Tonight I threw a grenade, got killed and then immediately spawned on top of my own grenade and died, Lol. This game...
Man, getting kicked out of a game when you're on a roll is soooo annoying! They have to fix this if they don't want to lose players quickly.
Oh, that's the worst. I had that happen last night. I got into some lucky firefights and and was somehow way out in front with a 2,000 and 2,500 bonuses. Then the game kicked me back the menu.
Why is the OP just a copy/paste of a twitter feed? Were you trying to recreate the sloppy, lazy feel of the game?
The Twitter feed from the developer was the only source of information about this game pre-release, since the usual release of information by the publisher was completely non-existant. The OP is mocking that.
I understand. I actually thought this is what you ment, but i just had to ask to be sureThere's three zones.
"Dead (Off).....Slow speed...Fast(On)"
I hope that's a good picture because I can't really discribe it without a picture. But the "walk" speed and "run speed" are close together and the deadzone is huge. Peace Walker on the PSP illustrates this problem because you think "push the stick/nub up 1mm to walk" would work, but no. So you move it to 5mm and Snake will walk. But move it 6mm and he'll run.
Compared to PS3 titles where pushing the stick at 1mm will move a character at a snails pace and the walk will start to pick up the further you press until at 10mm (or however huge you want to say the deadzone/stick goes) it's a full-on run.
I think you get to keep the bonus points (if you mean the points gotten by doing challenges?) when this happends. It happened to me a few times as well, but i'm 99% sure that i still got the challenge bonus points. When it happened to me, it said "saving" in the top left corner.Oh, that's the worst. I had that happen last night. I got into some lucky firefights and and was somehow way out in front with a 2,000 and 2,500 bonuses. Then the game kicked me back the menu.
I got the final stars today, got 3 stars on everything now =)
By the way, Declassified is back in stock at, but it still says "Discontinued by manufacturer". I guess that confirms it was a typo. The 32GB Vita memory card is also still listed under 3DO hehe.
I understand. I actually thought this is what you ment, but i just had to ask to be sureI dont think that this game has that though? I just tried now, moving both sticks very slow from stand-still to full-tilt, and the movement increases smoothly the more i move the stick. I dont notice any sudden jump from slow speed to fast speed. I can move at snail pace if i want, but then i have to concentrate on moving the sticks so little, because they are so sensitive.
But maybe it just feels like there is an "on/off" kinda thing on the controls because of the sensitive Vita sticks, and that Declassified has quite high sensitive controls as well? In general, so far i've prefered the PS3 stick better because they got more movement, so they feel less sensitive than the Vita sticks.
I think you get to keep the bonus points (if you mean the points gotten by doing challenges?) when this happends. It happened to me a few times as well, but i'm 99% sure that i still got the challenge bonus points. When it happened to me, it said "saving" in the top left corner.
A few days later when i was playing, suddently the challenges came up on the screen again. But after the round finished, i didnt notice a big jump in the XP bar, and it was about 20k in bonus XP.
ThanksI've been putting a shit ton of time in the single player modes today. Finished Operations, have one more level in Hostiles, then to do it all again on Veteran. Don't even get me started on Time Trial! Some of the Bronze and Silver Trophies are difficult, especially finishing a level without reloading. Glad to see you got these all done.
ThanksI really enjoyed the time trial ones actually. I wouldnt mind have some time trial DLC
Now i just need two more trophies, the one to take no damage in mission 6, and get 8 kills with 4 bullets. There are some hards trohpies indeed.
Finishing the level without reloading is actually not as hard as it might sounds like. When you start that mission, there is a M60 on the floor right in the begining (100 bullets in the magazine). Try to get as many headshots as possible with that, or 2-3 bullets in the chest. Once that start to get empty, pick up a weapon from the enemy. There are also two sentry guns in that level that will save you some bullets.
Maybe you already did this, but i recommend saving the 2nd sentry gun for this part. The sentry gun might not last long enough to take out every emeny at the LZ, but it should last long enough to take out 90% or so.I got really close to getting the Trophy. I was at the LZ part, and grenades weren't doing it for me. I might have better luck doing Veteran difficulty first!
Maybe you already did this, but i recommend saving the 2nd sentry gun for this part. The sentry gun might not last long enough to take out every emeny at the LZ, but it should last long enough to take out 90% or so.
No problemNope, didn't try that! I used the second turret for the room before you save the asset. I'll try that now, thanks again.
