Just got a wizard and zap, but not sure how they'd fit in my deck right now. I have a decent witch but I'm not even using her at the moment. How does a wizard vary from the witch? I like how the witch spits out skellies which gives her some buffer from attack
Wizard is a squishier version of Baby Dragon, but hits harder, and at a better range. He's essentially ranged crowd control.
Witch, as you mentioned, does crowd creation, along with her own ranged attack. She's somewhat multi-faceted, I'm not sure she has an absolute specific use, at least not any more so than being a really expensive version of the 1 Elixir Skeletons.
Zap is great if you run the Bomb Tower/Hog Rider deck that another Gaffer posted several pages ago. It's a cheap way to eliminate low HP defenders and stun the tower briefly.
Post your deck, it'll make it easier to figure out whether any of these units would fit well.
This game just ends up pissing me off more than anything else. For my stress level's sake I think I'm just gonna delete. The weird stretches of winning and losing streaks just put me off.
Currently: (1485 trophies start of arena 5)
Barbarians (lv 8)
Bomb tower (lv 5)
Knight (lv 7)
Hog rider (lv 5)
Arrows (lv 8)
Spear goblins (lv 7)
Musketeer (lv 6)
Freeze (lv 2)
Stock cards: zap (3); wizard (2); archers (8); giant (5); witch (3); Valkyrie (5); skellys (8); bomb Skelly (8); Skelly army (2); giant skeleton (3); baby dragon (2); prince (3); goblins (8); goblin hut (5); goblin barrel (3); fireball (5); lightning (2); minions (7); minion horde (7); tombstone (5); balloon (2); cannon (7); barb hut (5); rocket (5); xbow (2); rage (3); tesla (7); inferno tower (5); mini pekka (5); pekka (2)
Ok so after watching lots of YouTube videos of people opening chests I managed to know when a chest is going to give you an epic card (at least with golden chest) now I know when to get my hopes upand when not to.
Ok so after watching lots of YouTube videos of people opening chests I managed to know when a chest is going to give you an epic card (at least with golden chest) now I know when to get my hopes upand when not to.
Hut deck zipped me through Arena 3 pretty easily. If your on the receiving end of many hut decks though try a building deck with a bomb tower and a cannon.Having a hard time in Arena 3. Any good decks and tips?
You mentioning video opening led me to this-
That's like....$400 on this game. Fuck me.
Check out this video on how to pull with the skeletons. The tactic can work on the prince (jouster), the baby dragon, and the 4 barbarians. For 1 elixer you can lead any of those units on a wild goose chase while your towers pelt away.
Also, if you've got the tombstone unlocked, try putting one in front of a charging prince. You will feel happy.
You've got a really similar deck to mine, and I'm hovering around 1600 trophies with mostly lower leveled versions of the same units. I have Skeletons instead of Knight, Zap instead of Freeze, and I did have Baby Dragon instead of Spear Goblins, but I recently switched back to Spear Goblins, not sure what to do with that slot.
Skeletons are super useful given their 1 Elixir cost, I'd recommend taking them for a spin. Zap vs. Freeze is a toss up. Zap is cheaper Elixir cost, has a smaller range, only stuns for a short time, but does kill low HP enemies. Give it a try if you haven't yet.
Aren't skeletons weak against anything with splash damage though? I like the Knights resilience, although my barbs can cover that at higher cost. Will give both a try, thanks. Might enjoy the lower elixir cost, but may also try baby dragon as it'd be better against melee or bomb towers
Just broke 3000, f2p deck if you don't count the 10 euros I put into it right at the start *cough* for science.
There's a clear paywall with both legendaries. You need the princess for the OP deck everyone plays (both knights, pump, pekka and princess) or the Ice Wizard for more defensive decks like the mortar.
Princess needs a nerf.
Ok so after watching lots of YouTube videos of people opening chests I managed to know when a chest is going to give you an epic card (at least with golden chest) now I know when to get my hopes upand when not to.
I have epics of:
Baby dragon
Skeleton army
Giant skeleton
But I am only using baby dragon rage and prince.
are the other 3 worth building a deck around?
Why isn't Musketeer used more in high level play?
I just switched in the Wizard even though I used to love the Musketeer. The added splash damage is just so useful and a good trade for 1 more elixir cost and a but less DPS. On the top level people might have the Princess for their range attacks or build around strong tanks so they need some cheaper troops like Archers.
It evens out your cards, that's why.I keep getting cards for stuff I never upgrade. It's like the game knows, man![]()
Get out while you still can. It just becomes much harder later. Uninstalled yesterday, and been back to FFX HD since. Life is good again. The problem with these games is that there's 0 sense of achievement in them, unless you're at the very top, and that takes too much time/money. At least that's how I feel.Just got into the game today and I'm ADDICTED.....
See the post I just made above, it evens things out.You'd think that when you hit Arena 7 you'll be rewarded with more cards, but i'm starting to learn that I'm not the only one where Royal Giant card is given more than any other card.
I am having issues dealing with Golem and Wiz pushes.
When does the timer on the crown cheat start counting down? Is it when I fight my first battle after it unlocks, or is it after I win my first crown?