Mejilan said:I believe one of the notes lying on or near the ground in one of the rooms would have clued you in about that machine, btw.
I feel like a piece of dog shit motherfucker.
Mejilan said:I believe one of the notes lying on or near the ground in one of the rooms would have clued you in about that machine, btw.
jon bones said:I feel like a piece of dog shit motherfucker.
xfactor said:I just got to the last save point in the Black Omen, but my inventory supply stocks are too low (I have only 7 mega elixir) to fight Queen Zeal and Lavos. Is there a way to get back out to the world map or am I screwed?
Given how well it sold, it seems like they're still pretty sharp.Christopher said:I was going to actually pick this up the other day but 40 dollars for an SNES port are Square out of their minds?
cooljeanius said:I got this game yesterday, and have put about 2 hours into it so far. I'm liking it so far. It's my first time experiencing any version of it, heck, it's my first Square Enix game, so everything feels pretty new to me. I stopped playing once I died to theand then realized that I probably should've gone to sleep already. Next time I fight it, I'll be sure to use a shelter at the save point preceding it first. One moment I particularly liked was the courtroom scene. It impressed me that all the little exploration things I had done at the beginning of the game actually mattered later. One question: Should I devote more of my time to playing this game or Ocarina of Time (which I'm playing for the first time on Virtual Console)? I'm leaning towards Ocarina of Time so I can save this for times when I'm on the go and need a portable game.Dragon Tank
xfactor said:I just got to the last save point in the Black Omen, but my inventory supply stocks are too low (I have only 7 mega elixir) to fight Queen Zeal and Lavos. Is there a way to get back out to the world map or am I screwed?
Well, this isn't really so much me not having been old enough to play them the first time around, it's more me only having had a Gameboy as my only source of gaming for most of my life. (I'm 18 btw)BorkBork said:Damn, first time playing Chrono and OOT? I feel old.
Hmmm... did you have Lucca take the Sun Stone back to her home to make the Wondershot/Sunglasses? If so, Melchior should immediately recognize that you have the Sun Stone, and thus forge the Rainbow for you right there.Grecco said:but i need another piece to get the weapon i think from the sun stone. Kind of stuck there ( I already did the sun stone quest)
SabinFigaro said:Hmmm... did you have Lucca take the Sun Stone back to her home to make the Wondershot/Sunglasses? If so, Melchior should immediately recognize that you have the Sun Stone, and thus forge the Rainbow for you right there.
cooljeanius said:I can't wait until I get Magus to join me, although he seemed weaker whenthan when I fought him the first time.I fought him on the North Cape in 12,000 BC
Mejilan said:The whole game was a mess, and a complete missed opportunity. They even got Schala's hair and outfit completely wrong. Almost... as if... (dare I say it?) they added her to the last boss's model... AT THE LAST MOMENT!
*shakes head*
What a huge disappointment it was.
I'm almost tempted to create a very vitriolic LTTP thread, but I'm too sick to be bothered.
cooljeanius said:I got the Wondershot today, so I'm wondering if it deals damage based on how much play time I've put in, and I've clocked about 24 hours, how much damage should it deal for me?
Make sure you steal from each of her hands and head before you kill her.jon bones said:Got my ass beat bytwice last night. Golfham.Queen Zeal
I don't think I've ever beaten the game without Crono in my team. I'm rolling with Crono, Frog and Ayla for now.cooljeanius said:So I beat the game for the first time today. My team was Crono, Marle, and Robo. Some of the bosses near the end were quite hard. Luckily I had many ways to deal with dying, so it just meant that it took a long time. And the long time was made worse by not being able to know how close I was to winning. Still, this made it feel good when I finally did win. Now I should go do some of that post-winning stuff...
viciouskillersquirrel said:I don't think I've ever beaten the game without Crono in my team. I'm rolling with Crono, Frog and Ayla for now.
Make sure you steal from each of her hands and head before you kill her.
Same here. Right now though, I'm using Frog as a gold-studded healer.Metroidvania said:Spamming Luminaire with a gold stud was a lifesaver/gamebreaker for me.![]()
Of course, now I read this, now that I've already beaten her...viciouskillersquirrel said:Make sure you steal from each of her hands and head before you kill her.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Same here. Right now though, I'm using Frog as a gold-studded healer.
If you do the Black Omen three times (once in 1000AD, once in 600AD and once in 12000BC), is it possible to fight Queen Zeal multiple times?
Are you sure? I think I read in a speed/strength/magic capsule farming guide that you could? I've never tried it (I usually sink the Black Omen in 12,000 BC so it doesn't stain the sky throughout history).Phthisis said:Nope. The Black Omen exists outside of time as normal, and instead exists simultaneously throughout history. Basically, once you beat the Black Omen, it's done in all eras.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Make sure you steal from each of her hands and head before you kill her.
Disappointing then, that there are only 3 save files. I'm already letting a kid I know at my church have his own save file, and my brother might want a save file of his own, too, the next time he comes home...Mejilan said:You can NG+ and then save to a different file.