Yea, friends and I quite enjoy Die Rise, I am hoping for something more along the lines of Green Zone Tranzit though in fure, so another whole map with a bus, or something similar; but it was nice to have a whole proper level again. There should be more customisation options though, some people might enjoy having extra enemies that jump in now and then, but personally we just quite like taking a stand in a building without having to worry about the electric man or whatever those jumpy little shits are in die rise coming in and ruining our fun, lol.
That new Zombie mode is a bit meh though, it's pretty much what friends and I back in college would do with Alien vs Predator on PC, so we would split off and the Humans would have to defend the train while the Xenomorphs would have to take them out, it was a lot of fun. But Turned needs like, more than 4 players, it is pretty much Infection from MW3 (which to me was one of the most fun things to come from a CoD game) but on a much smaller scale, would have far preferred it expanded to more players combining co-operation and competitiveness.
I love not having a huge bus like map. TranZit was kinda lame after figuring out all the buildables and easter eggs. Nothing is more fun than having to run 20 miles between rounds to get stuff you need and getting attacked by the denizens/avogadro.
Die Rise is tons of fun because of all the areas you can play in and still have fun. The AN-94 is the best bullet weapon to date and it's a wall weapon, so ammo is rarely an issue. That also saves time when you would normally have to hit the box to get a gun. I just love the map. It's fun no matter where you are and similarly to Ascension, they have the acrobat creepy crawlie things every 4-5 rounds, which helps with max ammos (something tranzit didn't have) and makes the game go quicker. Having Round 80 be a 4 minute acrobat round is better than a 2 hour normal round

. I managed to get to Round 34 in about 1hr 15 mins (theater mode confirms that

) and in older CoDs, it'd take about 1hr to get to round 20. Another hour til round 30 and two more hrs til round 40. Now, I can actually play with 4 people if I wanted to and not worry about having to take forever. 2 people is still the best though
And Turned is pretty much identical to Juggernaut from MW3, not Infected. If it was more like Infected, I believe more people would play it and I would enjoy it a lot more. Since it's like Juggernaut, and they make the Jugg weaker and weaker after every kill, it's not really fun. You become Jugg. Get a few kills. Back to zombie. Rinse and repeat. The M1911 takes 2.5 clips to the head to kill and prob more if it's not a headshot, so yeah.
For a game that was supposed to be far more integrated with Elite than MW3, it seems to be more broken than ever.
MW3 was probably where Elite was integrated most. Elite was originally created for MW3 and I don't get why Black Ops 2 just downgraded it. Black Ops 1 beta days were the best though. 24 hour operations and only a few thousand would sign up. Sometimes they were hidden and I managed to get into one with about 150 people. You then party up with friends who joined with you and play all day getting CTF defends or returns or whatever. Doing HQ captures was the craziest thing I ever did in CoD. It was rushing the HQ and getting set up, just to leave immediately and let them destroy it, so you can capture more. The max was 9 a game and it was just exhilarating trying to do it so quickly. Sadly, the prizes weren't as good back in the day, so I only won a huge ass wall sticker and a hat :/ Nowadays they're harder to win too, since people have been practicing. The most kills in 3 hrs in FFA usually has the winner with just over 1000 kills, yet I can barely get over 700. 700 lands me in the top 25 or so usually, but nowhere near winning