Gazel Ministry
Just got done trying the demo. The game is gorgeous! Combat is okay, serviceable to say the least. At least it has a dodge and counter/guard mechanic. I really, really can't wait to pick my copy up on Tuesday!!!
Y2Kev said:It's probably the best looking Konami game ever made. Simply stunning graphics. Amazing that a shitty team from Spain got this kind of budget or even has this kind of talent. Jericho is a fugly mess of a game. This is like top 5 of the generation.
What doesn't look good on PC? Dead rising 2 luldark10x said:Jericho looked decent on PC and did feature great motion blur as well. It was nowhere near this inspired. Amazing that this totally blows away everything else in Konami's stable.
brandonh83 said:did the framerate hinder your combat or stop you from executing attacks as well as you could have had the game been 71fps?
Y2Kev said:This is like top 5 of the generation.
Silent Hill Homecoming.burgerdog said:What other high-profile games has Konami released this gen? Other than MGS4, I have no idea what else they have released on HD consoles.
Y2Kev said:the graphics are PHENOMENAL and the art is incredible. god, the book moving at 60 fps should demonstrate to everyone why 60 fps is the bestest
Y2Kev said:Silent Hill Homecoming.
burgerdog said:What other high-profile games has Konami released this gen? Other than MGS4, I have no idea what else they have released on HD consoles.
Y2Kev said:OMG That was AWESOME
fantastic combat. when you hit an enemy, you really feel lt. it's like BAM. launching the wolves into the air and then taking on three at once in the air is great when they all en dwith a blood splatter and gabriel comes crashing down to the ground with a guillotine.
the framerate in the non-interactive stuff is crap, but there is nice animation variation.
the graphics are PHENOMENAL and the art is incredible. god, the book moving at 60 fps should demonstrate to everyone why 60 fps is the bestest
sound mix is superb. day -1.
Amir0x said:oh someone gave a game you're anticipating a less than ideal score, here we go with pages and pages bitching about the score with no real viable critique of why the reviews themselves are bad. This is why reviews are so awful, people. Because fans like the ones in this topic don't bother themselves to read, they get their dick in a twist the second a game they want isn't scored exactly the way they wanted.
What's wrong with people pointing out its less than stellar combat system or the abysmal framerate and docking the game accordingly? What's wrong with expecting a Castlevania game to be a little Castlevania-y?
In any event, 7.5 isn't even a BAD score, so seriously fucking christ.
It don't matter to me - I canceled my order after I read about the framerate - but it's so irritating every major game that comes out this is the order of things. Fanboy whining about the score (probably only .2 off the score they think the game should have) meanwhile none of the fanboys have played the game and none of them really have any ground to refute a damn thing.
Jtyettis said:Eh hate to hear that then. Choices, choices.
Is this what someone was talkng about earlier from the PS3 demo?
Weird they left it the same.
I know Mercury Steam said they heavily used the first Castlevania game and I think Castlevania IV as their inspiration.Y2Kev said:I thought it felt just like Castlevania actually. I mean, I've played pretty much every CV game. The rainy town reminds me of Cordoba Town in Curse of Darkness or the horse stables in SCIV (though not so much the town on fire in Rondo, too dark), and riding on the horse through the woods reminds me a ton of SotN.
I don't know what the rest of the game is like, but "Castlevania in name only" is strange to me. It just needs to feel all gothic and have bats n shii
Well in gameplay or in art...cause it's kinda a nice mix between Behemoth Belmont and Kojima Belmont. I mean it's closer to SotN that Portrait of Ruin's art was.TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:I know Mercury Steam heavily used the first Castlevania game and I think Castlevania IV as their inspiration.
Maybe IGN and Gamespot meant that it's not SotN enough!![]()
Y2Kev said:I thought it felt just like Castlevania actually. I mean, I've played pretty much every CV game. The rainy town reminds me of Cordoba Town in Curse of Darkness or the horse stables in SCIV (though not so much the town on fire in Rondo, too dark), and riding on the horse through the woods reminds me a ton of SotN.
