I dont see why someone cant say that they enjoy a game without someone thinks it is only to justify the purchase. I've seen people say that some reviewers are biased against the Vita, does this mean that the reviewers are scoring the Vita games lower based on bias against the Vita?With how desperate people sometimes seem to justify their purchase of the Vita, I think going with the reviewers on this one seems like a safer bet.
I used about 1/2 hour on the 9th mission, and that was on regular difficulty. I did the first level on Veteran yesterday. I think it is going to be a bit difficult to do all the levels on Veteran.Man, operations is so difficult. I have been on mission 5 fr the past 1/2 hour and i can't beat it. bah. i'll try again later.
Man, operations is so difficult. I have been on mission 5 fr the past 1/2 hour and i can't beat it. bah. i'll try again later.
The only good review so far:
Man, operations is so difficult. I have been on mission 5 fr the past 1/2 hour and i can't beat it. bah. i'll try again later.
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
This review seems to reflect my opinion on Declassified. I dont feel that a checkpoint is really needed for the short missions though, although i can see the wanting for it, especially on veteran difficulty level. I agree about having to see the small cutscene stuff over and over again, i wish it was skip that stuff, as i dont need to see it over and over again each time i die, as the review also mention. A score of 6/10 is probably what i would give it too.The only good review so far:
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
LOL at this thread.
People who are liking the game = fanboys / justifying there purchase.
People who havnt played the game and read the reviews = trust worthy criticts who know the game is shit.
Look guys this is getting dumb
The game is not great and its not terrible.
The single player content is sorly lacking, most people are rather aware of that and have been since before they bought it.
The multiplayer is a CoD experience on a smaller scale. The controls are very nice. The only difference to the console version is grenades / knife/ are touch controled and sprint is now auto (which works fine if you ask me) or set to the down on the D-pad.
out of the 6 maps I would say 3 get a pretty rock solid 30fps. The others have drops but nothing on the scale that resistance had.
4 game modes, FFA, TDM, Kill confirmed and drop zone. Also team tacticle which moves between them all bar FFA.
Playing games is lag free from my experience. Just some strange connection issues which are intermitent at the moment. That is not to uncommon with games when they first come out (blops 2 seems to be having worse ones). If they are still there in a week then yes that will be really god damn anoying... however at least it saves your progress if you get kicked out of a game and you don't loose your exp you gained.
almost everything that makes the basis of a CoD game is there in the multiplayer:
all gun types
good amount of guns
lots of attachments to unlock
kill streaks
etc etc
the map sizes are small but not so small you are constantly spawning next to people (bar nukehouse and containment). Oddly just like in the console games people seem to always vote for the smallest maps. I guess people love the chaos they bring.
4v4 feels right on these maps. Nukehouse would be better 3v3 but what ever.
This game is far from amazing. But the multiplayer is fun and does feel like CoD. If you want a CoD game on the Vita to play now and then it will serve that purpose and you should have fun with it.
If you only like the single player side of CoD then don't buy it. Rent it maybe but its very limited in what you have to do here.
From the reviewers point of view i guess
They didnt get review copies
They had to play and review it in a day or 2
they have had to review it during the connection issues.
They had to review it after review Blops 2
This will in turn make the smaller options and slower frame rate more aparent
Im not surprised they destroyed it and most of us called they would. Regardless, if you ever felt like MW1 was the best one of the lot and all the extra kill streaks and stuff made the game worse then you might be pleasantly surprised with this games multiplayer.
Although Im prob trying to just justify my purchase or something lol.
They take what they can getThing is as a vita owner myself I'm not spending $50 on a game that's getting absolutely slammed by most critics. The fact that they're charging a +$10 premium to the game purely because of the "COD" name is disgusting.
There is no demo, but a demo probably wouldnt do much to show of the game other than getting a feel for the controls and the graphics. A demo would be based on singleplayer, so people wouldnt be able to check out the multiplayer.I mean, is there a demo on the PSN store? I'd love to try it first. But given everything I'm hearing...no way am I going to just buy it.
