Loved season 1. Still gotta watch the Christmas Special. Cannot wait for s2 as well. The Watch fam, you done good. >

SPOILERS UNTAGGED below if you have not
Wolfgang is a fucking boss. My God, What. A. Man! <3 His line about when you made a big mistake, you either live with it or fix it. Really resonated with me especially since I fucked up in a major way recently. :\ The way he kills his his cousin is all sorts of badass lol, Leto being the hype man next to him just made it so much fucking better. Him and Son got like 90% of the badass scenes with Will getting the scraps. Hope his bro is ok for next season.
Riley. What a fucking babe. Whenever I thought things can't get any worse for her, they got worse smh. I just wanted to give her a hug and tell her it's aight. Man, she had it rough... Happy that she finally got together with Will at the end, these two deserve each other. :')
Will's story seems like it has the biggest connection to the main storyline, and I'm guessing that young girl has something to do with it. He was awesome, even though he screwed up in the beginning. I was annoyed he got suspended for basically nothing. I feel bad for him seeing Whispers though. You know that is going to get one of the squad killed in s2.
Son is a walking aura of badass. What a woman.

What a huge difference to her bitch made brother whose a reprehensible excuse of a human being. Loved every second of her beating the living hell out of him. He needs to be in jail and raped by s2.
Lito killed me. Dug the 3 way squad they have. Disappointed he let her friend go to Joaquin, but he finally up for it. It's hilarious that he acts in telenovelas ans his entire story was basically a telenovela. When he finally went to get her back, he threw the cig all dramatic, I was dying because it was both hilarious and badass. When he was flirting with the girl at the end, I was dying and was like Nomi and Will just impressed by his skills. When he said sex to Will, I was laughing out loud. Best hype man when Wolf went all in on his cousin.
VAN DAMME. Dug his story and progress. Curious to see if he will stay in Africa or head towards Europe or the States in s2. He kind of got away with everything and his life was in danger throughout a ton of s1. He also has good taste in action movies, I too watched a ton of his movies when I was younger.
Kala was allright. Not bad or great. I really liked her interactions with Wolfgang, esp when he shows up in the bed and they're talking for the first time.

I feel like she will be more useful to the overall story in the future. She will be figuring what is in their body that makes them different from normal humans. Can't blame her from picking from either guy though. But a girl's gotta make a decision.
Nomi was legit annoying as fuck for the first 2/3rd of the season. I felt bad when she was crying initially but by cry #231231, I started shaking my head. She got
a lot better towards the end when she became more proactive and turned into Mr Robot. It looks like Will & her are going to be the most resourceful in terms of figuring this rabbit hole storyline that involves them.
So yeah, bring me season 2.