Great to see Doona Bae working with them again.
There has been a ton of bad sci-fi shows coming out in recent years and this one sounds like it won't be any better. I'll wait for reviews and impressions but as of now, I'm not even interested.
The script certainly didn't inspire confidence that this will be anything more than a pretentious mess :-/
Hated it. The worst type of television -- hollow art that really wants you think it Means Something without any substance or pathos. It's just a bunch of cliches thrown together.
Sometimes I wonder if they are purpously bad due to certain CEOs of major broadcasters having a known hatred of the genre.
"Here's you shit, piggies. Eat it up"
The script certainly didn't inspire confidence that this will be anything more than a pretentious mess :-/
Hated it. The worst type of television -- hollow art that really wants you think it Means Something without any substance or pathos. It's just a bunch of cliches thrown together.
I wouldn't think Netflix would want to do that though as creating tv shows is still new territory for them but man all things sci-fi just seems low budget and boring these days. They are almost all:
A. Post Apocalyptic
B. Something happens to someone giving them a weird power or connection to others.
It's like the same stuff over and over again.
Were gonna have five different units shooting at the same time to tell the story, and its gonna be ridiculously huge, and the cool thing about working with the Wachowskis when they did The Matrix, they didnt want to do a show like anything else theyd ever seen before, and The Matrix created a whole new cinema language. And they said, If were gonna do television, then we have to do the same thing. We have to create a whole new vocabulary for television production for television, which you can do in TV. And so coming into this, working with them, were pioneering some new techniques and new approaches in television storytelling. Its quite extraordinary.
He said he wouldnt go much beyond that in terms of the plot, because they like to keep things very close to the vest, and he supports that. He says thats why there isnt much online about the story.
What were doing is really kind of new and innovative, he said, adding that he didnt want to have someone else eat their lunch.
This is, without exaggeration, the single biggest project I've ever been involved with since I started writing at age 17. The scale is ridiculous. I'll also be helming the London and Iceland sequences as director, which is fun and scary and exciting.
We're doing a very grounded series, a very realistic story despite the fantastical elements, and working very hard to be true to the cultures in which we are setting our action. The countries we're shooting in aren't just backdrops to our story, they're a part of that story in a deeper and more profound way than has really ever been done for American TV. Circling back at this from working in movies, none of us who are involved in this wanted to do a TV show just for the sake of doing a TV show. If we couldn't do something that nobody had done before, we didn't want to do it. And that's exactly what we've created here.
No thank you.
Filming took place on Clarion Alley because the Wachowskis are interested in capturing some of San Franciscos most famous locations. They love this city and want to show all of its landmarks, a producer said.
Nothing as exciting as the motorcycle stunt scene from yesterday; amid a crowd of crew members, Wachowski filmed two actors walking up and down the alley. Its a small dialogue scene, said the same producer.
But we covered this already. You would have provided a counterpoint to my "you might still like it" post if you had replied "I've read bad pilots. None of them ever translated to a good show." instead of reiterating that you didn't like #1 out of the 10 scripts of the season. ;P
JMS said it's going to be unlike anything that's been on TV before and that's why they are keeping the details under wraps; they are afraid they are going to be copied.
JMS said it's going to be unlike anything that's been on TV before and that's why they are keeping the details under wraps; they are afraid they are going to be copied.
ivysaur12 STAHP.
By your own admission you read the first of the ten scripts that might or might not have been revised since then and you believe you know what the whole show is about.
JMS said each episode will focus on and develop one of the 8 characters, pretty much like LOST did, and you are like "they are all terrible stereotypes" but you wouldn't be able to tell.
So the first season will be utter garbage?I hope it's more Babylon 5 than Matrix
looks like angular is working on the show...
CASTING LEAK? Naveen Andrews cast as "Jonas?"
On June 10th, industry staple Image Optics in Van Nuys California reported via their Facebook page some recent product placement they have done for the Sense8 project. Beside noting which actors came in for their de rigeur cool sunglasses fitting for a Wachowski project, they also listed the parts assigned to those actors.
According to Image Optics, Naveen Andrews was fitted with a pair of Penguin "The Meteor" SI frames, and his role is to be the part of Jonas.
Everything that I have read about Sense8 describes Jonas as an African male character, and a force for good. However, recent script changes have altered the face off of good and evil through the two characters of Jonas and an evil "Mr. Whispers," describing the group of eight strangers as being hunted by an evil organization, rather than individual entities.
Of course, the detail about Naveen's role may not be accurate information. But if Naveen has been cast as Jonas, and this part has been rewritten for Naveen, does this mean Naveen's role will be recurring and central to the plot? I hope so, the man's a god.
Last week, we implied that the Netflixs new series filming in the iconic, but often fraught, terrain of Clarion Alley might cause alarm among the alleys stewards, the Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP). Turns out, CAMP has an agreement with the producers of the new Netflix show Sense 8 and theyll be squarely compensated for artwork appearing on-screen.
According to Megan Wilson, one of CAMPs artists and organizers, before starting production Netflixs producers approached the artists whose work they hoped to use as scenic design. After some persuading, and negotiating a contract, CAMP agreed to let the series directed by the Wachowski siblings, Lana and Andy, use the famed alley.
