I bought the 6-pack on GOG and started playing M&M6.
Any tips?
Shining The Holy Ark
Yup. Only game in this genre I've actually tried, this. Graphics are a bit ugly and the framerate chugs like mad, but it's genuinely pretty fun. Fairly typical JRPG combat system mixed with plenty of first-person dungeon-crawling - nothing particularly unique or outstanding, but it does what it sets out to do well enough.Shining the holy ark is my only real experience of this genre, and I really enjoyed it. I've always meant to get into Shining the Darkness.
What's some good choices on DS?
was Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain any good ?
I enjoyed Orcs & Elves although it is quite simple.
Speaking of sales, any one play Devil Whiskey? It's on sale for a few more days, for ~75% off. I'm probably going to grab it for after Grimrock (which is where I saw it mentioned), it seems pretty decent and has not yet been mentioned here.
Are any decent throwbacks on iOS? I know there was the Orcs and Elves and a few like that four years years back.
:-/ Thanks for the avatar too.
Speaking of sales, any one play Devil Whiskey? It's on sale for a few more days, for ~75% off. I'm probably going to grab it for after Grimrock (which is where I saw it mentioned), it seems pretty decent and has not yet been mentioned here.
Yeah, the inside of the case was pristine, too. My dad kept everything in the original boxes, along with all the paperwork, receipts, etc. I'm the same way, so the apple definitely didn't fall far from the tree.Kind of amazing that all of it still works with the floppies and mochrome display and all.
Alright so what's the GAF consensus on M&M? I always assumed that 6 was the best (playing through it again right now) and 7 wasn't as good as 8.
Dusted off the old family Apple //e a couple weeks ago to revisit one of my all-time favorites of the genre:
What is the best one of these I can play on my 3DS? Just realized my 2 week vacation starts the day Grimrock comes out... =(
Edit: I have very little experience with the genre... played some old school one on Commodore 64.. boxart had a mean looking dude on a throne of bones or something... and then I played some Doom RPG on my phone some 15 years later. Looked up Etrian Odyssey and The Dark Spire on Amazon.... expensive.
playing through MM4&5 with Dosbox on my android... got a phone call... lost just over an hour of progress =(... remember to save often!
playing through MM4&5 with Dosbox on my android... got a phone call... lost just over an hour of progress =(... remember to save often!
The 8-bit soundtrack is amazingThe sacred rule for buying Dark Spire is that you DO NOT buy a copy unless it includes the Soundtrack CD. Seriously, it is worth it completely----got my copy when it first came out at full price and not a regret was had even if the game could've been much better had they managed to turn it into a series, though I still hold out hope.
Main thing is, I don't know that there has been so much "heart" put into a soundtrack since Lords of Thunder...
How does keyboard input work for Dosbox on Android? That's always been the problem with my attempts at Dos emulators on the PSP and DS.
The 8-bit soundtrack is amazing
I really didn't like the game, though. I think people would be better off playing Wizardry 1 on the NES
How does keyboard input work for Dosbox on Android? That's always been the problem with my attempts at Dos emulators on the PSP and DS.
I've got the original Droid so I have the full physical keyboard, on DosBox Turbo you hold down the fn and alt keys to access the other characters.
M&M4 and 5 (Xeen):
Is there a way to fight turn-based like in M&M6? I really dislike active battles on the scale of M&Ms. 6 handles it perfectly, and Grimrock is on a smaller scale and doesn't look annoying at all, but M&M, man...
If you have to fight that way, any tips?
Oh yes, quite possibly my favorite RPG sub-genre has a thread. Recently I have been wanting to get Demise: Rise of the Ku'tan to work on my computer (bought it before the expansion) and no luck. I'm planning to buy it again, but right now a few things take priority over it.
I thought MM 3-5 all played very similarly? 3 is definitely turn-based. The enemies don't do anything while you idle.
Oh, maybe I just assumed that seeing the enemies in the field like that meant I needed to act quickly. I'll give it another try.
Basically I bought the gog 6 pack and played each for 10 minutes on the way up to 6 which I really wanted to play based on the OP.
Oh, maybe I just assumed that seeing the enemies in the field like that meant I needed to act quickly. I'll give it another try.
Basically I bought the gog 6 pack and played each for 10 minutes on the way up to 6 which I really wanted to play based on the OP.
Which reminds me that I never bothered to buy this one.I enjoyed Orcs & Elves although it is quite simple.
There is some discussion here about getting the original version of Demise to work in a VM under Windows 7:
You would need to have a your own copy of Windows XP to install in the VM or Win 7 pro/ultimate which has XP preinstalled.
Or as you mentioned upgrade to Demise Ascension which works under Win7 natively. I have Ascension and have played a bit but need to get some time to get back to it. I think I have deaders scattered all over the place, I keep having to start new parties to rescue my old onesLots of fun.
Please do! Camera photos will suffice no need to scan them.
You dont need other chars to rez dead ones. You can just select wait to be rescued, you'll age a bit (or a lot if youre deep), but its barely an issue even if youre human.
The latter was $5 everywhere for months, you can still find it at some GameStops for dirt cheap.
You dont need other chars to rez dead ones. You can just select wait to be rescued, you'll age a bit (or a lot if youre deep), but its barely an issue even if youre human.
Which reminds me that I never bothered to buy this one.
How exactly was it? I trust it's no Doom, or even a Heretic, but decent enough?
Yeah, but that feels like cheating to me and from playing the original Mordor age did become a problem for some of my characters eventually. Plus I actually like that part of the game and wish more games would incorporate something similar. It actually attaches some consequences to dying rather than just loading your last save. And it isn't as harsh of a consequence as perm death. It's kind of fun running across a long lost char that fell down a chute way back when.