I don't know what the rest of the game is like, but "Castlevania in name only" is strange to me. It just needs to feel all gothic and have bats n shii
Teknoman said:I cant wait to hear more tracks, since I cant get the main trailer theme out of my head.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Maybe IGN and Gamespot meant that it's not SotN enough!![]()
Y2Kev said:I thought it felt just like Castlevania actually. I mean, I've played pretty much every CV game. The rainy town reminds me of Cordoba Town in Curse of Darkness or the horse stables in SCIV (though not so much the town on fire in Rondo, too dark), and riding on the horse through the woods reminds me a ton of SotN.
I don't know what the rest of the game is like, but "Castlevania in name only" is strange to me. It just needs to feel all gothic and have bats n shii
Chojin said:![]()
::can't stop laughing::
Solune said:That's exactly how I feel. I don't know where people have these predisposed notions of how Castlevania should be. I won't make an extremely tl;dr post but some people just can't be pleased about a 3D castlevania and honestly I'd be surprised if they could do a better job. For me, you play as a Belmont you have a freaking whip, it's no Vampire Killer but the Combat Cross sure as hell gets the job done.
That's like the norm on PS3 these days. F1 2010 supports EGO 3D 7.1 [HDMI 1.3 spec]dark10x said:Of note: the PS3 version supports 7.1 audio. Definitely worth noting. Game sounds quite amazing, in fact.
Solune said:That's exactly how I feel. I don't know where people have these predisposed notions of how Castlevania should be. I won't make an extremely tl;dr post but some people just can't be pleased about a 3D castlevania and honestly I'd be surprised if they could do a better job. For me, you play as a Belmont you have a freaking whip, it's no Vampire Killer but the Combat Cross sure as hell gets the job done.
x3sphere said:Does the soundtrack for this contain any arrangements from previous CV titles? I sure hope at least Vampire Killer is in there.
They misspelled boobs, it seems.Chojin said:![]()
::can't stop laughing::
x3sphere said:Does the soundtrack for this contain any arrangements from previous CV titles? I sure hope at least Vampire Killer is in there.
Teknoman said:That and the Waterfall area theme from CV IV are supposed to be in at some point.
Ohhhhhhh, baby!dark10x said:Of note: the PS3 version supports 7.1 audio. Definitely worth noting. Game sounds quite amazing, in fact.
Kittonwy said:The demo looked great, great production values all around, the basic attacks they've got right, not quite on the blocks or the grabs, but combat is more than serviceable, definitely liked it more than the Enslaved demo which I thought was dogshit in terms of gameplay.
SublimeO12 said:i just pulled the trigger on the LE from amazon. Anyone know if the game supports switching the VO to japanese?
brandonh83 said:There are probably going to be other very subtle hints of other tracks too, I know that when I play the game my ears are going to be extremely attentive.
cartman414 said:What about Dracula's Curse or Rondo of Blood? Or even Bloodlines, which is preferred by the odd few.
JohngPR said:No, I wrote off a lot of series after 1-2 iterations when I was a kid. :lol
I planned to get SOTN when it was on sale on PSN but the sale ended before I got the chance.![]()
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:As I said earlier in this thread about Jericho. With all its faults, I saw the talent that Mercury Steam had in the game. It was just limited and restricted by the game's budget and mediocre story/concept.
I thought it was better than most low-budgeted games, like a amazing comic book penciler that teamed up with a bad writer, colorist, and inker for a independent comic book, if that makes sense.
Teknoman said:You need to play III, IV, Rondo, and Symphony of the Night at least.
Vrakanox said:This. SotN is a must for any gamer but that's just like my opinion man.
Segata Sanshiro said:I wish I knew what to do about that framerate. If the final game is like the demo, it's going to make me sick to play it. On the other hand, most of you guys didn't have any trouble with it, so it's not like you can tell me if the final game is okay.
Oh well, I'm buying it either way, because it's Castlevania, but I really wish publishers would release demos that are more indicative of the final product. They're not really very useful if they're several months old.