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Calling all Game Pass subscriber: how have your gaming habits changed?


Pretty much as the title states, I'd like to hear from people who either (a) are currently subscribed or (b) have been subscribed to Game Pass at some point in the past.

I'm not subscribed to it but I'm considering it (along with potentially getting a Series X when prices go back to normal).

How has being subscribed to Game Pass affected your gaming habits?

To give a guidance for answers (which you can ignore if you like):

(1) How has it affected the way you approach deciding whether to play/invest time in a game?

Normally, we would evaluate a game based on reviews, our own personal preferences (we all have our favorite genres), and of course price relative to how long you think you'll play/how much value you think you'll get from it. With Game Pass, I imagine that this decision process is altered somewhat. You no longer really have any "risk" to speak. The only opportunity cost is time. You've already paid for that month/year of Game Pass, so it makes no monetary difference whether you play X or Y. Similarly, if you get sick of X you can just stop playing it and play Y (after installing it etc.)

(2) What is an example of a game or multiple games that you really enjoyed but probably wouldn't have played if it hadn't been available at no extra cost through your subscription?

I'm subscribed to Amazon Prime, and there are so many bargain basement B-movies I've watched that were obviously bullshit but I enjoyed my time with them. There are loads of TV shows (Bull, Suits, Jack Ryan many others) that I never would've paid for individually but accessed through my subscription and thoroughly enjoyed. I honestly watch stuff on Amazon Prime every single day, some of it absolute garbage I'd never pay for, but the monthly cost is honestly negligible to the point I don't care.

(3) What are the best aspects, and what are the most annoying aspects about Game Pass as a service?

This could be regarding the selection of games, or it could be about the actual interface or the system or the download speeds or whatever you like.

PS I would probably consider myself a "fan" of Playstation looking back at my gaming "resume", but hey who gives a shit. Game Pass looks like fun, thought I'd just ask people who are/were actually using it.


I'm finding I'm treating it like a demo service. So I pick something out from the list, play it for a while on Xbox Series S. If I am starting to enjoy the game and it doesn't have any X enhancements, I'll keep on playing. Otherwise, I'll stop and add it to the "play later" list to play when I get an Xbox Series X for better quality. Then I move on to the next one.

However, I do seem to be playing on PlayStation a lot more still. Right now I'm playing PS3 because trophies > achievements.


1. I am still more time limited than money limited so reviews are still important for me to figure out what to pick up.

I do try more games especially on the indie side. Played Nier Automata as well off the back of Irman Khan talking about it

2. Nier, Yakuza are the two outstanding ones for me. Couldn't get into octopath traveller would say it was a 7. Need to get back into river city girls as that first level hooked me and finish the last 3 yakuza in the kiryu saga.

3. I am a bit fan of remote play so the most annoying thing is tetris effect being banned from remote play. I think they also have work to do with recommendations.
As a long time staunch physical game collector, Game Pass has almost completely won me over to the "dark side" of digital gaming. I was already about 50/50 physical vs digital before GP (primarily due to slowly collecting BC 360 games when on sale, many of which are double dips of games I already own on disc). But GP has definitely accelerated the trend for me to the point that it's now somewhat uncommon for me to buy a game physically. Instead I essentially use GP as a demo/"rental" service and then buy games digitally when they go on heavy discount during a sale. I'm very patient as my owned backlog is insane and the extensive GP catalog just piles it up to ridiculous amounts. I literally have over 1000 games on my Series X external hard drive at this point. 😉

As for purchasing physical games, I am pretty much of the mindset I'll only really do that with select games from now on, especially if there's a cool CE I want of a particular game. Otherwise I wait for deep discounts at Best Buy or just wait for a digital sale.

As far as my actual playing habits go, I've noticed that GP combined with the MS Quest system has been an unexpected and fun/interesting solution to "paralysis of choice" that has plagued me for 5 or more years. I know I'm not alone in that having so many games in a massive collection to choose from means I end up not playing anything a lot of the time (it's an interesting and frustrating phenomenon that seems to be a very real issue for a lot of gamers, apparently. Look it up). What I've found is that GP essentially steers me towards certain games each week to complete "quests" and, as such, I'm actually playing a LOT more the last few months than I had been the prior several years. I used to get fatigued by all the different choices and end up just watching Netflix instead. Haha But now I'm actually playing and discovering a lot of games that I never would have bothered to play before (bc I wouldn't have purchased them).

