
Call of
Alright, making an offshoot topic here for online talk related to the clan or just online talk in general so we can stop clogging up the other topic.
Topic will be barebones unless someone wants to make graphics for it.
1) Create a account and link your online ID to it.
-mr miserable
3) Include your Xbox Live gamertag, PSN ID or Steam ID in the message body. Wii U is not supported in the cross-platform clans, sorry.
4) We'll let you know when we invite you to the clan. You can accept in the app of via Barracks > Clan Invites in game.
5) If you haven't been added within 24 hours, please PM another person your details. Occasionally, one leader may be busy.
Clan Wars will be up 11/25. In-game rewards are rewarded for our clan placing well. Presumably, this included double XP and backgrounds/patches for your player.
In addition, you can choose from soldier customization to use the GAF clan tag. This will be Gold/Red once we reach the appropriate level.
This section will be updated once Clan Wars go live.
GAF ID spreadsheet:
Feel free to add yourself to this spreadsheet so that we can play in groups and work together. If you're going to send someone a friend request on a service, let them know you're from GAF.