacritic user reviews for this.
There isnt much movement on the guns indeed, but i dont think this affects the enjoyment of the game much, if anything at all.The shooting in all the youtube vids ive seen looks horrible
Theres like no recoil of movement to the guns when firing... its almost like there completely static and stationary, i havent played a COD game since blops1 but all prior ones def had recoil animations
looks sterile to me
I think hes more surprised that it isnt filled with negative comments.Whoah at you putting stock into metacritic user reviews. It's like saying, boy that youtube comment really was insightful.
I think hes more surprised that it isnt filled with negative comments.
Oh, i see. When i checked earlier today, it was pretty much all positive (was about 13 to 16 reviews at that time). Still not too bad overall, most of them are still positive
The game is So-So and now its patch time
409mb. Is there any vita with hard drive ? Or is it some kind of mega dlc ? Nop
I hate this game. At least before patch it was playable. Now 5 games crash straight with an error I never Saw on vita game with a make a report screen. Jeez. To hell this gameAd hoc among other things
There isnt much movement on the guns indeed, but i dont think this affects the enjoyment of the game much, if anything at all.
I think hes more surprised that it isnt filled with negative comments.
I hate this game. At least before patch it was playable. Now 5 games crash straight with an error I never Saw on vita game with a make a report screen. Jeez. To hell this game
It was a So-So game but playable before patch. Now it's a bag of crap crashing every second for meWho else is having issues with the game?
I see your point and i do agree that it can add to the immersion/atmosphere in the game. But personally i dont think it will affect the gameplay that much in this gamei guess its my personal taste
a nice recoil animation really makes the guns feel more alive and like they have weight/stopping power
adds to the immersion
so when a game has very little/none it stands out
i mean i can go fire up the original Medal Of Honor Ps1 classic on my vita and it has nice gun animations
now this modern vita game doesnt and i dont understand why
Unit 13 is buggy as fuck..... It can and will hard lock your Vita and crash to sound loops at times.
The one thing they did wrong in R:BS is still here this gutted.
Booted tup, tried the missions thought great now lets kick some ass.
"wrong nat type" had exactly this with R:BS yes all other online vita games are fine, 360& ps3 fine too.
twats. My router is one of them shit thomson 585's has a bug on the dmz part, so looks like a new router too.
The one thing they did wrong in R:BS is still here this gutted.
Booted tup, tried the missions thought great now lets kick some ass.
"wrong nat type" had exactly this with R:BS yes all other online vita games are fine, 360& ps3 fine too.
twats. My router is one of them shit thomson 585's has a bug on the dmz part, so looks like a new router too.
Wut?, it was pristine for me, not one fuck up
Platinumed it too!
Ok I have played the multiplayer for about an hour and a half and here is my thoughts.
Frame rate is pretty stable at 30fps. Some maps have a touch of slow down here and there. Nothing game breaking like in resistance and oddly nuke house is worst offender. But as I said its nothing game breaking
Game really feels like CoD to me. More precisely bang in the middle of MW1 and BlOps. Was stabbing, nading and head shotting my way though games with a smile.
Map size is perfect for 4v4. Maps are all pretty different from each other and have a good mix of corridors and smallish open areas.
New game mode drop zone is really fun. A king of the hill type game where you have to capture and defend a random point. If successful you get an air drop. Point then moves somewhere else.
Didn't get any lag in game. Had some issues connecting for a while but that passed after a while. Hopefully first day jitters.
Quite a lot if guns to choose from. Good selection of perks, attachments etc to gain.
Graphics are fine. Nothing great but fine. Low res textures and stuff but doesn't bother me. Has that cod look if toned down to get it running nicely I would assume.
Sounds were fine to me but I never pay to much attention to this area. Has the usual guitar you just liked bit.
Controls are great. Feels right at home on vita. Auto run works great to. Nades are not quite as easy as on console but the are perfectly usable. Touch anywhere else to stab works really well.
All in all I'm really impressed. Sure I paid £45 (Lolz) but I will easily get my monies worth from the multiplayer.
If you want CoD on a hand held then this is it and its really fun. The vitas ease of just picking it up. Playing a game or two and putting it back down again fits this game perfectly.
Considering I wasn't expecting much until a couple of days ago they have made a massive turn around on what we saw earlier in the year. It's def not perfect but its great fun and that's all that really matters.
Hopefully it sells really well so activision support it once Nstigate move on.
This mode is also in Modern Warfare 3. It was added a bit later on after the launch.New game mode drop zone is really fun. A king of the hill type game where you have to capture and defend a random point. If successful you get an air drop. Point then moves somewhere else.
THANK YOU! This post was very informative and read like it came from a pretty level-headed perspective. I think you just sold me on it. Thanks again.![]()
Did you play with the patch, Omega?
Curious if the patch messed things up for others or just the one guy here?
How's the SP?did you try it?No prob. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
Played after patch. Had a 10 min period where it just quit after joining a game. Then it just started working fine. Happened again a bit later but changed game type and after a bit I was in another game.
Just putting it down to opening night jitters for the mo.
Whoah at you putting stock into metacritic user reviews. It's like saying, boy that youtube comment really was insightful.
How's the SP?did you try it?
I want to buy it now >.<
I want to buy it now >.<
I want to buy it now >.<