HYDE said:Dante's Inferno is a fun game, and a decent God of War clone. Castlevania will be no different in most people's eyes. I even like Rygar, so people like me enjoy this type of game usually.
brandonh83 said:So much hypocrisy. They complain that it's not original enough, yet Symphony of the Night, one of the most herald installments, took Castlevania and turned it into Metroid with RPG elements-- it was very easy, stripped away the challenge, stripped away the level based gameplay and was something pretty different compared to the original NES titles. It was a great game and earned its existence within the franchise but going into SOTN after such installments like Bloodlines and Dracula X, whichever were the more recent before SOTN, SOTN didn't feel very Castlevania to me at all but it was still really great. Why can't this game have that effect, considering that even despite the bitching that it's not "Castlevania enough" most of the reviews acknowledge that it is a very good, lengthy, enjoyable game?
It's not Castlevania enough, but it's still damn good! Describes the Metroidvanias fair and well.
henhowc said:Makes you think that some of these reviewers never even played a pre-SOTN Castlevania doesn't it?
NeoUltima said:Cox Twitter:
"Nice to see people seeing that IGN review for what it is..."
That said, Lords of Shadow also has framerate issues on the Xbox 360. It can drop when the action heats up -- or just during a cut scene. During one cinematic moment the game was literally chugging at just a few frames per second. Gabriel has a useful instant-kill move he can inflict on weaker enemies, but the game freezes for a moment every time he uses it. The game runs more smoothly on the PlayStation 3.
brandonh83 said:So much hypocrisy. They complain that it's not original enough, yet Symphony of the Night, one of the most herald installments, took Castlevania and turned it into Metroid with RPG elements-- it was very easy, stripped away the challenge, stripped away the level based gameplay and was something pretty different compared to the original NES titles. It was a great game and earned its existence within the franchise but going into SOTN after such installments like Bloodlines and Dracula X, whichever were the more recent before SOTN, SOTN didn't feel very Castlevania to me at all but it was still really great. Why can't this game have that effect, considering that even despite the bitching that it's not "Castlevania enough" most of the reviews acknowledge that it is a very good, lengthy, enjoyable game?
It's not Castlevania enough, but it's still damn good! Describes the Metroidvanias fair and well.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:IGN review...uh...7.5?
Same as Gamespot. Criticized it for not being Castlevania enough and borrowing too much from other games. Says at the end that he'd rather play a 2D traditional Castlevania instead.
Says it has framerate issues.
Phenomic said:What really gets me is they say it's not original... but yet many of the reviews say that it's not similar enough and doesn't feel like Castlevania which means to me that it is indeed more original, almost like they are talking in circles.
HYDE said:Dante's Inferno is a fun game, and a decent God of War clone. Castlevania will be no different in most people's eyes. I even like Rygar, so people like me enjoy this type of game usually.
CaptYamato said:So can well just take a Fuck off "Journos" position like I did?
And they heavily praise sequels, even though they basically don't do anything new. Like Bioshock 2. They admit it's basically Bioshock 1, but they give it a 9, well, IGN did.brandonh83 said:Sites like IGN and Gamespot are notorious for reviewing games based on how innovative they are. You always see them tossing that word out like they invented it. If you're not Halo or Call of Duty or Rock Band you better have your shit ready to change the industry.
amstradcpc said:Clearly Mercury steam ( and japanese companies in general ) spend very little money in reviews...
Only by this demo to give the game less than a 8.5 talks negative things about today´s reviews world...
By the way, i recommend Gamesradar to read a GREATLY MADE review.
HYDE said:I miss being a kid, and just buying a game because of the cool cover or the gold cartridge.:lol
I guarantee this game is going to kick ass, based on the cover alone.![]()
~Kinggi~ said:Fuck, i preordered the 360 one with the 20$ game credit so now i cant fricken switch to the ps3 version since the credit got taken off. Plus my fricken prime membership expired so i would have to re-pay for shipping. ugh, luckily its just framerate though. If it was actual graphical features or resolution issues i would be more concerned. Im not a framerate hog, as long as it isnt horrible.
Also, all the big websites coming out and giving it 7's is really some bullshit. SInce the score seems consistent i guess ill have to reserve judgment for playing it myself. There must be some merit to what they say i guess, even though it saddens me![]()
AndyMoogle said:I'm going to buy the game, but I doubt it's going to be much more than a 7.5 in my book. Though looking at that IGN review it sounds like it's a really good game, but somehow it still gets decent scores instead of great.
