Rentahamster said:Holy shit this extra content is a joke. I'm not done yet, but this gigantic fetch quest is quite possibly more retarded than the the Triforce hunt.
Still playin' though. 'Cuz it's Chrono Trigger.
Fuu said:I always say that in my next replay I'll name the characters with, but I end up never doing it.their real names (Marle = Nadia, Robo = R66-Y, Frog = Glenn, Magus = Janus)
Well, compared to theShinoguTakeruKoeru said:Doesn't exactly bode well for the other extra content, does it? Not talking about the arena btw.
Blizzard said:This seems like a pretty cool game! There's a dumb race guy though, he's hardly any help about telling who will win! I mean, if he says the same thing twice he's right the SECOND time, but come on!
And then there's a drinking guy, and it's all BUTTON MASH and it's too much to button mash. Sad.
But the music is really pretty!And I like the cats that go meow.
Regulus Tera said:A CT virgin? Oh boy, this will be good.
I look forward to hear more about your adventures through time.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:Doesn't exactly bode well for the other extra content, does it? Not talking about the arena btw.
Rentahamster said:Other extra content? Hmm, not sure what this is, but I guess I'll figure it out in due time. I gotta keep my first playthrough clean.
Just kill the last boss earlier and earlier.A Link to the Snitch said:Hey GAF, without saying what the endings are, can you say how to get them? (but with spoiler tags, of course).
baphometbones said:So I finally popped the game into my DS last night and was loving every second of it. I stole the old man's lunch, returned the girl's cat, fought Gato, everything was going great. Until I got to the first damn battle in the game and died. Let me repeat that so you don't miss out on my embarrassment: I died in the first battle of the game. Apparently, I had forgotten to heal up after taking on Gato with Crono alone and he was down to 6 HP. One hit from a stupid imp was all it took. I guess I need to keep in mind I'm not playing on my old Super NES file with all my god like new game+ characters.
Gamecocks625 said:I would laugh at you but your avatar scares me![]()
Mejilan said:It revolves around bringing the lost kitty to the little girl in the fair. I think you need to bring it to her BEFORE speaking to her and learning about the lost kitty.
Mejilan said:It is kind of refreshing to go through the game with a noob party again.
For what it's worth, I managed to get a fully not guilty verdict in the trial. I know there was some discussion about how to secure that last not guilty vote. I don't know if it was resolved earlier in the thread, but I think I figured it out.
It revolves around bringing the lost kitty to the little girl in the fair. I think you need to bring it to her BEFORE speaking to her and learning about the lost kitty.
That's the only thing different that I did this time as compared to my earlier SNES playthroughs, and this is the first time I ever nab all 7 jurors on my side.
Ah, I also spoke with him before meeting her. Didn't remember that thing with the pendant.Mejilan said:If you speak to Melchior before bumping into Marle, no issues. That's what I did.
If you speak to him with the pendant in your key items inventory, then he tries to get you to convince Marle to sell it to him. If you agree, then that counts against your character in the trial.
bishopcruz said:I got 6 out of 7 not guilty. Though now that I think about it, I think next time around i'm going to go for a full GUILTY verdict, it's just a hell of a lot funnier when you have all those things you did accidentally come back and haunt you. It was one of the cooler points in the game, a not guilty verdict has no drama.
Also, loving the new trasnlation, yeah it is different, but not horribly different, and I have to give major props to making 600 AD sound different than 1000 AD without having to use a silly accent. Kinda curious to see if 12,000 BC will sound different or not.
Agreed.Mejilan said:It should be a crime to have skipped out on CT before, but fine. I spoiler-tagged the only line that really had anything that deserved to be hidden, IMHO.![]()
But it's still a new release of the game. For remakes and re-releases there are people that never played the games before, it's not that much trouble to use the spoiler tag anyway.kiryogi said:Christ it's been 13 years people. There's a stature of limitations on this kinda thing.
Mejilan said:Actually, I disagree. We know that the Chancellor is a bit of a prick because of the trial. But it isn't until he attempts to rig your not guilty verdict into an execution (without orders!) that you realize that he's just a corrupt mofo. What's funny is that he is what he is because of the events in 600 A.D.Your own heroic efforts in the past come to bite you in the ass in the present! Great stuff! And pretty dramatic, I'd say. I think the effect is lessened if you get a guilty verdict, because while he is a prick, he's just following the law at that point.One of the comments that era's Chancellor makes after Leene's rescue is that they need to institute a better criminal system in order to avoid such abductions and foul-ups again.
I'm very happy with it too. It just reads cleaner and feels more consistent and polished. Frog definitely still has his quiet, suffering brand of dignity, just without the mangled attempt
an Olde/Middle English.
It was in the original.baphometbones said:Count me in as enjoying the new translation. I was really worried about it at first, but Frog still seems like the same character, just lacking the "Dragon Quest IV Accent Filter". Also, I'm not sure if that line from the Chancellor was revised or not, but I don't remember catching it in the original. I definitely thought it was a nice touch, and it's little things like that which make me really satisfied with this port.
Yup. I haven't replayed the original all that much so the DS version feels like a new experience to me at times too.baphometbones said:I guess I just never caught it before. Oh well, it's been almost 10 years since I played it so it's been nice to discover new things... even if they aren't really new after all.![]()
Mejilan said:Yeah, so far (barring any new content added to this port), I haven't noticed any story development added in with this new translation. Just cleaned up text.
bishopcruz said:Just bits of additional detail, theWoolsey did a hell of a job translating the original, especially considering all the limitations he had to deal with.Ayla pregnancy being a big one, though there are little things here and there.
Mejilan said:I read that. I think that's jumping to conclusions. Her comment can go either way. She could just be talking about the future, assuming she comes back alive. That's how I took it, actually.
Mejilan said:I could have sworn a vague comment was there to begin with. I thought what was in question was the degree of specificity. I don't remember too much, since I was never really a fan of Ayla or that time period.
Ayla never got a side quest? I can't say I remember one. I always hated her anyway. Her and Robo I almost always avoided, except for when needed. She should have a side quest, though.