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Call of Duty: Ghosts Review Thread | Celebrating 10 years of doody


If you play Calladoody based on review scores you're doing it wrong

Even if you accept CoD as a yearly iterative title ala FIFA, it's not particularly good at that. They need to take a break and come back with their own engine and some fresh talent. What happened to the talent they had? Oh, right, they tried to dig up dirt on them just to fire them in order to save some money.


The PS4 version looks better if only for the colors in a lot of those sequences. The current gen version has a really ugly atmosphere at times.

details, colors, draw distance, particles etc..

Everything is clearly better on Ps4.
Good thing I ordered from Amazon instead of buying straight off Steam. Now I can return the game once it's arrived.

I should have followed my own advice and always waited for reviews.
I'm of the opinion that MW3 is far and away the low point of the series. MW2 was a bit broken, but it had some of my favorite maps. MW3 had some of the absolute most boring, colourless maps of the series.

I still find it hard to believe that this will be worse than that.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Only good CoD games are 4 and BO. The rest are bland, stale lumps of trash that need a serious direction change.

What's wrong with BO2? I thought the story was pretty clever and well written.


Seems like a cynical bunch of reviews. I've not played a COD since COD2 at the 360 launch so I'm not burnt out on it, and some of those 1080 ps4 videos (I saw the underwater stage on IGN's walkthrough) looked good to me. Maybe I don't expect as much as a hardened COD player would.


The PS4 version just shipped from Gamefly today. I look forward to playing the campaign while waiting for other games to download. :)
I've watched some videos and am just not seeing the framerate hitches? Maybe they'll come out with some videos showing them? Even the IGN video review when they mention it - they don't actually show an example?

EDIT: would be nice to know if this is extreme nitpicking where it happens for 5 seconds out of the entire single player campaign or if its something that occurs somewhat often?
EDGE review said that brief drops occur before checkpoints but gunplay isn't affected.


Seems like a cynical bunch of reviews. I've not played a COD since COD2 at the 360 launch so I'm not burnt out on it, and some of those 1080 ps4 videos (I saw the underwater stage on IGN's walkthrough) looked good to me. Maybe I don't expect as much as a hardened COD player would.

Yeah I think for your average COD player that buys the 360 version every year, the PS4 version will look astounding.

side note: the ps3 version looks downright terrible
So if Call of Duty gets over an 8 at IGN it's Doritos-gate, but if a different game get under a 9, they're just a bunch of COD douches?

And I never really got the "press is bought off" stuff with Call of Duty. The Metacritics have steadily been going down since MW2 (which I thought was a great game, and haven't played one since).

It's never been below an 80 though (low 70's right now). Wonder if this affects sales and/or future games in the series.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Even if you accept CoD as a yearly iterative title ala FIFA, it's not particularly good at that. They need to take a break and come back with their own engine and some fresh talent. What happened to the talent they had? Oh, right, they tried to dig up dirt on them just to fire them in order to save some money.

Yeah, I aint excactly no COD fanatic, the last good one imo was COD4.

I'm not playing ghosts, but not because of review scores, and I think those who just want to have fun cruising through yet another one should give no fucks either

Only good CoD games are 4 and BO. The rest are bland, stale lumps of trash that need a serious direction change.

Mate, the real classics are Call of Duty and COD 2! :)


I'm kind of surprised by the really low reviews... but if it plays like COD, should be in for a fun few months. PS4 version looks better than I thought it would.


Game plays identical to COD, except with bigger maps. This should bomb, and it looks like it is.

I am predicting 6 out of 10 on gamespot
So if Call of Duty gets over an 8 at IGN it's Doritos-gate, but if a different game get under a 9, they're just a bunch of COD douches?

And I never really got the "press is bought off" stuff with Call of Duty. The Metacritics have steadily been going down since MW2 (which I thought was a great game, and haven't played one since).

It's never been below an 80 though (low 70's right now). Wonder if this affects sales and/or future games in the series.
The PlayStation 4 version is currently at 79. That said, at the end of the day, I expect all versions to reside within the late 60s/70s for Metacritic scores. It won't affect sales now, but if the reception are all below 75, I'm going to be very curious to see what Activision does with the franchise from here on out.


So, I'm not shocked. If games could have auras, this one was pretty depleted since announcement. What a shame, I guess a lot of people will be hopping over to BF4.

Sales will be interesting since the last one did so exceptionally well.
Really, COD hasn't been ambitious since 4.

Cod has never been ambitious, unless you call adding skinnerbox functionality to the 4th game ambitious (lol)

it started off as a medal of honor AA clone ffs

They never bothered to improve the movement , come up with a good spawn system or anything
laziest most formulaic sequels next to fifa since 2003.


Neo Member
I've never played CoD before, but if I wanted to get into it now, which version should I get? The most recent version for the multiplayer community or some other one? I like shooters for their multiplayer more than the campaigns.


Guessing Killzone is the go-to FPS this year.

Battlefield 4 is a pretty awesome shooter. Though Killzone looks to be going for the COD sytle multi compared to BF's 64 players.

But yeah if bf4 isnt your kind of multiplayer, killzone is looking like the best option.

Hopefully KZ reviews well.


Loved CoD2, CoD4 Modern Warfare, CoD World At War and MW2, but after that, I'd had enough. Switched to BF3 in 2011, never looked back.

If CoD doesn't have a totally new, built from the ground up engine by 2015, they never will.


Bad reviews will not hinder the majority of consumers to buy a COD game.

People always tell me fast food is bad for my health but I'll always stand in line for the next Mc'D burger.


Cod has never been ambitious, unless you call adding skinnerbox functionality to the 4th game ambitious (lol)

it started off as a medal of honor AA clone ffs

They never bothered to improve the movement , come up with a good spawn system or anything
laziest most formulaic sequels next to fifa since 2003.

The movement should not change... it's smooth and it works. Any lighter and they're in Halo category, any heavier and their in BF/Killzone territory.

Spawn system would never work in small maps because the game is just way too fast paced to work and keep up with the game without spawn protection. Hopefully bigger maps solve that. It's the trade off you get for keeping the players closer to the action versus putting them at a safer distance.
It's about fucking time the COD bubble burst with reviewers. I'm sure the game is fun and all, but how many very similar sequels can you get away with year after year before people get burnt out?
I'm of the opinion that MW3 is far and away the low point of the series. MW2 was a bit broken, but it had some of my favorite maps. MW3 had some of the absolute most boring, colourless maps of the series.

I still find it hard to believe that this will be worse than that.

MW2 was the last good CoD game with good map design and layout. MW3 was shit, the maps were terrible, Blops 2 was okay, tried to get back into CoD, played several hours and liked it but I just stopped playing.
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