Didn't know this game existed until yesterday and I was up until 5AM playing it. It's incredibly fun. The melee combat is so well done - I think games like Skyrim should steal it. I've mostly been doing FFA and Team Deathmatch to get accustomed to the combat/move sets/classes. Seems like there's a lot of fun to be had in the objective game modes but simply lopping off someone's head with a Zweihander doesn't seem like it's going to get old any time soon! I like the Vanguard class the most. Not sure if it's a very noob friendly class or if it just fits my playstyle well. The KB/M controls are great, I actually think the scroll wheel for stab / overhead attack works really well. Gotta check it out on a controller to see how that feels. The graphics, while pretty and detailed, are lacking a bit in the personality department, but only marginally so. The ruins map in particular looks great. I'm really impressed that this is a kickstarter game. And i'm really happy that they plan on supporting it with free content updates. This is a lot of value for the current Steam sale price!
Gotta befriend some GAF (!my steam username is the same as my handle here!) because the community in this game seems very unfriendly. The chat is rife with people complaining about cheap kills, and I had this one guy tell me that I suck at this game four times over the course of a match, which was in fact my very first match I've ever played. I went on to get far more kills than him the next couple of matches but didn't feel the need insult
I think every online multiplayer lobby has the one guy who blames every single one of his deaths and mistakes on "broken" gameplay mechanics or lag. Kind of wish I had "chill out" on macro.