There goes my night.
Just use both.Gonna be hard for me with blind eye, and ghost being on the same tier of perks. Oh well, will have to just get use to it.
ok that's no good. I do care and then yea that makes UAV overpowered a bit but it won't matter in the end with a full party.
I'm ready for monday night.
Just use both.
can you do that? I thought you couldnt do that....
Look at this guy who still hasn't read up on the Pick 10 system.
You can run up to any 6 perks you want with 3 wildcards, but it takes 9 points.
What are wildcards?
What are wildcards?
PS3 Online MP (not the bots) Offscreen footage
There are no frame rate issues and the hit detection looks top notch like MW2.
PS3 Zombies HD - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdknYPKZR3o
Adjustable Stock lets you move faster while AingDS.
It's a gun attachment called Adjustable Stock now. I'm currently using it lol.
EDIT: Dammit Xux beat me again :/
I really hope the framerate is better than BO1 but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions based on youtube videos.
Games are so onesided because the OP UAV. It's fucking ridiculous. Once the other team gets a UAV, you might as well fuckin quit and try getting a new game.
Games are so onesided because the OP UAV. It's fucking ridiculous. Once the other team gets a UAV, you might as well fuckin quit and try getting a new game.
Games are so onesided because the OP UAV. It's fucking ridiculous. Once the other team gets a UAV, you might as well fuckin quit and try getting a new game.
Games are so onesided because the OP UAV. It's fucking ridiculous. Once the other team gets a UAV, you might as well fuckin quit and try getting a new game.
Ghost is a lvl 55 unlock right now, so everybody appears on radar.
UAV = Blackbird right now.
It's so fucking frustrating playing against people who know where you are at all times.
And it all comes down to teammates who give them one UAV, which then leads to unlimited UAVs from there team, while my team loses 75-35 or in that ballpark.
Or occasionally, it's the other way around and i do well cause of UAVs.
EDIT: Counter UAV is a high lvl unlock as well.
Not too mention ghost is gimped so that unless you're sprinting you show up on the enemy radar...
Ghost is a lvl 55 unlock right now, so everybody appears on radar.
UAV = Blackbird right now.
It's so fucking frustrating playing against people who know where you are at all times.
And it all comes down to teammates who give them one UAV, which then leads to unlimited UAVs from there team, while my team loses 75-35 or in that ballpark.
Or occasionally, it's the other way around and i do well cause of UAVs.
EDIT: Counter UAV is a high lvl unlock as well.
I know it's ridiculous. It's like saying theres no anti air support perk and a chopper is a 3 killstreak. Or there is no flak jacket, but grenades do double damage in this game etc...
I'm just grinding my way to 55 and then loving my ghost forever on after. The thing is that it takes a while to get there, so I have to keep playing these BS games. My gameplay has never been so inconsistent. Fuckin ridiculous and VERY frustrating.
I honestly don't even think I can get to lvl 55. I think I'm done with this game. Even with ghost, I'll still appear on radar often.
I'll still enjoy the rest of the story and tons of zombies, but looks like way less hours in a Black Ops game again. I had 987 in MW3. Sucks this game is not balanced with UAV.
UAVs were so common in MW3, but at least you could counter them. In Black Ops, not too many people used them and you could counter it. Same in MW3, people used other killstreaks and it was counterable.
Now in this game, a lot more people will run UAV than in MW2 and Blops because it's not counterable. A max lvl unlock means 99% of the community won't have ghost. The only people that will are gonna be who don't prestige or people who unlocked it and even then ghost still appears on radar. Can't even reload without having to run into other people, instead of being smart and doing it standing still in a low traffic area.
EDIT: Also for anybody who cares, 1.95k/d and 0.91w/l for me with 20 wins and 624 kills. Every playercard i've checked has had a 0.50 to 1.60ish range. Even youtubers that I ran into (Wingsofredemption and JJgag[jagrawrr]) were playing poorly. There is no flow to the game when everybody is on radar. Try capping a flag when the whole team knows you're going there or planting a bomb etc...
I've been off radar since WaW rocking camouflage 8) This game would be fine if UAV wasn't such a low killstreak. The reason I use Assassin in MW3 is because i practically have to because the enemy team has UAV 24/7 cause of support. So now in Blops II, enemy has UAV 24/7, yet you can't stop it. Wonder whos genius idea this was.
Why don't you just shoot it down?
I guess I just need a break. I've been on for way too many hours in a row. I'll see how tomorrow goes. I guess it's also double frustrating cause everybody online is super good cause no casual gamer gets the game early. 1.95k/d and 0.91 w/l are sooooo bad. It's not even fun cause I rarely get killstreaks cause the other team has radar all the time.
Well, first I have to spend a point on the launcher. Then when I hear about a UAV (WHICH IS ALL THE TIME) I have to look up the sky and try to find it, while their are buildings in the way etc.. Or what if i'm indoors and on a killstreak and then bam I have to waste my time taking out a UAV. And the whole time I look in the sky, anybody can shoot me, and i appear on radar once the rocket launches. Then right after it's destroyed....a new one is called in.
I'd rather have my normal class without spending a point on it and be able to play normally. Why does everybody need to know where the enemies are 24/7?
I find 6 v 6 everybody uses assassins games very fun and skillful over 6 v 6 nobody has assassin and everybody knows where you are and where you're heading.
I havent gotten the game yet (picking up the PS3 version today) but i think you need to give it some more time. It's normal for the UAV to be overpowered when nobody knows the maps yet / has a clue on how to play them. Things might balance themselves out once players know where to expect the enemy (without UAV), know best spots to shoot down an UAV and you might even be able to bait other players.
UAV spam has been prevalent for quite a while in COD
I'd wait for a couple of weeks before making knee-jerk reactions about how the game is going to be, to be honest.
No offense, but hearing someone so dependent on bullshit like Ghost melting down makes me feel a lot better about how this game is going to turn out.
I'm not saying it isn't currently unbalanced, but to be so angry over it when you haven't even tried to shoot it down seems a bit preemptive.
I hope more people uses UAV.
Much faster for me to earn scorestreaks lol.
Kyle guy on here thats streaming....Want to party up? I need people to play with and we'd dominate![]()
We can party up tomorrow if you want.
Add me on live: I KyleN I