I’d love to know what makes a 3rd world country in your opinion.
In my opinion, it's mostly about infrastructure, resources, and opportunities.
I live in a third-world country and belong to a middle-class family. I've never eaten a dirt cake, and I game on my PS5. Most of the people I know also game on a PS5 or PS4 (pro). I don't know anyone who still games on a PS2 or PS3. Many people also have high-end gaming PCs.
So in terms of individual success, people have done quite well considering the resources and opportunities they have.
On the other hand, the infrastructure still sucks. I likely have the highest/best internet package in my area (I know because the company has me on the 'the most important' customers list and calls me every now and then to see if everything is working fine), and yet my download speeds are 3.6 MB/s peak. I also have to deal with data caps.
So things are bad that are mostly out of my control and at a macro/government level that individuals have to deal with.