Is MW2 really considered weaker than the games that followed? I think that's the last time multiplayer maps worked.
Weird that they use MW2 as the pedestal example as the worst COD game when MW3 was about a trillion times worse.
Do the reviews always come out day of? I thought I remember them being a day or two before. I'm probably wrong though.
Do the reviews always come out day of? I thought I remember them being a day or two before. I'm probably wrong though.
The truth.COD3 and MW3 still hold the throne for worst games of the franchise.
Then by name yesWhat I meant is that I thought Infinity Ward is a shell of its former self and they lost a lot of key members that did the other games.
I don't know for sure though, don't follow FPS studios.
The truth.
But what does Jim Sterling think of Call of Duty: Ghosts?
Single player...not multiplayer. CoD3 multiplayer is king.
When does the embargo end? for the non xbone verions?
When does the embargo end? for the non xbone verions?
It was. Everyone seems to forget this.
CoD3 multiplayer is king.
really depends on the game.
That's what's so ironic about CoD being the game to spark the resolution debate. Ghosts looks awful. 1080p isn't going to change that.
I consider MW2 to easily be one of the worst COD games and the start of the downward spiral towards more killstreaks and other stupid shit. However COD3 and MW3 still hold the throne for worst games of the franchise.
COD4 and BLOPS 1 will always be my favourites and I'll probably always play them to an extent. From what I've played of Ghosts I quite like how big the maps are but only played a few.
Amazing map design, no cramped maps, first CoD to introduce killstreak perks and it didn't break the game, it was fast, had vehicles that weren't overpowered.
Nothing bad about it at all. Oh and you never got shot around corners or had awful netcode that the CoD4 engine lovingly introduced.
Big Red One was the worst in the series, no one remembers it anyway.
Big Red One was the worst in the series, no one remembers it anyway.
I think I played that. Ps2 only and at one point you were the gunner of a bomber? Was that the one?
I remember renting and finishing it way back when, but I don't have any clear memory of me liking or disliking it. I know for sure I didn't hate it nearly as much as COD3, WaW, and MW3.
CoD4 is the king as far as multiplayer goes. Get out with that CoD3 bullcrap. That was a horrible game through and through.
Yeah, I loved playing CoD4 and shooting some guy in the back only for him to turn around and kill me. Made it much better when I'd view the killcam and see a completely different scenario.
It was great!
Yeah, I loved playing CoD4 and shooting some guy in the back only for him to turn around and kill me. Made it much better when I'd view the killcam and see a completely different scenario.
It was great!
Your actually one of the first to admit to liking CoD3....different things for different people tho
CoD4 wasn't that bad with the peekaboo mechanics. That didn't happen until MW2 came around.
Just now it's gettin' a crap review?
Big fan of the series, but finally! Needed it since MW3.
omg i havnt seen this one before.
Well it is Polygon. Best you wait for the tidal flow.
Oh god, Call of Duty 3 was so bad, especially coming off the brilliance of 2. I can't wash that shit out of my brain, it just permanently stains the reputation of Treyarch in my mind no matter what they do.
God forbid IW support the modding community. Yeesh. IW can do no right by some of you.Modern Warfare 3 was fucking awful, and hacker's paradise in MP on PC.
Jim Sterling - 9.5