mjc said:I'd rather have a meaty game like this instead of a super short game.
A game can be meaty but have a modest campaign.
mjc said:I'd rather have a meaty game like this instead of a super short game.
Meat can be cooked really badly.mjc said:I'd rather have a meaty game like this instead of a super short game.
Y2Kev said:Maybe I'm just weird, but I kinda liked the first two acts of the game. Granted, I thought the game got better, but I liked the beginning. More people hated it than I thought.
Y2Kev said:Maybe I'm just weird, but I kinda liked the first two acts of the game. Granted, I thought the game got better, but I liked the beginning. More people hated it than I thought.
Add another here. Loved this game to bits from beginning to end.Relix said:*high five*
Loved this game from beginning to end.
It is smooth! A smooth 20 FPS.:lol:junkster said:Wish it had MLAA instead of MSAA on PS3. Imagine this with a smooth framerate? Droooool..
george_us said:Add another here. Loved this game to bits from beginning to end.
I played it again this weekend and I'm just stunned at how good this game looks.
It is smooth! A smooth 25 FPS.:lol:
Reallink said:Every time this thread rises from the back pages grave, I click feverishly suspecting the 360 DLC must have come out. I leave with my head held low every time.
Relix said:Wait... Reverie still isn't out for 360? Daaaamn....
Sagitario said:I really liked the game.
Music composition and arrangement is excellent (but too short and repetitive IMO).
The game art/environment/textures are freaking gorgeous. Seriously, every area is beautifuly designed... If only the framerate was better [it didn't really bother me].
I was doing the trials on Paladin, but I got to the point where I wasn't having fun anymore (still finished like half of them).
I was going for the Platinum just because, but the developers added Chapter XIII and I'm not buying it, so I don't see the point![]()
And air juggles were also frustrating because enniems could knock you out of the air way too easily without any way of avoiding this.
cpp_is_king said:Completing Chapter XIII is not required for the platinum trophy. Everything about trials / etc only applies to 1-12
kinoki said:What's up with this game? I've been checking both and and they don't seem to have any new copies of Castlevania. Bummer. I wanted a God of War-y hack-and-slash but I can't seem to find this new. Did it go out of print, or something? (For the PS3, the Xbox360 version seems to be everywhere.)
NEOPARADIGM said:Hated this game at first play. Game shot from a 6 to an 8 in a matter of hours. Hope it keeps climbing like that! Just got to the Dark Dungeon now, and I'm soooooo glad I kept playing. Very cool experience so far, and I have such a long way to go!
Kinoki: Dunno, got mine at Target.
Edit: What would a post be without some bitching? - ie., forgot to mention, I hate how your character doesn't make any sound when he walks, invisible walls are out of control, camera's a bit janky with the "DIFFERENT VIEW! HA!" out of nowhere, and I don't care for the game's physics when not in combat.
Other than that, though ...![]()
Victrix said:How's the DLC? I'm hungering for more Castlevania action
Victrix said:How's the DLC? I'm hungering for more Castlevania action
Victrix said:Meh. I'll wait for a twopack. Loved the game, but I detest low value dlc.
Reallink said:It's horrible. Poorly designed, 1-2 hours long, and the story is spoiled by the DLC's trailer--so just watch that and you'll be able to deduce exactly what's going on for free.
David Cox TwitterSiliconera
by CastlevaniaLOS
>> New post: Battle The Forgotten One In Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Next Week