So the end result is I'm actually purchasing more games than before (when on sale) and, most importantly, actually PLAYING games quite a bit when I have free time rather than just "collecting" and letting them gather dust. Honestly, for me, that alone is worth the monthly price of admission.

I may go back n forth between Gold and GP, but I know I'll be a GP subber on n off basically in perpetuity. They won a physical collector/skeptic over. I'm wholeheartedly onboard. 😁


I had stopped buying games half-way through last gen and was pretty much done with gaming.

In comes gamepass where i can pay pennies and get some games to play and it pushed me towards buying a 1x and elite pad.

With lockdown ending and summer here in Britain, for at least the next 2 days, i haven't switched the old box on in a while. But i know, when i do, i'll have a throng of games to play through.


Long story short, I'm slowly but surely starting to have a mindset when if a game isn't on GP I'm not interested in it... And it has a lot to do with the first point, because if the game's there, you can try it out for as long as you want, you'll either like/love it or quit after half an hour and uninstall, but either way you don't lose anything, it doesn't cost you a singel penny. This is what I value the most in GP (point 3), just being able to try the games yourself, which is so damn crucial in times where demos no longer exist, there's tons of false advertising, carefully scripted/pre-rendered "gameplay" vids, games being broken/unfinished on release, all of that with constant price increases at the same time (I still can't justify games costing 60$, let alone 70).
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I love being able to test out so many XSX enhanced games.

It also lets me try out new genres risk free.

And it makes me a little less focused on one or two games until I stumble on a game like The Messenger.


Gold Member
yeah, got me gaming more and paying for it less, playing many games I'd never buy, or give another chance after a poor first impression...

Also, knowing what's coming to the system - I have zero plans on buying any games on the Xbox this year outside subscription. I'm also somehow OK now with waiting longer for "smaller" multiplatform games I like (but not day one buy like) if I think they might eventually get there.

It's the home to my casual after work "B game" break time gaming.

All the best stuff I look forward to the most is still on Playstation and that's where I spend my money.


I have been playing a lot of games that I wouldn't have even considered because of Game Pass.

Perhaps the best thing about it is how it has impacted multilayer sessions. I have a group of friends where we meet (online) once a week. Before Game Pass what we played really depended on what we owned and what we were willing to pay for. Theres 7 of us in total and as you can imagine we have our own preferences. But with Game Pass none of that matters. We all have the same games.


I have been a subscriber for years now, and yes, my habits have changed, I try many more games that otherwise I would not have even had a clue that I could like them so much. I don't know if you spend less but I certainly feel much more satisfied. I would never go back


I now no longer play games. I just spend all of my time trying to decide which game to play. I have so many to chose from, I am paralysed by choice.

I simply look at my PC screen for five hours trying to decide whether to try to get Crusader Kings 3 to actually launch, fill my entire SSD by downloading Flight Simulator, or just put Slay The Spire on again.


I did the trick for 3 years 1$ and it expired recently.

in the 3 years I never finished a single game... booted up numerous ones here and there.

last month I got a gaming pc, Alienware r10 with rtx 3080. Booted up Forza 4(which i own physical on xbox) and once played Flight Simulator...

then after 20 days I cancelled the subscription... well I disabled auto renewal.

I think for me, its just a tax on backlog. I rather get a game on sale and call it a day.

I am 38, have kids and a job in IT with rotating shift, and I am primarily a console gamer. ...

Also I already own, Gears 4 and 5 day 1 ...
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I did the trick for 3 years 1$ and it expired recently.

in the 3 years I never finished a single game... booted up numerous ones here and there.

last month I got a gaming pc, Alienware r10 with rtx 3080. Booted up Forza 4(which i own physical on xbox) and once played Flight Simulator...

then after 20 days I cancelled the subscription... well I disabled auto renewal.

I think for me, its just a tax on backlog. I rather get a game on sale and call it a day.

