Civilization 7 Opens To Mostly Negative Reviews As Players Call It An "Unfinished Mess"


Gold Member
how can you mess up civ game? lol
It’s not messed up. This is the defecto operating procedure for these types of big budget 4x games.

Whatever is missing will be added into DLC for $39.99 each.

When Stellaris launched it was similar; a skeleton of what it is now hundreds of dollars later.
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The amount of content is just fine. Yes. The UI is atrocious but it’s not as bad as to review bomb the game. Gamers are too picky nowadays. I’d put them to play Civ II, see if they like it.
Allowing the average person to determine anything's value is easily modern society's biggest mistake.
I'm not a civilization fan but crowd sourced ratings are a massive problem and the value of art shouldn't be decided by ordinary people.


I've bought the damn game to play earlier, yeah i know i'm part of the problem but i'm curious if i will like it.


Why isn't there a DLSS setting? Is AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 the newest upscaling method from AMD or is it older?


Gold Member
Yeah, it's a dud alright. I've refunded it and I don't think that addons or patches will help. Civ VII is faced with severe direction and identity crisis.

My main gripe is not even the cheap and messy UI or vastly outrdated visuals and mobile-level production values. I don't dig the whole leadership/nations reshuffle and tons of changes for the sake of changes. Just make Civ V with modern production values and stop reinventing the wheel making it more square after every iteration. Just look at Crusader Kings 3, that's how you refresh your 4x game without fumbling the basics.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
This is a proper fuck up eh.

The civ transition goes against the core game of taking one civ from Stone Age to victory.

I can see what they propose working using conditions like if you settle in another continent before era transition you can swap into a new civ, kind of goals and create tracks that way. But barebones? Nah.


Gold Member
It’s not messed up. This is the defecto operating procedure for these types of big budget 4x games.

Whatever is missing will be added into DLC for $39.99 each.

When Stellaris launched it was similar; a skeleton of what it is now hundreds of dollars later.
Yep, might as well wait a year or probably two for the game to get better.

It was the same with pretty much every Paradox game in last 10 years.


This time the door is really wide open now for a Civ killer to come through. I think only the Old World devs have an honest shot at it if they want to take it.


Don’t have much faith in the woke developers at Fireaxis to turn this around. They’ll probably start calling everyone racists next week.


Yep, might as well wait a year or probably two for the game to get better.

It was the same with pretty much every Paradox game in last 10 years.
Didn’t Paradox admit at some point base game + 20 DLC is their business model so don’t count on the new releases to be feature complete?


Gold Member
Didn’t Paradox admit at some point base game + 20 DLC is their business model so don’t count on the new releases to be feature complete?
Eh, not sure. I mean they become really huge games so I can’t see a developer working on next release for 10 years.

But PDX pushes this shit too much. So I just wait a year or more. Hell, Vicky 3 is just now interesting and fun to play finally after 2+ years.


Life has structure and is bearable when you know who the enemy is.
Knowing the enemy brings structure, but in defining the enemy, you risk becoming the architect of a prison where the walls are made of certainty, and freedom is merely the illusion of bearable confinement.


Is it good (and complete)? I just grabbed it for FREE off the EGS here:

Come grab it for FREE guys since Civ7 is unfinished.

Fun for a playthrough or 2 but it's a very flawed game if you choose to look below the surface of depth

Has anyone tried Old World? That one seemed promising.

Good but can feel tedious with the amount of tiny bonuses and stats choices. Late game gets bogged down by 1UPT and a large number units to juggle if you choose to go to war. But it's very customizable in game options so you can tinker a lot of stuff to your liking.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Someone touched on this earlier in the thread but when people are shouting “dei” and “woke” I don’t think those folks are referring to the social agenda attached to those terms.

My impression is they are referring to the people hired to fill technical/ design/ and asset creation roles who have very little experience in those positions but were hired because of DEI requirements inside the company.

I cannot speak to the folks that are on the CIV 7 team, maybe the lead game designer has been on the CIV for years, but for me personally, the design changes made in this game (as compared to V at least) are baffling.

I could also be missing some over arching system that makes it all work. I have not purchased the game, but based on folks who post here and have very SANE opinions, I would not buy this game based on impressions of the gameplay loop alone.
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I was going to buy it on release as I’m a die hard Civ fan, but heard so many people complain about how unfinished it is from the UI, balance but the worse thing I have seen thus far is the map generator, that thing is absolutely bad


Linux User
Napoleon as a leader always amused me. The French occupied my country, stole all the money and sent people to die in the Russian campaign.
Yes the brave French soldiers used the foreigners as a shield so that they could retreat.


Good. I like the game. Does it deserve those reviews as a whole? Not really. But firaxis/2k do.

Giving a good review and mentioning the negatives on the side is meaningless. People dont read reviews for the most part, they just see that tag. If they deliver games like this and reviews end up being positive, that's all that matters to them and they'll keep doing it. The negative reviews just might have a little impact in how they do things in the future.
I read reviews, high and low scores don't affect my dopamine receptors.


So which CIV game can be considered the true "end" of Civilization aka the last good game. 4th? 5th?
A Video from Marbozir confirmed that Civ VI had a more positive response than 7 does. Although i have good hopes Civ 7 becomes a really good Civ, i wouldn't worry they won't patch the game.
I for one enjoy Civ 7 so far. Haven't played Civ VI much, though.
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I read reviews, high and low scores don't affect my dopamine receptors.
Civ is obviously a big game so it's different but the score matters for a lot of smaller titles. I cant possibly go read reviews for any game im possibly interested it. If i see an indie roguelike that looks interesting and i see the reviews as overwhelmingly positive then that's an instant buy, if i see mostly negative then yeah there's no chance i'll buy it.
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