I actually like the game. The OPs missions are brief and repayable and I LOVE the multiplayer. It's great to surrender the TV and play a game like this, when and where I want to.
Maybe my expectations are low? I don't care, was worth $50 to me.
Get Blops2, best in the series IMO. And I've played them all.Though I haven't really gotten into the ops yet I couldn't agree more with what you're saying here. I don't know that my expectations are necessarily low, the MP just gives me what I want. This is really the first COD game in which I've played a substantial amount of MP. It makes me want to pick up COD4MW or BLOPS1 for my PS3.
Time Trials are a bunch of bullshit. Got 2 stars on all but one of them. Can't reach 3 since auto-sprint won't activate since apparently auto-sprint won't work if you "strafe"/look around too much for it's taste.
I prefer down on the dpad anyway
Just hold that down like Resistance, right? I may have to go manual D-pad for those since not being able to sprint and turn is a bunch of bullshit with auto-sprint.
It's a toggle. Press it once and you'll keep running until you stop.
Also double-bullshit that I can sneak up on said prone, go to knife leap at them and... no kill. Nada. Doesn't even register it.
The knifing lottery is so much bull. I just don't get it. I can knife away at someone's face with no result. I ususally refrain from using it and just keep shooting even if the enemy is right in front of me.
Try to hit down on the d-pad with your thumb when pushing the analog stick forward. This was it could be possible to hit the d-pad without letting go of the analog stickOh, that doesn't help since I refuse to "claw." :/
That 5 vs 2 (or 3) has happened to me tooSame thing in Resistance Burning Skies.
And today i got this:
Platinum trophy!
The "Pure as the Driven Snow" trophy went from impossible to very hard once i figured it was a good strategy to prone after planting the 2nd C4. And after shooting the guys up on the balcony, then that part was possible (i still had to try maybe 30-50 times though).
The "Double Down" trophy was also very hard. Sniping two people with one bullet is often left to luck, since sometimes you clearly hit two guys with one bullet, but only one of them dies. You can see that the 2nd guys is hit by the animation he does.
Try to hit down on the d-pad with your thumb when pushing the analog stick forward. This was it could be possible to hit the d-pad without letting go of the analog stick![]()
test_account, the trophy with killing 4 enemies with a flash bang .. which operation did you get that in. I've been trying with zero success. Is it one of those trophies that unlock after doing the task or after the operation mission is complete?
First game tonight: Always sprint broken, could only walk. Had to quit.
Second game tonight: Got kicked out for no reason after 5-6 minutes.
Third game tonight: Always sprint broken, could only walk. Had to quit.
Fourth game tonight: Got kicked out after 10 seconds.
I just... don't know... what to...
I wonder if nStigate actually cares about the game anymore? Is there someone who's actually responsible that can do something about this mess?
Does even Sony care? I wonder.
Sad to say, but this game is probably on its own from now on.
/rag... anger
It unlocks whenever you do it. On the last mission, get the M60 and breach the first door. Wait until the slow motion sequence is over, then throw a flash bang and just pick off each one fast enough. Do this on Regular, of course.
It unlocks whenever you do it. On the last mission, get the M60 and breach the first door. Wait until the slow motion sequence is over, then throw a flash bang and just pick off each one fast enough. Do this on Regular, of course.
They were supposed to release patch 1.02 I think. I have no idea when that's going to be. Nihilistic is no longer tweeting.
They were supposed to release patch 1.02 I think. I have no idea when that's going to be. Nihilistic is no longer tweeting.
Trash dev hope their next project goes under if they leave customers high and dry. How are the online numhers? Still easy to find a match thats full?
They're not tweeting under nStigate or something now?
You'll find matches quite easily, but not always full. Doesn't matter though since people are entering and dropping all the time.
Ya. That's the mission I've been doing it on. I'll try the M60. I assume you don't throw the flash bang directly since you will also get "flash banged". Wonder if it works with a grenade after throwing the flash bang ..
Thanks!Congrats! I have one more mission left to do on Veteran, then it's time to go for the rest of the Trophies.
Others have already answered, but i can add that i did this trophy in the 2nd mission. There is a small tight room there (where you pick up some documents). After breaching there, dont shoot anyone during slow motion, move to the side, then throw two flashbangs in there and shoot. That is how i did it at leasttest_account, the trophy with killing 4 enemies with a flash bang .. which operation did you get that in. I've been trying with zero success. Is it one of those trophies that unlock after doing the task or after the operation mission is complete?