CD Projekt Red's Franchise & Lore Designer Cian Maher, Is Former Games Journalist Who Wants To Punch Gamers


How does that quote about the Netflix series work? They made good and bad changes but still love the source material the books?
Because in their world things happen to people irrespective of their actions. I have a few people like that in the company, for them life is something that just “happens”, they are unable to reflect on their mistakes and learn from them.


Gold Member
I don't understand, isn't CD Projekt Red a Polish company? Why are they hiring all of these British/American weirdos? Why is a Polish company making games based on Polish books hiring some Irish guy based in Dublin to be their 'lore master'?
You need a diverse writing team to adapt witcher for modern audience.

Expect the game to have modern day california skin variation for npcs, i even expect some poor soul in a wooden made wheelchair around the streets :lollipop_squinting:


Let's investigate everyone's personal views in a company with thousand of employees in order to find something to be outraged about

Embarassing. I dont give a damn about individual X political views or whatever. If his product is good, I buy. It's that simple.

Not playing games due to the creator world views instead of judging the damn product for what it is make you just as much a snowflake as those at the purple forum
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I understand it as a lead writing role. This is double awful. First, we can see what kind of person he is and what we can expect from him. Second, he is another intruder in a writing role that should be taken by an actual fantasy writer.

TW4's writing is certainly going to be trash. For a narrative-focused videogame, this is a deal-breaker, unless it has a super awesome gameplay that makes up for it.

KInda doubtful, a stint at a minor-league non print gaming outlet isn't much of a track record for a positikon of any substance.

Say what you will about Alanah Pearce, but if you were recruiting people from that type of background, I can see why they'd think she'd be a worthy hire based on experience level.

This nobody... not so much.
I was already hell bent in not buying The Witcher 4 until there were enough reviews and people played through it to give their honest opinion on it. Now I'm just skipping it altogether, I can still play The Witcher 3 anyways.

SF Kosmo

Why don't you apply that to the one attacking his target audience? Action-reaction.
Bro, hundreds of people work on every AAA game. Some of them say stuff that might offend you. EVERY game. If you go looking for reasons to be mad and not buy games you will always find one if you look hard enough, but that's a fucking crazy thing to do.
There's a whole grifter ecosystem now they just crowd sources wholesale investigation of like random, mid-level employees of companies in order to get these weirdos mad. And you will ALWAYS find it if you do this.

At this point you're not a gamer anymore, you're just trying to ruin the hobby for everyone.

Some notes -

CD Projekt Red’s Franchise and Lore Designer Cian Maher is a former writer at TheGamer who has made it clear he does not like gamers and even wants to punch them.

Regarding, Netflix’s The Witcher show, he wrote:
“Annoys me when people say Netflix's Witcher writers don't respect the lore. They have made sweeping changes, yes. Some of them have been questionable, others have been outright bad. But it is crystal clear that they love and respect Sapkowski's books. That is a lazy criticism.”

On transgender ideology so much so that he now dislikes the Harry Potter novels because of author J.K. Rowling’s political stance on the issue.

“The thing that will never cease to amaze me about people who tirelessly defend Harry Potter is that they'll say, ‘But you used to like it, you just don't like it anymore because you disagree with JKR's brazen transphobia’ and it's like... Yes? Why would I need any other reason.”

You can read the rest here or Watch the video

Not the full Article:

YouTuber The Reviewer: Wild Take investigated Maher’s history and specifically a number of posts he made to X where he shared his desire to commit violence against gamers and expressed his disdain for them.

The Reviewer: Wild Take first noted that Maher’s video game career did not begin in development work, but he was an Associate Editor and eventually Lead Features Editor at from September 2020 to December 2021.

He then became the Associate Editor at GLHF Entertainment AB, which describes itself as a '“company [that] provides best-in-class written and video content to some of the world’s biggest publishers.”

He only stayed there for 4 months before becoming games consultant in August 2022. He then joined CD Projekt Red in April 2023.

Next, he began digging into his post history on X by doing simple key word searches for “gamers” and others which quickly populates how much disdain he has for gamers.

