Just starting to run a Royal Giant with mixed results. What goes well with the RG?
It feels like 3/4 decks in 2000-2500 are based entirely on hog rider + goblins + zap to chip out your towers. I'm really sick of playing against it.
Sorry about this GAF...
What's a decent HOG deck? I have every arena 4 card and below.
Mini Pekka
Spear Goblins
Gets the job done for me, and only 2.8 average elixir. Oh wait shit, zap is Arena 5, I forgot.
Zap > Arrows or Lightening?
Also this just happened...
Zap allows the Hog to get an extra attack or two on a tower and only costs 2 elixir. Lightning is awful unless you're facing a Hut deck, but still costs too much. Arrow is good for dealing with Minions but Zap will make them weak enough where they can't do anything.
I play in the 2500-2800 range and I think the honeymoon with RG seem to be over, and most players are going back to Hogrider. RG is very strong, but Hogrider is just an easier and more versatile card to play because it costs just 4 elixir, allowing you to attack further or defend if there's a strong counter. The game is becoming dull to me as a result. I'd love to play against diverse decks, even if that means losing because of the surprise factor.
I think Neogaf elite are getting fed up with me ranting about this...lol
I like to change between 2 decks now. My Sparky/Elixir pump combo and what i call my Anti-Hog deck. Cannon,Zap, Goblins,Spears etc
28 of my last 30 matches have been hog cycle decks.
I play in the 2500-2800 range and I think the honeymoon with RG seem to be over, and most players are going back to Hogrider. RG is very strong, but Hogrider is just an easier and more versatile card to play because it costs just 4 elixir, allowing you to attack further or defend if there's a strong counter. The game is becoming dull to me as a result. I'd love to play against diverse decks, even if that means losing because of the surprise factor.
Just started using this deck and I'm seeing some good success.Chief pat( I think) made a good deck around it.
Baby Dragon
Spear goblins
The gimmick of it is that you send the hound and then the dragon behind it, making sure the hound gets all the agro and when he blows up if he/she put out any defense against they'll target the dragon and ignore the pups. Even the tower targets the dragon.
Right now I'm using that exact deck only that I switched the dragon for the goblin barrel to test it a little.
Edit: it wasn't pat, it was a deck I found online. I just remembered
Playing in the Legendary 3200-3500 range (as a lvl9), it's actually quite terrifying to run into lvl8s, moreso than lvl10s/11s.
12s might plow through your towers via high leveled cards, but they don't play very well.
The lvl8s use highly specialized decks and are far more skilled.
Lvl9s/10s are all over the place in terms of skill levels/deck levels.
I said it a hundred times, and I'll say it a thousand times over. Fuck. The. Hog. Rider.
I fucking hope that for the next update they either up his elixir cost to 5 or tune down his attack speed+damage
Not really sure I understand the hate for hog riders, I very rarely lose to them. Just put a cannon in the middle and your towers do the rest...if they use freeze then follow up with something like gobs or skeletons.
The problem, is that there are very few counters to hogfreeze/hogzapp. Even if you do carry those counters there's a good chance that your opponent is running a hog cycle deck and will have another hog running at you before your counters are ready for the second time.
Ive found that the best counter is to have fast counter attacking troops which devestate them on the counter.
This is a common scenario-
They play hog
I play prince
They freeze/zapp prince
I play dark prince
I take 500 damage
Both my princes clean up and run at them and they have around 3 elixir to counter quick.
I take their tower or at least 1500 damage.
My double prince deck eats hogs.
Edit: turns out I have Zap.
Also this just happened...
Not really sure I understand the hate for hog riders, I very rarely lose to them. Just put a cannon in the middle and your towers do the rest...if they use freeze then follow up with something like gobs or skeletons.
I hate Hog Rider because he essentially demands a Cannon in your deck. It's the biggest reason why Cannon usage is way up there. It's the only reasom why all my decks carry a Cannon.
For a 4 Elixir card, there's no other good way to reliably counter a Hog. For the great majority of other cards there are multiple ways to deal wih them that costs the same or less. Aside from Cannons, Hogs don't.