Thing is as a vita owner myself I'm not spending $50 on a game that's getting absolutely slammed by most critics. The fact that they're charging a +$10 premium to the game purely because of the "COD" name is disgusting.
I mean, is there a demo on the PSN store? I'd love to try it first. But given everything I'm hearing...no way am I going to just buy it.
An fps with that controller? Fuck that, I used it for a while and it just isn't good for anything needing triggers or analog sticks + face buttons. But I digress, this thread is about the vita version, and I decided not to keep the Wii u I preordered anyway.The Wii U version sounds perfect for you.
Didn't you hear? All the poor reviews and mountains of criticism are just because the reviewers didn't get free stuff. And because they hate the Vita.
You can trust the people more invested in this game and the system. It is clear the investment has not clouded their judgement when they're offering such brutally honest critique like, "It's not perfect but it's not bad I swear." And it isn't like they're making outrageous claims about people who dislike the game or anything like that.
Don't support lazy games like this.
Why do you make a blanket statement (at least it seems like that to me) that everyone who say that the game is fun only says it because they bought/invested in the game, and that the reviewers are the ones that are honest about their opinion? Both parties here can be honest about their opinion. What is concidered as fun is completely subjective. If someone says that a game is boring, they are right for their sake. If someone say that a game is fun, then they are also right for their sake.Didn't you hear? All the poor reviews and mountains of criticism are just because the reviewers didn't get free stuff. And because they hate the Vita.
You can trust the people more invested in this game and the system. It is clear the investment has not clouded their judgement when they're offering such brutally honest critique like, "It's not perfect but it's not bad I swear."
Don't support lazy games like this.
An fps with that controller? Fuck that, I used it for a while and it just isn't good for anything needing triggers or analog sticks + face buttons. But I digress, this thread is about the vita version, and I decided not to keep the Wii u I preordered anyway.
Wow at the review dogpile. Lol. 2/10. This is still probably better than ninja gaiden 3.
Look man, I respect your opinion and all, but you're talking about a goddamn unicorn. A game that isn't great and isn't terrible? What the Fuck does that even mean? This is the internet, and if something could be not great and not terrible, there would be a word for that.LOL at this thread.
People who are liking the game = fanboys / justifying there purchase.
People who havnt played the game and read the reviews = trust worthy criticts who know the game is shit.
Look guys this is getting dumb
The game is not great and its not terrible.
The single player content is sorly lacking, most people are rather aware of that and have been since before they bought it.
The multiplayer is a CoD experience on a smaller scale. The controls are very nice. The only difference to the console version is grenades / knife/ are touch controled and sprint is now auto (which works fine if you ask me) or set to the down on the D-pad.
out of the 6 maps I would say 3 get a pretty rock solid 30fps. The others have drops but nothing on the scale that resistance had.
4 game modes, FFA, TDM, Kill confirmed and drop zone. Also team tacticle which moves between them all bar FFA.
Playing games is lag free from my experience. Just some strange connection issues which are intermitent at the moment. That is not to uncommon with games when they first come out (blops 2 seems to be having worse ones). If they are still there in a week then yes that will be really god damn anoying... however at least it saves your progress if you get kicked out of a game and you don't loose your exp you gained.
almost everything that makes the basis of a CoD game is there in the multiplayer:
all gun types
good amount of guns
lots of attachments to unlock
kill streaks
etc etc
the map sizes are small but not so small you are constantly spawning next to people (bar nukehouse and containment). Oddly just like in the console games people seem to always vote for the smallest maps. I guess people love the chaos they bring.
4v4 feels right on these maps. Nukehouse would be better 3v3 but what ever.
This game is far from amazing. But the multiplayer is fun and does feel like CoD. If you want a CoD game on the Vita to play now and then it will serve that purpose and you should have fun with it.
If you only like the single player side of CoD then don't buy it. Rent it maybe but its very limited in what you have to do here.
From the reviewers point of view i guess
They didnt get review copies
They had to play and review it in a day or 2
they have had to review it during the connection issues.