In July 2022, he shared a Bernie Sanders meme that reads, “I am once again asking for you to stop being toxic little weirdos.”

In June 2021, he wrote, “law school being easier than dealing with gamers says everything anyone needs to know about this gig lmao.”

In December 2020, he complained that being a games journalist was difficult, “the thing i find funny about gamers complaining about how good games journalists have it is, like... if you think this job is so incredibly well-paid (it's not) and easy (it's not), why don't you just do it yourself”

As The Reviewer: Wild Take also points out he has no qualms praising massive lore breaking shows such as Netflix’s The Witcher and The Rings of Power despite his job being a Lore designer, which one would assume is to stay true to the lore.

Concerning Rings of Power, he wrote in 2023, “Tolkien fans obsessed with ‘accuracy’ are so f***ing weird. ‘Nobody cares about this adaptation’ — why do you care about any adaptation then? The only reason you're upset about Rings of Power is because ‘critiquing’ it allows you to pretend your vitriol and bigotry have value.”

To no surprise, he’s projecting as in his next post he claims that Sam has brown skin, “What's also funny is that most of the loudest Tolkien ‘fans’ online constantly tell on themselves You've read the books, yeah? Cool, so you know Sam has dark skin. How accurate was it to cast Sean Astin then? What's that? Speak up please, I can't hear you — where are you going?”

Regarding, Netflix’s The Witcher show, he wrote, “Annoys me when people say Netflix's Witcher writers don't respect the lore. They have made sweeping changes, yes. Some of them have been questionable, others have been outright bad. But it is crystal clear that they love and respect Sapkowski's books. That is a lazy criticism.”

He also is a proponent of transgender ideology so much so that he now dislikes the Harry Potter novels because of author J.K. Rowling’s political stance on the issue.

“The thing that will never cease to amaze me about people who tirelessly defend Harry Potter is that they'll say, ‘But you used to like it, you just don't like it anymore because you disagree with JKR's brazen transphobia’ and it's like... Yes? Why would I need any other reason.”

“I kind of get the nostalgia and cultural attachment. I was at midnight launches for the books as a kid and watched the films more times than I can count. But it's very weird to say ‘This thing I liked as a child, and everything adjacent to it no matter how immoral, is infallible,’" he added.

In September 2023, he wrote, “If you are an adult who loses their mind at the concept of pronouns, which everyone, everywhere, throughout all of history has used every single day, there is something wrong with your life but it's not what you think it is. The Wokes aren't out to get you. You're just a clown.”

“I honestly feel sad when I see people who have very clearly lost the ability to think because they have been swallowed whole by some inane grift,” he continued. “It is absurd that people can be so far gone that they will publicly go berserk at the sight of the word ‘they,’ or even just ‘pronoun.’"

“This isn't really a new or even worthwhile observation, but people online are way too obsessed with other people's lives and choices. Who gives a shit what anyone else is doing once they're content and not harming anyone. Let people be happy and mind your own business,” he concluded.

Sounds like CDPR picked themselves a real winner.

The most startling thing here to me is how he advanced his career from being a "gaming journalist" to working in game development. There's some real concerning incestuous issues with this industry between the two.
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Because in their world things happen to people irrespective of their actions. I have a few people like that in the company, for them life is something that just “happens”, they are unable to reflect on their mistakes and learn from them.
I was shocked to find out that approximately 1 in 3 people do not have an inner monologue that forces them to reflect upon their actions.

The world made much more sense after I learned that.


Absolutely Cozy
To be fair his punches would probably feel like being tickled with a feather, so it isn't really an expression of anger.


So no one gets confused - this pic is photoshopped
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Went on his Twitter. He's just some generic white boy who never grew out of his LotR phase. The Witcher, LotR and GoT.

That's his personality.


Any chance the mods here can make us a separate forum for people who only want to talk about games?

Maybe a separate forum for political activists?
A sub forum for all this stuff would actually be amazing, yeah.
All these threads about some game creators tweet meltdowns and political views is.. well, it's not very interesting, thats for sure.


Any chance the mods here can make us a separate forum for people who only want to talk about games?

