Stumpokapow said:I generally go Crono, Ayla, whoever. Whoever is normally Robo, Lucca, Frog, or(am I seriously spoilering that?). Very rarely use Marle endgame.Magus
baphometbones said:I've been debating whether or not to spoiler it myself. It's interesting you don't use Marle, I found as a healer she was unmatched and I remember always having her equipped with a pretty decent bow. I guess she has to be somewhat powerful though. It's been way too long, my copy needs to hurry up and ship.since it's just her and Crono if you want the developer's ending
Dragona Akehi said:Bleh. There goes hoping they'd retcon Cross like I was hoping.
Stumpokapow said:Well, to be fair, I normally marathon 3 or 4 playthroughs in a row, so by the end of it all I've **'d everyone![]()
Dragona Akehi said:I always end up using Ayla, Marle and Lucca.
kiryogi said:
ElyrionX said:My favourite was Crono, Marle and Ayla when I first played the game more than a decade ago.
And then I replayed it a couple of years back and I used Crono, Frog and Magus. Unfortunately, I don't get any triple techs with this combination so it was kind of boring. Magus rocks though and it kind of sucks that he doesn't have any triple techs with Crono.
Extollere said:Wait... so in the ending to this gameeveryone dies or has amnesia? Is this one of those super mario 2 "it was all just a big dream!" style of endings?
Dragona Akehi said:Bleh. There goes hoping they'd retcon Cross like I was hoping.
Duck Amuck said:The best team is so obviously Crono, Ayla, and Magus. Okay, replace Magus with Marle on occasions.
thetrin said:I always thought it was kind of cool that he couldn't triple with people. It fits his character.
Extollere said:Wait... so in the ending to this gameif so, fuck that... yeah I'm not even a chrono trigger fan, and that's a big deal. Fuck endings like that. Is this the only ending possibility or do they go the multi-route?everyone dies or has amnesia? Is this one of those super mario 2 "it was all just a big dream!" style of endings?
Regulus Tera said:It was retconned, in a way:
It's bullshit and it's stupid, but it means that the versions of the characters we actually played don't get bitchslapped, so I suppose that's something.
psy18 said:What,So the "fall of guardia" only exist in that universe of failure??
Regulus Tera said:If we take that the, then yes.Dalton who claims he's going to defeat Guardia is from the same universe as Magus Strife
thetrin said:I'm right about toso I'm not exactly late in the game. I only play when I'm on the train or at work (been playing GoW2 Horde or Left 4 Dead when I'm at home). Regardless, it's a damn good team.fight Magus in 600 AD after defeating Slash and Flea
thetrin said:Besides variety and number of dual techs, what other factors do people consider when making a "good" or "bad" party?
Dragona Akehi said:I always end up using Ayla, Marle and Lucca.
baphometbones said:I've been debating whether or not to spoiler it myself. It's interesting you don't use Marle, I found as a healer she was unmatched and I remember always having her equipped with a pretty decent bow. I guess she has to be somewhat powerful though. It's been way too long, my copy needs to hurry up and ship.since it's just her and Crono if you want the developer's ending
thetrin said:I always thought it was kind of cool that he couldn't triple with people. It fits his character.
psy18 said:WellI think his target is more aimed at Crono & co instead of Guardia. So I doubt he'll be taking Guardia if Crono never exist.
Unless if he crossed from the Crono dimension and stuck in that Crono-less dimension and decided to do it anyway. I really doubt that though...
Does the "fall of guardia" still shown in the original ending or only after the new ending?
Regulus Tera said:This should answer your question (it's after the original ending):
Regulus Tera said:This should answer your question (it's after the original ending):
Dragona Akehi said:Bleh. There goes hoping they'd retcon Cross like I was hoping.
Red Scarlet said:I've gone through with everyone, but I generally don't like Frog, Robo, and Magus too much. Their armor doesn't seem to have good magic defense, so the last boss winds up killing Frog and Robo with 1 attack; maybe there's some better armor to use instead though? And Magus just bores me with his weak overall attacks, lack of dual techs and I'm not really a fan of his few triples.
PataHikari said:I told you they wouldn't
Why would they retcon away one of the best RPGs of the PS1 era anyways?
Mr.Wuggles said:i thought everyone was complaining that they did, now they didn't retcon CC in CTDS? bah i'm confused
Also in the new secret dungeons, you learn about Dalton's connection to CC, as was mentioned before, and you can get the "Dragon's Tear", an item from CC as well
Abel said:I'm hoping with this new Chrono momentum, they might try to port/re-make CC too![]()
Regulus Tera said:
Dragona Akehi said:Those little comics are hilarious. Where might I find the collection of them?
Abel said:Losing to new secret last boss
Defeating new secret last boss
Dragona Akehi said:Those little comics are hilarious. Where might I find the collection of them?
psy18 said:don't forget Lucca in chrono cross. she even somewhat mention crono & team saving the world. So that theory where everyone is failure = CC seems unlikely to me
SailorDaravon said:FYI, apparently Game Crazy's have the game in-stock today, and my Gamestop is now saying tomorrow (I just got the call), and other people are saying they're being told tomorrow for Gamestop as well. Someone at Gamefaqs who already got his said apparently it comes with a poster of the cover inside the case![]()