360 servers are seemingly down.
The F, my ps4 version of COD Ghosts just came and it says it requires 49GB o.o
The F, my ps4 version of COD Ghosts just came and it says it requires 49GB o.o
A couple of friends said servers went down within the last 10 minutes.
To the ass that told me "COD always has good launches" in the GTAV thread; SUCK IT!
Hope to get this on Friday.
Old news.
They really need to do something about the lag.
I'm getting the shit where as soon as I see someone I'm dead and have no reaction time and when I do get a jump on them it takes half a round to drop them lol
Get the ps3 version and enjoy it for two weeks, then get the ps4 version for $10 and enjoy. I used to have all my friends on Xbox 360 until I really tried to make a community on PS3. Now I've got a bunch of new were friends on PS3 that I'll play with when my stubborn 360 friends don't want to come over. Come on over man PS four is going to be your primary console anyway, so just jump in with both feet!I'm having a hard time deciding the platform. I have got all the other CoD's on 360, and I have a PS4 preordered.
PS4 will be prettier but I don't know anyone else getting PS4 right away.
360 will probably have larger multiplayer user base but not as pretty and the maps have a smaller player cap.
What is the general opinion for platform GAF? Are most going to one platform or another? Or is it split?
Reminds me of SkyrimPlaying it all maxed out on PC.
Stuttering all over the place and the main menu constantly freezes. Server time outs, and it takes a lot to find a match even with NAT Open.
Its CoD 3 + MW2 IWnet all over again.
And this i just made a screen, seriously what the actual fuck?
Damn, i'm glad i didn't pay for this. Thank you based Steamgifts.
I'm having a hard time deciding the platform. I have got all the other CoD's on 360, and I have a PS4 preordered.
PS4 will be prettier but I don't know anyone else getting PS4 right away.
360 will probably have larger multiplayer user base but not as pretty and the maps have a smaller player cap.
What is the general opinion for platform GAF? Are most going to one platform or another? Or is it split?
Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply.
Playing it all maxed out on PC.
Stuttering all over the place and the main menu constantly freezes. Server time outs, and it takes a lot to find a match even with NAT Open.
Its CoD 3 + MW2 IWnet all over again.
And this i just made a screen, seriously what the actual fuck?
Damn, i'm glad i didn't pay for this. Thank you based Steamgifts.
What's wrong with the fucking menus???
Also, on PC, this shit hasass cancermouse acceleration or some stupid retarded shit like that, no? Feels fucking horrible (like MW3), while blops2 and BF3-4 feel fine...
Edit: what the fuck is smooth mouse? Off is horrible... guess I'll try on... not too optimistic about this though...;_;
Yeah the mouse feels off.
Anyone else noticing that the game seems to stutter a lot? Like micro stutter kind of, it's weird like i'll be playing and everything seems to "pop" in front of me, there's no like smoothness to anything. It even feels off to control compared to the previous titles.
I also wonder what the difference is between those with Windows 7 and 8, if there's any performance differences etc.
Is the FoV fixer safe to use at this time?
It feels like I've entered bizarro world, lol. Now the maps are too big in a CoD game.
The performance on PC kind of makes me get the 360 version.
Even if the frames are over 60fps, it runs like 30 fps.
The mouse jitter is insane, kind of stutters too.