Maybe a separate forum for political activists?
A sub forum for all this stuff would actually be amazing, yeah.
All these threads about some game creators tweet meltdowns and political views is.. well, it's not very interesting, thats for sure.

Edit: sorry for double post. Had some sort of connection issue.
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Gold Member
This is the same moron who gushed about the abortion that was season 2 of the Netflix show: "The Witcher season 2 was right to deviate from the books"

The headline of this article should make its purpose pretty obvious: Season 2 of Netflix’s The Witcher made some pretty liberal changes from its source material. Most went unnoticed, some have been widely lauded, and several are likely being bemoaned right now. What we mean to argue is that all of them are justified.

If this is the sort of fool they've employed as "lore designer," I really do not have high hopes for TW4.
Bro, hundreds of people work on every AAA game. Some of them say stuff that might offend you. EVERY game. If you go looking for reasons to be mad and not buy games you will always find one if you look hard enough, but that's a fucking crazy thing to do.
There's a whole grifter ecosystem now they just crowd sources wholesale investigation of like random, mid-level employees of companies in order to get these weirdos mad. And you will ALWAYS find it if you do this.

At this point you're not a gamer anymore, you're just trying to ruin the hobby for everyone.

Like everyone else on this board, I am paying the salaries of these people so they can make video games. I'm hardly "ruining" anything since it's MY money that makes things possible unless you tell me videogame studios are non-profit.

The only ones ruining this hobby are those who despise it. Someone who hates the products and its audience doesn't deserve a job in the industry.

KInda doubtful, a stint at a minor-league non print gaming outlet isn't much of a track record for a positikon of any substance.

Say what you will about Alanah Pearce, but if you were recruiting people from that type of background, I can see why they'd think she'd be a worthy hire based on experience level.

This nobody... not so much.

It's the same. I don't care about her and his ideologies but their qualifications. Writing something good is DIFFICULT. It pisses me off that studios think that stupid journos or media guys might do the job of a pro writer. It's all levels of wrong. Just look at Miyazaki, the biggest name in the industry right now asking G.R.R. Martin to help him with Elden Ring. He takes his job seriously. CD Projekt, on the other hand, is messing up badly.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
How does that quote about the Netflix series work? They made good and bad changes but still love the source material the books?
It especially doesn't work when we have credible reports that a lot of the writers on the show actively disliked the books.

SF Kosmo

Like everyone else on this board, I am paying the salaries of these people so they can make video games. I'm hardly "ruining" anything since it's MY money that makes things possible unless you tell me videogame studios are non-profit.
You're ruining your own ability to enjoy things.

There is no AAA game that will pass your purity test if you really dig deep enough, because it takes too many people to make these games. You're dismissing the fucking Witcher 4 because the guy who writes the lore entries you don't bother to read was critical of the gaming community in an article 10 years ago. Do you realize how goddamn stupid that is?
The only ones ruining this hobby are those who despise it.
You're so fucking close, you just can't see it.

NeoGAF is starting to have more threads about not playing games than playing them. So who are the "real" gamers, and who are the ones trying to destroy the hobby?
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Even if he’s right, what’s the upside of antagonizing your customers?

Errr... a sense of moral superiority... duh!

You get to sit at home and wank off to yourself for how virtual and empathetic you are to the plight of those poor privileged minorities, while hating on the straight white men that you try your best to deny being yourself.

It's the ultimate woke cuck fantasy.


I'm annoyed there isn't a nerdier reason behind this, being a lore master of a franchise will no doubt draw in all the real geeks who will question every decision "erm actually, in The Witcher 4 Geralt says he likes Strawberries but in a 1995 newspaper comic adaptation of The Witcher Geralt says he doesn't know what strawberries are!" Now that'd be a reason for wanting to punch them.

SF Kosmo

So the lore designer, a former journo, feels that fans who care about accuracy are... "fucking weird" in his own words.

A lore designer, one who's point of being is to ensure the lore is consistent feels that fans who care about accuracy are "fucking weird"
Strawman, he isn't saying people are weird for complaining about lore accuracy and says he has his own complaints about it himself. That doesn't mean the discourse around the show wasn't toxic as hell.