I am 38, have kids and a job in IT with rotating shift, and I am primarily a console gamer. ...
The deal has been on since E3 2019 (June), so not even 2 years yet. How has your 3 year subscription expired?

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Had GP since day one.

Disappointed that a lot of the stuff I’ve already played or was never going to play.

It’s brilliant for new console owners but the ‘always there’ games if you’ve had an Xbox for a long time you’ve probably more than likely played these games or decided if they aren’t for you.

A lot of the pixel art style games I’ve never been interested in and never will be even if they are ‘free’

Sub is up January 2022, I’ll see how I feel about paying £12 a month from then onwards I suppose.


As a gamer from the 1970s I have to say that Game Pass is the best value proposition there has ever been in gaming.

We have Returnal at £70 here in the UK (that's $97). Pricey, but inflation adjusted still cheaper than Atari VCS games used to be in the 70s, and cheaper than the majority of imported Nintendo and Neogeo games were in the 80s and 90s.

How many - or should I say how few people - can afford to pay near enough $100 on a single game? A game they might discover they don't even enjoy that much. Safer just to buy COD and FIFA that year.

Game Pass I hope will be a leveller, that allows more people to try and play more games and more genres. That can only be a good thing for the hobby.


It’s saved me money OP, or rather, adjusted the way I spend.

I waited until Gears 5 was £8 on sale to pull the trigger.

I would have bought games like Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Hollow Knight and Octopath Traveler when they were on sale. However, I’ve been able to play them all and don’t have any desire to buy them.

I’ve been able to play a wider verity of games like Football Manager 21, Outriders, Forza Horizon, Jedi Fallen Order, Doom Eternal, Streets of Rage 4, The Outer Worlds, Pillars of Eternity, Nier & Mirror’s Edge. I’m a creature of habit and I only normally buy games that I know I’ll like, it’s great to throw caution to the wind.

For the record, I did the 3 year conversion late 2019 (cost £121 total) and ever since then I’ve topped up using EA Access 12 month cards (gives you 4 months of Ultimate at a rate of £4 a month).
This site is just turning into a advertising platform for microsoft.

You all sound like you're reading from infomercial scripts. It's seriously weird.

Or, you know, it could just be that the majority of people who try GP enjoy it and find its a great value that has changed their purchasing and/or gaming habits, and as such their answers to OPs question reflect this experience.

I'm going to guess you havent tried it, probably bc you only own Playstation consoles and all this positivity about something not on a PS console makes your forehead veins pop out...😉


I don’t understand sorry. The 3 year conversion trick has only been available for 22 months.

Well it expired already.....maybe I did it wrong. But I remember buying xbox Live 12 month card cheaper(from forum members) and then paying 1 dollar...
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I did the trick for 3 years 1$ and it expired recently.

in the 3 years I never finished a single game... booted up numerous ones here and there.

last month I got a gaming pc, Alienware r10 with rtx 3080. Booted up Forza 4(which i own physical on xbox) and once played Flight Simulator...

then after 20 days I cancelled the subscription... well I disabled auto renewal.

I think for me, its just a tax on backlog. I rather get a game on sale and call it a day.

I am 38, have kids and a job in IT with rotating shift, and I am primarily a console gamer. ...

Also I already own, Gears 4 and 5 day 1 ...

As much as I enjoy GP and feel it's changed my gaming for the better, I totally get this take and because of my massive backlog I agree with you to a point. Which is why I'll probably alternate between Gold and GP from here forward.


As a long time staunch physical game collector, Game Pass has almost completely won me over to the "dark side" of digital gaming. I was already about 50/50 physical vs digital before GP (primarily due to slowly collecting BC 360 games when on sale, many of which are double dips of games I already own on disc). But GP has definitely accelerated the trend for me to the point that it's now somewhat uncommon for me to buy a game physically. Instead I essentially use GP as a demo/"rental" service and then buy games digitally when they go on heavy discount during a sale. I'm very patient as my owned backlog is insane and the extensive GP catalog just piles it up to ridiculous amounts. I literally have over 1000 games on my Series X external hard drive at this point. 😉

As for purchasing physical games, I am pretty much of the mindset I'll only really do that with select games from now on, especially if there's a cool CE I want of a particular game. Otherwise I wait for deep discounts at Best Buy or just wait for a digital sale.