They had to review it after review Blops 2
This will in turn make the smaller options and slower frame rate more aparent
Im not surprised they destroyed it and most of us called they would. Regardless, if you ever felt like MW1 was the best one of the lot and all the extra kill streaks and stuff made the game worse then you might be pleasantly surprised with this games multiplayer.
Although Im prob trying to just justify my purchase or something lol.
I play both. I think that Declassified has the Call of Duty feel to it, but it is not 100% exactly like the console CODs. Sometimes it feels that the enemies in Declassified can take a couple more shots before they die. I'm not sure if that is due to some small lag or if the enemies actually can take more hits. The Vita sticks are also more sensitive than a PS3 controller, which also affects the feeling a bit for my sake. In general, i prefer the PS3 sticks over the Vita sticks. But the controls in Declassified feels good, i find it fairly easy to aim where i want to aim. So i think Declassified has some of the Call of Duty feeling to it, but i dont feel that it is exactly the same.Now that's interesting. Anyone here that says the game plays and feels like call of duty, also play BLOPS 2?
But i thought it was easy and only took an hour?
I know, his point, I think, was that I could keep playing blops 2 when my wife took over the TV, which would mean using the tablet.We're widely off-topic here but you CAN play Call of Duty with the Pro controller, and only use the tablet when you want off-TV play.
I picked up both versions at the midnight event. I've played more of Declassified so far. It does feel more like CoD4 imo. The bottom line for me is that the multiplayer is solid and fun, and I was able to play it when I wouldn't normally be able to enjoy some online face shootin, like laying in bed & when my wife was watching the Eddie Murphy special last night. The game isn't amazing, but a 6.5-7 in my book. But I've been gaming since 1984 or so, so in my mind, mediocre games still exist. I don't subscribe to the internet mentality of "amazeballs or complete shit" that many seem to. What I don't understand is why people like krabboss and chickdigger are even a part of the conversation anymore. You've said your piece, why do you feel compelled to keep arguing with the people who are enjoying it? It doesn't even seem like krab has a vita ffs.Now that's interesting. Anyone here that says the game plays and feels like call of duty, also play BLOPS 2?
With how desperate people sometimes seem to justify their purchase of the Vita, I think going with the reviewers on this one seems like a safer bet. And speaking of gameplay videos - I've seen some and it does not look good. Not to mention the fact that a 10 minute look at the campaign is showing 1/6th of it already, which is pretty dire. And with frequent complaints of the maps being tiny with crappy spawns (even BO2 can't get its spawns right), I'm not sure why you'd want to play multiplayer either.
Yeah.Now that's interesting. Anyone here that says the game plays and feels like call of duty, also play BLOPS 2?
And around an hour and a half later:
Granted, was comparing it to the first one; and even after playing the second one is not like I have a problem alternating games or getting used to the controls and stuff. I haven't played as much as I want because of work and been sick, but still alternate between both.It looks, plays and sounds like the first Black Ops..for better or worse. Then again, I really liked the first one so I may be biased.![]()
Wow at the review dogpile. Lol. 2/10. This is still probably better than ninja gaiden 3.
Is this game getting a Black friday deal?
Look man, I respect your opinion and all, but you're talking about a goddamn unicorn. A game that isn't great and isn't terrible? What the Fuck does that even mean? This is the internet, and if something could be not great and not terrible, there would be a word for that.
Also, krabboss, do you have a vita? You mentioned playing over 3g, which isn't possible in any vita game.
what? there arnt two lines of quality, great and terrible lol. How about phrases like, average, not bad, decent, fun in small bursts. There are tons of ways to describe games inbetween those 2 states.
The single player is poor, the multiplayer is fun. As a whole the games lacks content.
Thats all there is to it. How is that hard to understand?
In my own personal world, there's two types of games, books, movies, TV shows, albums - ones that I like and ones that I never want to ever experience again. Why on earth would I ever waste my time on something that is neither? "Here's the most mediocre pizza in the world. Mind you, it's not the worst, but it's also not good. Have some." That make you want to eat it?