It doesn't help that Hog cycle is usually the method used nowadays. Usually Hog plus Zap plus something cheap (eg Goblins or Skeletons).
I hate Hog Rider because he essentially demands a Cannon in your deck. It's the biggest reason why Cannon usage is way up there. It's the only reasom why all my decks carry a Cannon.
For a 4 Elixir card, there's no other good way to reliably counter a Hog. For the great majority of other cards there are multiple ways to deal wih them that costs the same or less. Aside from Cannons, Hogs don't.
It doesn't help that Hog cycle is usually the method used nowadays. Usually Hog plus Zap plus something cheap (eg Goblins or Skeletons).
Hog can't get nerfed, it already can't get a single hit in when you drop barbs.
I can easily kill RG (mostly LVL9) without him taking any tower demage.Royal Giant is whack because you can't ever stop it from getting a couple shots off. You can stop a hog from getting a shot off with a canon. The Royal Giant will get at least 2 or 3 shots off even if you play perfect defense.
I think increasing the Royal Giants drop timer a second or two will even it out a little bit.
Royal Giant is whack because you can't ever stop it from getting a couple shots off. You can stop a hog from getting a shot off with a canon. The Royal Giant will get at least 2 or 3 shots off even if you play perfect defense.
I think increasing the Royal Giants drop timer a second or two will even it out a little bit.
I can easily kill RG (mostly LVL9) without him taking any tower demage.
He drops RG, I drop Canon, RG shoots Canon, I drop Barbs+Minions on him, not a single shot to my Tower.
That's why I have Elixir Pump down, sure, you will spend a lot more, but it depends if you are willing to take a hit or not."Easily" is subjective, but I don't think spending 10 mana to stop a 6 mana card qualifies as "easily"![]()
That's why I have Elixir Pump down, sure, you will spend a lot more, but it depends if you are willing to take a hit or not.
Always take the hits. Use your tower's HP as another resource to spend. I'd gladly take 2 or 3 hits if it means I can counter with a bigger elixir advantage. For example, if there's a dark prince charging your tower, it is MUCH better to drop barbs on him AFTER he's taken a swing at your tower rather than before. Your counter push will be that much stronger. When I watch lower level matches, this is a mistake I see so often, people trying to prevent ALL damage to a tower.
Dark prince also has splash damage so if you place the barbs in correctly they and the tower would both receive the charged damage so better the tower than the tower plus barbsI take your point, but perhaps not the best example - don't dark princes have the running charge? But yeah - I'll take a hog swing at my tower or two instead of zapping or dropping gobs, depending on the situation.
Another similar tip is to take the hit from princess so she gets in range, rather than let her get shots at your troops running up.
I don't find barbs very good offensively anyways - too many counters if they are coming from far.
Dark prince also has splash damage so if you place the barbs in correctly they and the tower would both receive the charged damage so better the tower than the tower plus barbs
Barbs counter Hog so that it gets max 1 hit in your towers. Mini-Pekka does the same. Cannon/Tesla completely negate it for 3-4 cost.
The hog is fine.
Not sure if you're referring to me or not, but that's not me in your clan.Sorry bean, didn't mean to reject your request. Apply again and I'll accept you.
Not sure if you're referring to me or not, but that's not me in your clan.
I use a different screen name in the game and I'm in the NeoGAF clan.
I take your point, but perhaps not the best example - don't dark princes have the running charge? But yeah - I'll take a hog swing at my tower or two instead of zapping or dropping gobs, depending on the situation.
Another similar tip is to take the hit from princess so she gets in range, rather than let her get shots at your troops running up.
I don't find barbs very good offensively anyways - too many counters if they are coming from far.
The game is way less fun past 3000. My favorite thing to do right now is demolish sparky decks. I can feel people seething when I split it with goblins (not even barbs just basic goblins) and it goes down like nothing.
Miner is the f'ing worst. I actually have decent counters cuz I carry both types of goblins and zap, but he is so annoying. I don't have him yet - how much does he cost?