As far as my actual playing habits go, I've noticed that GP combined with the MS Quest system has been an unexpected and fun/interesting solution to "paralysis of choice" that has plagued me for 5 or more years. I know I'm not alone in that having so many games in a massive collection to choose from means I end up not playing anything a lot of the time (it's an interesting and frustrating phenomenon that seems to be a very real issue for a lot of gamers, apparently. Look it up). What I've found is that GP essentially steers me towards certain games each week to complete "quests" and, as such, I'm actually playing a LOT more the last few months than I had been the prior several years. I used to get fatigued by all the different choices and end up just watching Netflix instead. Haha But now I'm actually playing and discovering a lot of games that I never would have bothered to play before (bc I wouldn't have purchased them).

So the end result is I'm actually purchasing more games than before (when on sale) and, most importantly, actually PLAYING games quite a bit when I have free time rather than just "collecting" and letting them gather dust. Honestly, for me, that alone is worth the monthly price of admission.

I may go back n forth between Gold and GP, but I know I'll be a GP subber on n off basically in perpetuity. They won a physical collector/skeptic over. I'm wholeheartedly onboard. 😁

Hey thanks for the detailed response and glad to hear you're enjoying it.

This is actually the first time I'm hearing about the "quest system". Could you elaborate a bit more on what it is? I'm 100% with you on the whole paralysis of choice thing. I've got about 50 games on Steam (I know, nothing compared to a lot of PC gamers) but weirdly I found myself only really playing 3 or 4 to completion/consistently online.


It has made me fall in love with gaming again. I guess not having the pressure of making a bad purchase than feeling like I need to finish the game anyway allows me to try games I wouldn't have bought. Having such a massive catalogue at your disposal is a game changer.

I play a lot more than before and I also actually still buy as many games as before. I don't play them all but because I'm only spending £10 per month for all that content i feel more comfortable spending an extra 10-30 for a game here and there.


This site is just turning into a advertising platform for microsoft.

You all sound like you're reading from infomercial scripts. It's seriously weird.

Nah if you can somehow look at my post history, I've been shitting on Microsoft and Xbox for fuuucking ages.

Maybe I just grew up or realized life is too short. I've been bashing Game Pass all this time without actually giving it a chance. Besides, I would even counter and say some people just enjoy conflict/confrontation/argument. I think it's refreshing to hear people's actual experience (positive or negative) with the service.


I did the trick for 3 years 1$ and it expired recently.

in the 3 years I never finished a single game... booted up numerous ones here and there.

last month I got a gaming pc, Alienware r10 with rtx 3080. Booted up Forza 4(which i own physical on xbox) and once played Flight Simulator...

then after 20 days I cancelled the subscription... well I disabled auto renewal.

I think for me, its just a tax on backlog. I rather get a game on sale and call it a day.

I am 38, have kids and a job in IT with rotating shift, and I am primarily a console gamer. ...

Also I already own, Gears 4 and 5 day 1 ...
Yeah if you never get round to playing games it's probably not a issue of availability.


I have been playing a lot of games that I wouldn't have even considered because of Game Pass.

Perhaps the best thing about it is how it has impacted multilayer sessions. I have a group of friends where we meet (online) once a week. Before Game Pass what we played really depended on what we owned and what we were willing to pay for. Theres 7 of us in total and as you can imagine we have our own preferences. But with Game Pass none of that matters. We all have the same games.
That's actually one of the best points I've seen in this thread so far, never occurred. So annoying trying to work out who has what.

It even gives me an idea for remote movie nights (or maybe it's already a thing and I don't know about it). Imagine if on Netflix or something there was some way to auto-sync up movie/show timings with your friends so that you could remote watch stuff together.
It definitely opens up the reach of other smaller titles that most people wouldn’t want to gamble their money on.

It also lets me try the bigger titles like Force Awakens which I would never have bought out of fear i wouldn’t have liked it. Turns out I absolutely loved it and am glad I played it.

All in all, Gamepass is one of those things that I feel will and has made a fundamental change to how people get and play games. All you need is a capable device at this point and you can pretty much play at a low cost of entry.

Phil be praised.