Thing is these reviews are probably gonna cost the game about 500k in sales copies. They have a lot of pull like that. If the 7's came from the other sites giving out 8 and 9's it wouldnt be nearly the same impact.AndyMoogle said:I'm going to buy the game, but I doubt it's going to be much more than a 7.5 in my book. Though looking at that IGN review it sounds like it's a really good game, but somehow it still gets decent scores instead of great.
Hydrargyrus said:Mercury Steam are a spanish studio, not japanese
Hm, I should have gone with the PS3 version then I guess. Oh well, I prefer the 360 controller so I'll just have to endure a slightly worse framerate.Hydrargyrus said:
Yeah. I think Hydro Thunder Hurricane lost like 100k in sales just because of IGN's review.~Kinggi~ said:Thing is these reviews are probably gonna cost the game about 500k in sales copies. They have a lot of pull like that. If the 7's came from the other sites giving out 8 and 9's it wouldnt be nearly the same impact.
~Kinggi~ said:Thing is these reviews are probably gonna cost the game about 500k in sales copies.
With all the games coming out late this year, i figure since great reviews can propel a game into multi-million territory, then having a decent review can also cancel preorders. This is especially gonna sting if the big 3 decide to give Enslaved better scores, since it comes out the same day.brandonh83 said:I would certainly hope not.
Shoot Amazon an email. I'm sure they will let you switch to the ps3 version.~Kinggi~ said:Fuck, i preordered the 360 one with the 20$ game credit so now i cant fricken switch to the ps3 version since the credit got taken off. Plus my fricken prime membership expired so i would have to re-pay for shipping. ugh, luckily its just framerate though. If it was actual graphical features or resolution issues i would be more concerned. Im not a framerate hog, as long as it isnt horrible.
Also, all the big websites coming out and giving it 7's is really some bullshit. SInce the score seems consistent i guess ill have to reserve judgment for playing it myself. There must be some merit to what they say i guess, even though it saddens me![]()
sdornan said:Not sure whether to cancel my pre-order or not. Doesn't seem quite as good as the early magazine score led me to believe.
~Kinggi~ said:With all the games coming out late this year, i figure since great reviews can propel a game into multi-million territory, then having a decent review can also cancel preorders. This is especially gonna sting if the big 3 decide to give Enslaved better scores, since it comes out the same day.
brandonh83 said:Please don't tell me you preordered a game just because a few magazines gave it a good review and are now thinking of cancelling it now because a couple more outlets like IGN and Gamespot, who shouldn't entirely be relied on for a source of great opinion, scored it like a point lower.
Seriously, please reassure me that my assumptions are false.
Game Informer gave it a 9 and we still need to wait for 1up.Jtyettis said:Yea it's like 8 from Eurogamer and 8 from Edge I guess there is a bit of expectation from the big US reviews to be higher, but IGN, Gametrailers and Gamespot(arguably the big 3 US review sites) are all in that 7 range.
~Kinggi~ said:With all the games coming out late this year, i figure since great reviews can propel a game into multi-million territory, then having a decent review can also cancel preorders. This is especially gonna sting if the big 3 decide to give Enslaved better scores, since it comes out the same day.
IGN and Gamespot are probably most popular gaming websites out there, their scores are kinda big deal.brandonh83 said:I would certainly hope not.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Game Informer gave it a 9 and we still need to wait for 1up.
It makes me sad to admit it, but I don't think the game is going to sell in God of War levels even though I hope it does.sdornan said:This game was never going to do multi-million levels of sales.
sdornan said:This game was never going to do multi-million levels of sales.
I'm relying on people who have played a game that I have never played to tell me whether it's good or not. Is that hard to fathom?
miladesn said:IGN and Gamespot are probably most popular gaming websites out there, their scores are kinda big deal.
sdornan said:I'm relying on people who have played a game that I have never played to tell me whether it's good or not. Is that hard to fathom?
Then I miss out on the $20 Amazon credit. I'm either getting it day one or down the road when it's $30.CcrooK said:Tell ya what. Wait a week. See what GAF says, then go and make that purchase or not. Savvy?
sdornan said:Then I miss out on the $20 Amazon credit. I'm either getting it day one or down the road when it's $30.