Look man, I respect your opinion and all, but you're talking about a goddamn unicorn. A game that isn't great and isn't terrible? What the Fuck does that even mean? This is the internet, and if something could be not great and not terrible, there would be a word for that.
Also, krabboss, do you have a vita? You mentioned playing over 3g, which isn't possible in any vita game.
I hope you caught my sarcasm. I think the game is average and lacking in content. But the multiplayer is fun, and the single player is fun enough. I overpaid for it, that is for sure, but as the only option other than Burning Skies (which I actually enjoyed a lot) for a vita fps with good mp, and with it being CoD season, I'm not regretting my purchase. I only paid a few bucks for it in cash anyway because of all of the crazy Best Buy credit I've gotten in the last few months, so maybe that softens the blow.what? there arnt two lines of quality, great and terrible lol. How about phrases like, average, not bad, decent, fun in small bursts. There are tons of ways to describe games inbetween those 2 states.
The single player is poor, the multiplayer is fun. As a whole the games lacks content.
Thats all there is to it. How is that hard to understand?
but thats not what I said.
I said the single player is poor and the multiplayer is fun.
also what? So you have never watched a film / read a book and thought.. that was OK. Had some redeeming features that I enjoyed but other parts were bad?
You just either like or don't like something without varying levels inbetween?
This threat is getting really strange.
I and many other people eat average food all the time. I have a frozen pizza in that il have tomorrow. Its far from dinning in rome but it tastes ok.
I hope you caught my sarcasm. I think the game is average and lacking in content. But the multiplayer is fun, and the single player is fun enough. I overpaid for it, that is for sure, but as the only option other than Burning Skies (which I actually enjoyed a lot) for a vita fps with good mp, and with it being CoD season, I'm not regretting my purchase. I only paid a few bucks for it in cash anyway because of all of the crazy Best Buy credit I've gotten in the last few months, so maybe that softens the blow.
Yes, I don't waste my time on movies or books again that merely had some parts that were OK. Life's too short.
Call of Duty: Black Marks
Earlier this week, handheld editor Peter Willington and I were up well past our beddy-bye time, as we scrambled to get Pocket Gamer's review of Call of Duty: Black Ops - Declassified written, edited, and published on the site.
Normally, we'll have a generous lead time before the launch of a game. This gives us a chance to play the title, write about it, and get our review ready to go live as the game hits shops.
But, even on the day of the abovementioned Vita shooter's release, Activision's promised review copy still hadn't shown up on our doorstep. The publisher said it didn't have any download codes for us, either.
It might sound like a Royal Mail mishap, but that's definitely not the case - no website had received a copy of the game.
Tricky business
This is actually just the oldest trick in the book, employed by publishers (and movie studios and TV networks) when they know their product isn't much cop.
If you don't give out review code in time for launch and then string the press along with vague promises that the review copy is on its way, you might be able to squeeze out a few 'sight-unseen' sales before the reviews come in that inevitably slate the game.
So, despite being told to hold on and wait for a review copy, we made the decision to ignore Activision, buy the game on the PlayStation Store, and dedicate an entire day to reviewing it.
In the end, we called Call of Duty: Black Ops - Declassified for Vita "a cynical, half-baked, tired little mess of a game". It's also broken, buggy, and crashed our Vita at one point.
We weren't alone in thinking this way, incidentally - the game's sitting at 29 on Metacritic .
That was my point, I was being sarcastic. Most of my favorite games of all time would be rated at 5-7 if they were rated today. Doesn't mean I enjoyed them any less. Too many people let a score make their decision, which is part of the reason the game industry is in the shape it is in. There is no room for mediocre or average anymore, like this game. It's the epitome of average, but all these people who have only seen a video are declaring it shit.This does exist. Mediocre. And there have been hundreds of games over the last 20 years that have earned that label. It means that while they're not perfect, they're also not terrible and there are people out there that will enjoy playing it.
sorry i didnt lol. Hard to tell on forums and especially in threads like this.
so you watched / read them. Decided if it was worth it. Went back in time and then made your choice?
I can't respond to this because I have no clue what you're even talking about.