Yeah if you never get round to playing games it's probably not a issue of availability.

Not really, I pick and finish more games that I buy ....

I finished RDR2 twice on xbox1x (own)
finished Assassins Creed Origins x1x (own)
finished days gone (2020) (own)
finished fallout 4 (platinumed) now playing dlc on PS5 for trophies .
finished Ghost of Tsushima, Last of us 2
finished RE2Remake on ps4 pro and playing it on xbox SerX..
finished Spiderman MM (own)
playing RE3 Remake on SerX
...forgot to add, I played and finished the turd ..Cyberpunk 2077 on XboxSerX ...
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I would love to know how many of the usual triggered Sony mentalists are reporting this thread because there's a mega thread :messenger_beaming:

It has been brilliant for me as I have a young daughter and we get to try all kinds of games we would never have bought, and found some superb games like Slime Rancher, Goat Simulator (Which I hate though), Planet Coaster, Minecraft Dungeons, Pikuniku, Two Point Hospital and many many more which my daughter has got involved in and loved.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Not really. I play the same few games like I always do. Really doubt I’ll continue my sub once it runs out especially since pc game pass keeps missing the bigger games that console get. With steam sales doesn’t really make much sense to have a sub. I’m interested in such a small number of games anyways.


I am an on and off subscriber of Gamepass PC, but if I had an Xbox maybe I would just keep it running. There is still a realistic chance that it might happen and I buy a Series X later on. It depends on what Microsoft adds to Gamepass and if we see a quality or quantity approach.

The reason why I am mostly just on and off subscriber is because of big banger games and the trap of installing too many games, testing them out half assed and not giving them a fair shot. Many people probably have experienced this where you can't settle on a game to play and as stupid as that may sound it is much easier to focus on a newly released 70$ AAA banger game and play through it than it is to focus on one game out of hundreds you might be interested in.
Outside of a few games on Gamepass I felt like I never finished games and it took away some of the magic.
It might be because I come from a time where you got a new SNES game from your parents and you played that one game again and again and didn't have an entire library of games directly at your hand.

So in the end my approach to gamepass is to minimize the yearly cost of good games for me. I don't want gamepass to change me, but rather use gamepass as a tool to get certain games I am interested in playing as cheap as possible. Lets say I will subscribe for Starfield, Halo Infinite or Elders Scroll 6 for 1-2 months and finish those games I would otherwise buy for 70$ normally.
I kind of have certain games in mind that I want to play and I don't want to be trapped in certain eco systems. So no matter if something great releases on PC, PS5, Switch I will try to get that game and if I can use Gamepass to be able to play that PC game cheaper than I normally would I use gamepass for that.

I do have to add that I am a lover of AAA(A) Single Player story driven games. Who knows what the future holds and how much more money Phil is putting on the table. Maybe in 2 years I have a 12 month Gamepass sub with the series X sitting beneath my TV.


I never would've discovered Strange Brigade if not for GamePass and it became one of my favorite games last gen.



As OP noted. Before - I would judge games based purely on reviews. Now, with the service I try and play more games now than before.

Games that are good - I’ll buy if/when they are removed from the service.
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Yes I get to play games I wouldn’t have brought like the outriders, but since it’s on gamepass I just checked it out and it’s a really good game so far. I can switch between MCC, DQ11 in a matter of seconds thanks to quick resume and gamepass.


Gold Member
The benefit to me is that it allows me to try out games for a cheap price to decide if they are worth purchasing or not. It's saved me a bit of money here and there for games that I thought were crap (Dirt 5, Rage 2, Wolfenstein Youngblood, etc) but on the other had it's given me exposure to games that I ended up liking and wouldn't have purchased if not for the service (Gris, Children of Morta, A plague Tale, etc).

But in terms of changing my overall gaming habits? No, it's not changed them at all. If I want a game enough that I don't need to "try it out" before purchasing then I will buy it and it hasn't changed the amount of time I'm willing to dedicate to playing a single game (or gaming overall for that matter).


I've basically quit buying games mostly. I keep game pass going. I subscribe to FF!4 and I play enlisted. There's enough things cycling through gamepass and i still have tons of older games to play before i have to spend any more money.