Initially we werent interested and so we connected them [with the SF Film Commission] to help find another location, wrote Wilson in an email to Mission Local. However, they really wanted to work with CAMP so the producers gave us more info and after learning more about the series and negotiating compensation for the artists and CAMP with them through our lawyer, we signed on to work with them.
Wilson says that CAMP is usually very selective about who they collaborate with, but after producers explained that the series will prominently feature a transgender character, the arts non-profit felt like the project would be a good fit with their values and mission.
Just finished my first scene for #Sense8 - mind f*#$k doesn't even begin to describe it. Be prepared!
Acción! 🎬#sense8
Sounds like a JMS show, alright. You just need Bruce Boxleitner to read that shit - he'll make anything sound great. Paste those paragraphs, I want to read that in his voice....some of the most pretentious prose I've read in a such a long time.
We start working on SENSE8 on Mon June 30th. Filming will start on July 10th. I don't have much info on the shoot at this time, other than reading the scripts, I don't have any specifics on the extras yet.
I do know from reading the scripts that we will need prison inmates, military/police/SWAT, street thugs/gang bangers as well as several large crowd scenes.
Stay tuned....more to come in the next few days.
“Sense8” is the latest project from the Wachowskis. The 10-episode first season already has begun filming at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios and on location throughout the city. Shooting is expected to wrap in early November.
Just spotted Lana Wachowski at 16th & Valencia with what appears to be her brother and a small film crew. Or possibly just a lot of friends.
So the first season will be utter garbage?
So... exactly like the Matrix and Babylon 5?The script certainly didn't inspire confidence that this will be anything more than a pretentious mess :-/
Hated it. The worst type of television -- hollow art that really wants you think it Means Something without any substance or pathos. It's just a bunch of cliches thrown together.
I gave up in the middle of S3. The only reason I watched so far is because so many people praised it. To this day, I still can't figure out why. It was so bad.That's okay if it gets anywhere close to B5
I am not familiar with the works of JMS so it feels very Wachowskian to me.
Really? They just couldn't resist the urge to toss in the token magical negro. I seriously wonder how these specific archetypes arise. Like, when someone says "Asian martial artist" I can at least see the stereotypes that motivated it but with black people it's magic...or electricity...where do they even get those ideas?!
Sorry for my mini rant
SENSE8, (, will begin filming in Chicago on Thurs, July 10th. We will be filming for approximately 22 shooting days, ending around August 10th.
I will be doing availability forms in 8 day blocks. This is the first block which will cover the first 8 days of shooting, from Thurs July 10th until Monday July 21st.
I will post subsequent availability forms as we progress through the schedule.
In this first round of availability, we will need POLICE on the 10th and 11th and will possibly need NURSES, DOCTORS on the 15th, 16th and 17th.
To utilize this form, you MUST be currently registered with Atmosphere Casting. We do this to ensure that we have all of your information and pictures on file before we book you. If you just fill out this form and we have no information or pictures of you, we will not book you to work, so please make sure you are registered prior to submitting this form.
If you are not registered and need instructions on how to do so, simply answer "No" on the Eligibility Verification question and you will be taken to a page detailing how to register with us. We recommend updating your registration yearly or if any of your information or look changes.
By submitting your answers to this form, you are stating that you have 100% OPEN AVAILABILITY for all of the shooting dates that you select. This means, if/when we call or email you to work, you will be available.
Submitting responses to this form is not a booking and in no way a guarantee of selection or work.
We are starting our search for Stand-Ins...
Brian J. Smith "WILL" - 6ft, 40/42R
Naveen Andrews "JONAS" - 5'9"
Freema Agyeman "AMANITA" - 5'3"
Daryl Hannah "ANGEL" - 5'10"
Jamie Clayton "NOMI" - 5'10"
Pictures of the actors are below. The most important thing is a GOOD SKIN TONE/COLOR match with hair color/length being second most important. Height, you can be in the "ballpark"...1" to 2" either direction...but a spot on match works the best.
To submit, send an email to [email protected] with the character name you are submitting for in the Subject line.
BE sure to ATTACH (2) recent photos, 1 face shot and one full body and include your name, email address, phone number, height, weight and sizes.
I will review submissions and contact those I feel would work. Planning on having interviews at the studio Tues or Weds next week.
Working all week shooting B-Roll footage of San Francisco for a new Netflix series, "Sense8" which as been...
Will be in the Castro today at 3:00 shooting b roll for a Netflix series. Want to be in a little montage of San Francisco? Come say hi!
Wrapped shooting, B-roll film on a new Netflix series #sense8 written and directed by the #wachowskis So much fun to capture SF for 5 days
There’s some great news on the horizon for fans of THE LAST SHIP. We’ve learned that Ness Bautista, who plays Cruz on the TNT action drama, has been added to the cast of the Wachowski’s upcoming Netflix drama SENSE8, where he’ll be featured as a recurring character.
The Wachowski siblings are returning this week to Chicago where they filmed part of their delayed movie Jupiter Ascending last summer -- to film part of their new Netflix sci-drama Sense8.
Chicago film office director Rich Moskal said Sense8 is scheduled to begin shooting in Chicago Wednesday and will wrap in the city around August 8. Shooting will take place both on location and at Cinespace Film Studios.