Relatable sentiment. I hated the Witcher show, massive disappointment. But the discourse around it was a toxic shitshow. It really was.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member

Some notes -

CD Projekt Red’s Franchise and Lore Designer Cian Maher is a former writer at TheGamer who has made it clear he does not like gamers and even wants to punch them.

Regarding, Netflix’s The Witcher show, he wrote:
“Annoys me when people say Netflix's Witcher writers don't respect the lore. They have made sweeping changes, yes. Some of them have been questionable, others have been outright bad. But it is crystal clear that they love and respect Sapkowski's books. That is a lazy criticism.”

On transgender ideology so much so that he now dislikes the Harry Potter novels because of author J.K. Rowling’s political stance on the issue.

“The thing that will never cease to amaze me about people who tirelessly defend Harry Potter is that they'll say, ‘But you used to like it, you just don't like it anymore because you disagree with JKR's brazen transphobia’ and it's like... Yes? Why would I need any other reason.”

You can read the rest here or Watch the video

Not the full Article:

YouTuber The Reviewer: Wild Take investigated Maher’s history and specifically a number of posts he made to X where he shared his desire to commit violence against gamers and expressed his disdain for them.

The Reviewer: Wild Take first noted that Maher’s video game career did not begin in development work, but he was an Associate Editor and eventually Lead Features Editor at from September 2020 to December 2021.

He then became the Associate Editor at GLHF Entertainment AB, which describes itself as a '“company [that] provides best-in-class written and video content to some of the world’s biggest publishers.”

He only stayed there for 4 months before becoming games consultant in August 2022. He then joined CD Projekt Red in April 2023.

Next, he began digging into his post history on X by doing simple key word searches for “gamers” and others which quickly populates how much disdain he has for gamers.

In July 2022, he shared a Bernie Sanders meme that reads, “I am once again asking for you to stop being toxic little weirdos.”

In June 2021, he wrote, “law school being easier than dealing with gamers says everything anyone needs to know about this gig lmao.”

In December 2020, he complained that being a games journalist was difficult, “the thing i find funny about gamers complaining about how good games journalists have it is, like... if you think this job is so incredibly well-paid (it's not) and easy (it's not), why don't you just do it yourself”

As The Reviewer: Wild Take also points out he has no qualms praising massive lore breaking shows such as Netflix’s The Witcher and The Rings of Power despite his job being a Lore designer, which one would assume is to stay true to the lore.

Concerning Rings of Power, he wrote in 2023, “Tolkien fans obsessed with ‘accuracy’ are so f***ing weird. ‘Nobody cares about this adaptation’ — why do you care about any adaptation then? The only reason you're upset about Rings of Power is because ‘critiquing’ it allows you to pretend your vitriol and bigotry have value.”

To no surprise, he’s projecting as in his next post he claims that Sam has brown skin, “What's also funny is that most of the loudest Tolkien ‘fans’ online constantly tell on themselves You've read the books, yeah? Cool, so you know Sam has dark skin. How accurate was it to cast Sean Astin then? What's that? Speak up please, I can't hear you — where are you going?”

Regarding, Netflix’s The Witcher show, he wrote, “Annoys me when people say Netflix's Witcher writers don't respect the lore. They have made sweeping changes, yes. Some of them have been questionable, others have been outright bad. But it is crystal clear that they love and respect Sapkowski's books. That is a lazy criticism.”

He also is a proponent of transgender ideology so much so that he now dislikes the Harry Potter novels because of author J.K. Rowling’s political stance on the issue.

“The thing that will never cease to amaze me about people who tirelessly defend Harry Potter is that they'll say, ‘But you used to like it, you just don't like it anymore because you disagree with JKR's brazen transphobia’ and it's like... Yes? Why would I need any other reason.”

“I kind of get the nostalgia and cultural attachment. I was at midnight launches for the books as a kid and watched the films more times than I can count. But it's very weird to say ‘This thing I liked as a child, and everything adjacent to it no matter how immoral, is infallible,’" he added.

In September 2023, he wrote, “If you are an adult who loses their mind at the concept of pronouns, which everyone, everywhere, throughout all of history has used every single day, there is something wrong with your life but it's not what you think it is. The Wokes aren't out to get you. You're just a clown.”

