The PC version is free to play for the weekend (until Sunday @ 1pst). If you have a half decent set up, you should give it a try.
The PC version is free to play for the weekend (until Sunday @ 1pst). If you have a half decent set up, you should give it a try.
2xp this weekend starting tomorrow.
Dammit I knew I should have screen capped that tweet last night. Someone asked Vahn what he thought of PS4 and he basically said "dunno, we don't have an SDK but hope it's good'. Sounds like CoD development is going to continue with Xbox being their platform of choice.
Dammit I knew I should have screen capped that tweet last night. Someone asked Vahn what he thought of PS4 and he basically said "dunno, we don't have an SDK but hope it's good'. Sounds like CoD development is going to continue with Xbox being their platform of choice.
So BLOPS 3 possibly won't be releasing on PS4 next year?
Awesome thanks for the heads up on both! (PC f2p I mean)okay...
2xp this weekend starting tomorrow.
The PC version is free to play for the weekend (until Sunday @ 1pst). If you have a half decent set up, you should give it a try.
I can't access the pageWanna play with PC peeps
It should be in your Steam library. You may have to restart for it to show up.
So BLOPS 3 possibly won't be releasing on PS4 next year?
Anyone else have this problem?
When my wife and I are signed in and ready to play (same console) I cannot invite anyone. However, we can join other friends lobbies. If my wife signs out, I can send an invite. This has happened for a long time.
Anyone else getting horrible connections on the PC after the patch. Every game I join I get 1-2 bars, it was fine pre-patch.
Are you still set to "best"? Maybe something got reset.
Sorry the picture is so dark, it's late and I'm going to bed so I dimmed the lights in my room.
The following are the CenterSpeed increases applied to your weapon when you duck or go prone. (First number is the ducked multiplier, second is prone):
Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Pistols and HAMR: 1.0 and 1.0
Light Machine Guns (except HAMR) and SVU-AS: 1.1 and 1.2
Ballista and DSR-50: 1.15 and 1.25
XPR-50: 1.3 and 1.6
Example: You're holding an LSAT (base CenterSpeed = 1750) and you go prone to shoot your weapon. Your CenterSpeed is now 1750 * 1.2 = 2100.
pcdev ‏@pcdev
Next BlackOps2 PC Patch allows players to set the max ping for matchmaking to a server and replaces ping bars with numbers.
How's the pc f2p for those who tried it? Are the pc veterans destroying you?
The last lobby I played in had mostly new players and they all held their own. If you have played enough of it on console, you shouldn't have too much trouble. I recommend going into a private match to test out your settings (mouse sens, fov, fps, button config) before jumping in.
Yea I was thinking that as well.The last lobby I played in had mostly new players and they all held their own. If you have played enough of it on console, you shouldn't have too much trouble. I recommend going into a private match to test out your settings (mouse sens, fov, fps, button config) before jumping in.
February 22, 2013 Update for Multiplayer
Improvements to the Matchmaking System.
Replaced ping bars with ping numbers.
Players can set maximum ping in the matchmaking search preferences.
Yea I was thinking that as well.
I'll probably stay out of Domination too, that's where most pro players are at on PC it seems.
PC patch is out now.
so while prestiging, my kdr has dropped in playing mostly kill confirmed. but man, once i get bouncing betties + scavenger that shit jumps straight up.
Running with two bouncing betties is amazing. I'm a mid-range assault rifle player. I like to hold choke points, move slowly, etc. Most rooms have just two main ways to enter. I'll plop one betty at one entrance and the other at the other entrance. Even if they don't kill the enemy when they enter the room, I'll get a nice warning that my betty has been destroyed, allowing me to ambush the guy as he walks into the room.
I find that, whether it's a shite connection or just my general suckiness, I very often still get killed after the warning of a betty going off or being destroyed.
Betties are terrible for getting kills with against decent players. Almost everyone knows that you can just duck to avoid them by now.
I've played about 700 TDM matches and have 400 betty kills. I don't think I would get as many kills with the semtex, 'nades, or C4 (given my play style). Plus they act as a threat detection system which is a huge bonus.
I find it bewildering that while things like frags and Semtex are harmless to you if you or a teammate threw it
I've played about 700 TDM matches and have 400 betty kills. I don't think I would get as many kills with the semtex, 'nades, or C4 (given my play style). Plus they act as a threat detection system which is a huge bonus.
without using any counters besides just going prone.
FYI you only have to crouch to avoid betty explosive radius
Yeah i know, but in MW3 you had to go prone, so I'm still used to that and going prone is better cause if the person is near their betty, then it's like you're already dropshotting them.
Also, you're one of the only people I've ever seen in any CoD game that has a better claymore kill % than betty.
I only used about 100 until I hit 10th prestige so my stats are heavily skewed towards the more recent "meta game"