W@W was a fantastic game.
Hmmm... I'm looking for that GIF where the dog punches the guy in the face..
W@W was a fantastic game.
This weeks episode of Invisible Walls on GT, Shane Satterfiled makes comments on Black Ops II at the end of the episode (42 min mark). He talks about wanting to see the reaction of "trolls" they get commenting on how they love CoD.
The thing is, the way he phrased his comments either the game is awesome and totally different from its predecessors or it could be taken in quite a negative slant. This game better not turn out rubbish =/
I see some people relied on Assassin a little too much in MW3. lol
I have always hated the fact that people could hide from the radar entirely, so I welcome all these changes. That perk was ridiculously overpowered in MW3 and I predicted a lot of people were going to be upset with this game in the MW3 thread a couple months ago.
I saw you mention quitting out of the match when the other team gets UAV. Is there still basically no penalty for quitting in this game? :/
This is the first Call of Duty so far where UAV is so powerful.
What makes the UAV so powerful? I played my first 4 matches only and didnt notice any difference.
Dont give a fuck about what Satterfield has to say after GT gave GOTY to MW2 on ALL PLATFORMS, and in general. This is the same year Uncharted 2 and other awesome games came out.
I hate that guy. It may just be me though.
Well in the early stages of the game, everybody is on radar with UAV, so it's like UAV is a blackbird right now, but it's a really low scorestreak.
It shouldn't be as bad after the first week of the game or so.
Xbox Profile Settings -> Friends only voice chat
Think I've had that set about 99% of the time for the last, oh, five years![]()
but that's just wrong. A Blackbird tracks your movement in real time, the UAV doesnt. Sure everybody lights up, but it's not game breaking. There's even a default class with the Ghost perk...
:O Mind Blown. If it's halfway decent, I'll use it lol. And yeah callin it a blackbird is an exaggeration cause it doesn't show directions too etc.. but you get the point. Everybody is on radar. I guess except the default class users, but there are very few of them.
but that's just wrong. A Blackbird tracks your movement in real time, the UAV doesnt. Sure everybody lights up, but it's not game breaking. There's even a default class with the Ghost perk...
Can the UAV be shot down?
Its been awhile since I've played Blops 1, but Blackbird was my favorite streak, showing all players regardless of ghost perks, coudln't be shot down, and even showed facing direction.
Sounds like this UAV is simply a UAV, what makes it different than your other standard COD UAVs?
We can party up tomorrow if you want.
Add me on live: I KyleN I
There's even a default class with the Ghost perk...
It's supposed to be in all first run copies, but some people who got the game early from mom and pop stores have reported not getting the code.Is the 2025 map in all first run copies? The amazon page says the code for it will be in it. They aren't offering release day shipping so I'll probably just show up at WalMart at midnight and pick it up but I'm wondering if I'll miss out on that map.
Has anyone has the chance to try out League Play yet? The supposed leaked screenshots pointed towards there being two leagues: the Treyarch World League and the Treyarch Champions Leagues. The Champions League required a team of 4, does the World League have the same requirement?
I'm using it and loving it right now. Just had 2 great games back to back and the gun on the class is awesome too. It's just too bad I can't lvl up the gun yet cause it's not unlocked so im missing out on the 1000xp each time you lvl your gun, but it's worth it.
It's supposed to be in all first run copies, but some people who got the game early from mom and pop stores have reported not getting the code.
Thanks.There are two leagues: Mosh-Pit and Champions League.
Mosh-Pit: 6 vs 6, no splitscreen, matchmaking based on playerrank
Champions League: 4 vs 4, no split screen, matchmaking based on player- and teamrank
You dont need to be in a party for the Mosh-Pit, no idea about the CL though.
Is the amazon pre order a steam key? It normally says it on the page, I dont see it anywhere.
I have some gift cards to spend.
But somehow, I like it. Its not too hard to get into.
Is the amazon pre order a steam key? It normally says it on the page, I dont see it anywhere.
I have some gift cards to spend.
Played a few games in multiplayer. As expected, I'm horrible.
My worst was 8-17. My best was 8-3.
But somehow, I like it. Its not too hard to get into. If there's anyone else out there who's wondering if this should be their first COD, I say go for it.
Also ps3 owners don't worry about performance. I played a couple of matches and its smooth. It also loads way faster than before.
Activision developed a Modified engine for this game and it will be scalable for NEXT GEN systems. UbiSoft also developed a new engine for Assassin's creed 3 in preparation for next gen. Its a smart move on their part.
If MW4 and AC3: Subtitle go cross gen both companies are just going to port the PC version at max settings, increase the res and call it a day.Activision developed a Modified engine for this game and it will be scalable for NEXT GEN systems. UbiSoft also developed a new engine for Assassin's creed 3 in preparation for next gen. Its a smart move on their part.
If MW4 and AC3: Subtitle go cross gen both companies are just going to port the PC version at max settings, increase the res and call it a day.
If MW4 and AC3: Subtitle go cross gen both companies are just going to port the PC version at max settings, increase the res and call it a day.
well for the first iteration, wouldn't that be enough ? I mean they will probably make some changes down the road but I think it should be fine
The new non-region based matchmaking sucks so far, hope it will be better once the game officially launches, but I have yet to see a game without at least 2 or 3 players having a yellow ping.
AFAIK, the PC has the same matchmaking, but with dedis.If you don't want to use P2P matchmaking you're going to have to buy a PC.![]()
AFAIK, the PC has the same matchmaking, but with dedis.
The new non-region based matchmaking sucks so far, hope it will be better once the game officially launches, but I have yet to see a game without at least 2 or 3 players having a yellow ping.
spec ops has never been in treyarch games thats an IW thingSo Zombies is the only coop mode? No spec ops at all?
If so, no buy