As per request!
Didn't go into this game expecting too much, saw a few posts on here and it looked interesting and got it thanks to Blizzard

. Was I surprised by how the game has so far turned out. I am about 70 minutes into the game and well haven't given up on it yet and seeing as how recently most games I give up after 30 minutes it's saying quite a lot that I want to continue playing and will do so once I post this

The narrator so far has been quite funny, I am enjoying him telling the story of what is happening on screen, reminds me of Bastion! He is not just narrating the story, but rather telling it to someone and so there is some funny banter between them as he tries to make himself look as good as possible. The guy runs his mouth a lot and I have actually laughed out loud, don't do that often. Heh. The world sometimes changing due to the narrator adding more to the story is a very nice touch.
The actual gun mechanics are quite good too, feels more like a real gun an not plasticky like Borderlands. A lot of the fights against the bad guys are set in open fields which give you different flanking options. Although I am playing on Normal and am kinda just plowing my way through!
The duel thing is a little hard, I manage to line it all up really well, get the speed up, but then I start shooting as soon as I shoot draw and shoot into the ground and it wastes time. Don't do that!
Cell-shaded seems to work with a western, I don't know why, but most other games that use cell-shaded I didn't really like, but it seem to look good here. I don't like this weird border thing though.
These screenshots don't do the game justice. It's just this level I am on, Steam thread has some nice ones.
Blizzard, thanks for the game. It's not much of a write up, but the most i usually write about games are that it sucks or its good