“I honestly feel sad when I see people who have very clearly lost the ability to think because they have been swallowed whole by some inane grift,” he continued. “It is absurd that people can be so far gone that they will publicly go berserk at the sight of the word ‘they,’ or even just ‘pronoun.’"

“This isn't really a new or even worthwhile observation, but people online are way too obsessed with other people's lives and choices. Who gives a shit what anyone else is doing once they're content and not harming anyone. Let people be happy and mind your own business,” he concluded.

There is a saying in Mexico that says... Thanks to me you eat.

Por mi tragas 😮
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Well said:
you are an adult who loses their mind at the concept of pronouns, which everyone, everywhere, throughout all of history has used every single day, there is something wrong with your life but it's not what you think it is. The Wokes aren't out to get you. You're just a clown.”


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Strawman, he isn't saying people are weird for complaining about lore accuracy and says he has his own complaints about it himself. That doesn't mean the discourse around the show wasn't toxic as hell.

Relatable sentiment. I hated the Witcher show, massive disappointment. But the discourse around it was a toxic shitshow. It really was.
I do not think it was toxic, I think a lot of us are accustomed to a level of forced (toxic) positivity where disliking something and criticising it / standing your ground is seen as toxic / negative.


Let's investigate everyone's personal views in a company with thousand of employees in order to find something to be outraged about

Embarassing. I dont give a damn about individual X political views or whatever. If his product is good, I buy. It's that simple.

Not playing games due to the creator world views instead of judging the damn product for what it is make you just as much a snowflake as those at the purple forum
Remove witcher good storyline, You got nothing. The gameplay especially combat is not good


Late October Surprise
can we go back in time when these fucking dramas didn't exist, we read video game magazines and played the games that most intrigued us?
You're ruining your own ability to enjoy things.

There is no AAA game that will pass your purity test if you really dig deep enough, because it takes too many people to make these games. You're dismissing the fucking Witcher 4 because the guy who writes the lore entries you don't bother to read was critical of the gaming community in an article 10 years ago. Do you realize how goddamn stupid that is?

You're so fucking close, you just can't see it.

NeoGAF is starting to have more threads about not playing games than playing them. So who are the "real" gamers, and who are the ones trying to destroy the hobby?

In my post I mention a more important reason to not buying the game and it's not about his opinions. This person has zero experience in writing fantasy. His inspiration is the awful Netflix show so I don't want any of that. In the same way, you don't visit a shaman when you are sick, you go to a doctor. I don't buy narrative-focused games written by people who can't write. I don't like Stephen King's political views, but I read all his books, because he's the best in his genre. This dude doesn't deserve my money.

SF Kosmo

In my post I mention a more important reason to not buying the game and it's not about his opinions. This person has zero experience in writing fantasy.
He didn't get this job without relevant writing samples, I promise you.

His inspiration is the awful Netflix show
No it's not, he didn't even like the show, can you read? He was a fan of the books and he said he had a lot of issues with the show but he still thought people were being unfair at that point with some of their attacks.

I don't buy narrative-focused games written by people who can't write.
He's the dude who writes the notes and lore entries you pick up and never read, dude. His job is not that important.

This game will come out and it will get a 90+ Metacritic and you will play it and love it and memory hole this whole fucking thing and move your anti-woke crusade onto some other game that sucks for reasons that have nothing to do with woke. This is what always happens.
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Gold Journalism
"I hate gamers, hate video games, and have a severe personality disorder that I publicize at every opportunity."

"You're hired!"
This is what blows my mind the most.

- The Witchers show writers say they hate the books. Hired to make the show on the same books!
- Yakuza creator says they haven't played the games yet. Hired to make the TV show!
- Dev says "gamers are a mistake." Hired to work on Perfect Dark!

So many people in so many industries are struggling to find jobs. Even in the gaming industry, good folks are let go left, right, and center. And folks like these - who hate the industry and hate their customers - continue to enjoy great positions and get hired for new jobs. Blows my mind how those interviews and performance reviews go!
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