Not too much differently. It's just a better value to get a years sub to game pass which include at least 2-3 games that I would have paid full price for during the year anyway. My backlog spans all platforms so it's more like game pass is just added to the pile.

One game I may not have played without game pass was State of Decay 2. I started it because of a game pass quest and ended up liking it.

Crackdown 3 is one I had fun with and probably would have paid for, but it felt much better playing it included in game pass.

Best is when a game you were going to buy anyway or maybe one you were waiting for a discount for gets added.

Only bad thing is when they don't include the dlc. I feels weird to own dlc and not own the game. A little OCD but it bugs me.

The Alien

The quantity and diversity of games i now play have greatly increased. The only risk now is time invested...not $60/pop on a shitty game.

A game like Wreckfest..I thought looked like dumb fun but i never woulda paid money for it. Now I get to play it. I've played more indie games now as well. I also play morenco-op with friends (Zombie Army 4, Remnant, etc.)

I've also bought 2 games in the past few weeks when they were on a good sale. So it hasn't really stopped me on that.

I love GamePass. It may not be for everyone...but its def a fit for me.


Not too much. But I'm more aware of if a title is launching or coming to GP or not. Unless it's a game I REALLY want and want to buy outright, GP may be the only way I check it out, depending on its availability and other variables of course.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I was always seeking out games inbetween AAA releases and used podcasts to find those titles that I was missing out on. But Game Pass has basically taken over that as the cost is far less and gives me more opportunities to play things I wanted to check out but was unsure of.

Yoku's Island Express, Gato Roboto, Wreckfest, Yakuza 0, CrossCode, Undermine, Monster Train, Call of the Sea, Golf With Your Friends, Dead Cells, Katana Zero, Spiritfarer, Lonley Mountains Downhill, Children of Morta, Astroneer, Human Fall Flat, The Surge 2, Outer Wilds, Remnant From the Ashes, Minit, Full Meta Furies, Hollow Knight, Rime, Dandara, Late Shift

(most of those were games I had heard of but likely wouldnt of played due to cost. Enough noise was made about Hollow Knight and Dead Cells theres a chance I would have picked them up if I wasnt paying for GP)

I really wish they would clearly put when a game is leaving Game Pass the day its added.


I subscribed on PC with the 1 (2?) month trial but the experience of using the Windows Store was terrible for me and I didnt realise there was a separate list of games for PC Game Pass than for Xbox. They had just added the ability to easily see which systems had which games on the website around the time I signed up, before you had to narrow it down with filters and it didnt always work properly.

If I had an Xbox I'd get it to play some indie games that don't have advantages for playing on PC (Some are worse and don't have HDR on PC so especially those titles), I would worry about not giving my money directly to the devs but there seem to be many articles from smaller devs saying how GP has been a major boon for them so I think thats probably an unfounded worry.

There are a lot of AA titles I'm interested in (Many that Nikana mentions above) but would rather put the money into many smaller titles or one big title usually. The games that are priced at £30-40, like Wreckfest, that I have an interest in but not enough to buy it and miss out on other titles.

I really hope they do bring Game Pass to Steam soon as I'll cancel one of monthly subs and replace that with GP to play those I'm-pretty-into-it-but-don't-want-to-pay-full-price titles. Although I would probably own a lot of those games if I was in a better financial situation anyway so once I get back on track in that regard I probably wouldn't even bother with Game Pass if it came to Steam and solved all the tech issues I have with it, except to demo AAA games I'm curious about but currently would never pay more than bargain bin price for, like a Gears 5.
I now have a massive backlog of games to get through and have played many games I wouldn't considered or purchased, also the fact I can share the sub with another member of the household it's pretty great value, I can't see me not continuing with the service as it works so well for me
I love it. Ive got kids in the house and it’s awesome for giving them a variety of things to try. I get to dabble in games I would have never bothered with and it’s very low stakes. Some I just pick up for a couple of hours and some I end up spending a lot of time with.

The backlog anxiety has disappeared, now I’m just hovering around a buffet.
A lot, I've played games that I never thought I might like, buy less and play more.
I found the pleasure of "trying" without reading reviews, ratings and so on.
I honestly think it's one of the best things that has happened to the gaming world in a long time.
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