Die Squirrel Die
I've completely been out of the loop on this for a while, there's DLC? Nice. Now I just need to finish the it. I stopped playing because of the PS3 save wiping bug, has that been fixed?
Die Squirrel Die said:I've completely been out of the loop on this for a while, there's DLC? Nice. Now I just need to finish the it. I stopped playing because of the PS3 save wiping bug, has that been fixed?
aparisi2274 said:I was totally floored by the after credits ending. I couldn't believe that in this reboot they went with. I was very happy that we might explore what it must be like fora Belmont as Dracula. That was until I read a biography on Gabriel and found out thatthe belmont clan to have to hunt down their past mistakes and try to right a wrong that was caused by Gabriel becoming Draculahe is not a true Belmont by birth, and that he was left on the doorstep of the order that he was raised in. It was them who gave him the surname of Belmont.
Also, if you pay close attention, Gabriel refersThis could lead us to believe that he hasto himself as Dracul, and not Draculaand that is why Zobek came looking for him to help him rid the world of it.an offspring somewhere who is the real Dracula, who is causing havoc in the world
What do you all think???
aparisi2274 said:and the classic CV theme when insidemusic box
brandonh83 said:More than that too. A few tracks from Castlevania IV appear as well, and to really good effect if I may add.
Foffy said:Which ones? Waterfall was the only one I noticed.
brandonh83 said:
brandonh83 said:Well there's another track, Labyrinth Entrance, with a hint of Vampire Killer.
Keep Vampire Killer in mind and you'll hear it. It's a slow, peaceful rendition, but it's there.
subversus said:I sort of want to get it but I have two concerns: the story and framerate. I heard the game becomes playable once you finish with forest levels. Is it true or is it always in mid25s?
RPGCrazied said:Love this game. I own only 2 360 games right now. This and Tales of Vesperia. Oh man, I'll dust off the 360 for that 2nd DLC. If its only like an 1 hour long and priced at 10dollars though, no thanks.
Foffy said:Cox has stated for quite a while that the second episode will be a pretty meaty deal.
It had a few nice tracks but overall it wasn't cohesive and barely fit within the context of the game IMO. I liked it (I really did), but it felt very amateur to me. After the game was over, I wound up just playing the final battle music over and over -- that's the best track in the game by far.brandonh83 said:If you guys haven't already, go in the GAF Soundtracks of the Year thread and vote for this, whether it's 1st or 3rd place. Or even an honorable mention. It needs the attention.
It needs the attention.
If every game had boss battle music this incredible, the world would be a much cooler place to live in.
Ah, yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's not that the music itself was bad, it's that it didn't really gel with the game at all. It felt like the game was made in room A, the music was made in room B, and then when both were done, they mashed it together as best they could. As a result when I'm listening to it I really don't get any kind of emotional feeling from the game the way I do when I listen to, say, the Super Castlevania IV or Symphony of the Night soundtracks.brandonh83 said:You can have your opinions, but amateurish? It has to be one of the most well written and composed scores for a videogame I've ever heard.
To be fair though, the actual implementation of the score into the game wasn't so hot. They could have did a better job in that regard. However, I'm merely speaking about the quality of the actual music and compared to a lot of "orchestrated" game scores, it sounds a lot more professional with a more robust orchestra.
The only other games with orchestrated tracks that compare, to me, would be Shadow of the Colossus and a few select tracks from the Mario Galaxy games, Shadow of the Colossus more so than Mario, however.
I think if you're speaking from an implementation point of view as I noted above, yeah, I wouldn't entirely disagree, but the composer can't help how his music was used in the game.
Jetman said:Do we want to see that Epilogue potential wasted on a quick DLC send-off.
Yeah, the soundtrack was a good fit for some game, but not this one.john tv said:It had a few nice tracks but overall it wasn't cohesive and barely fit within the context of the game IMO. I liked it (I really did), but it felt very amateur to me. After the game was over, I wound up just playing the final battle music over and over -- that's the best track in the game by far.
ShockingAlberto said:Yeah, the soundtrack was a good fit for some game, but not this one.
If you say so. I don't really see much of a difference between pounding a square in to a circle and pounding a circle in to a square.brandonh83 said:It fit the style and the atmosphere of the game just fine. It was just utilized incorrectly.
aparisi2274 said:Also, if you pay close attention, Gabriel refersto himself as Dracul, and not Dracula
Violater said:I would like to apologize in advance for the bitching that will probably ensue when I get to any frustrating moments of the game (See the Bayonetta debacle).
joelseph said:I started playing last night. The game feels great on the Knight setting. My only complaint so far is the tutorial doesn't do a great job of explaining what to do during the QTE events, either that or I glossed over that part because I got stuck on the second boss battle not knowing what to do during the circle QTE events. Figured it out now but an on-screen queue to remind us what we need to be doing would be great!
First half can be really annoying, but it gets a lot easier and you'll probably wonder what the fuss was about later on. Don't play on Hard from the get go, of courseNeuromancer said:How hard would you guys say this game is? I'm interested in it but I'm not that good at GoW type games. I was thinking about playing it on easy. Thanks.
Minamu said:First half can be really annoying, but it gets a lot easier and you'll probably wonder what the fuss was about later on. Don't play on Hard from the get go, of courseNo harm in playing on easy, imho. You can always bump it up when you've learned the ropes.
If you know how to parry, Knight is kind of a cakewalk.Minamu said:Debatable to be honestHard made me want to quit the game forever for a while. A lot more enjoyable on Normal for me. Of course, with some better skills and game mechanics knowledge, hard and very hard are cakewalks.
CcrooK said:I don't think I've ever been hyped about DLC like this. The artwork looks way cool and the in game shots are godly. Maybe we'll see some engine tweaks with the DLC to make it run a bit smoother.