Yeesh lava hound/balloon + giant is seriously screwing me over
Neogaf elite still recruiting btw
I still do the strategy of ignoring the lava hound as long as possible while pushing the other lane hard. But yeah, unless you have a deck designed to counter with lots of air hitters and a building or two, it seems really hard to stop. Anything you drop targets the hound and giant with the baloon untouched
People are running Minion Horde with the Lava Hound against me and I sometimes find myself using Arrow against the Horde, completely forgetting about the little Lava Pups.
Try and find a way to fit fire spirits in your deck. 2 lixer and it completely obliterates the 5 elixer mini horde (among other things, like barbs). Fire spirits is the new skeleton IMO. So much value for the cost.
Try and find a way to fit fire spirits in your deck. 2 lixer and it completely obliterates the 5 elixer mini horde (among other things, like barbs). Fire spirits is the new skeleton IMO. So much value for the cost.
What is a good Lava Hound deck? I recently got one from the crown chest, but haven't figured out how to use it effectively. With 7 elixir cost, if the opponent has a decent air defense, it's a struggle. Arrows will just kill all my puppies, too.
I'm not sure if the Lava Hound is worthy of the "legendary" label.
What is a good Lava Hound deck? I recently got one from the crown chest, but haven't figured out how to use it effectively. With 7 elixir cost, if the opponent has a decent air defense, it's a struggle. Arrows will just kill all my puppies, too.
I'm not sure if the Lava Hound is worthy of the "legendary" label.
I'm running a Lava Hound deck with Barbarians, minions, spear gobs, Baby dragon, musketteer, fire spirits and arrows. I'm currently tilting in the 23002500 range.What is a good Lava Hound deck? I recently got one from the crown chest, but haven't figured out how to use it effectively. With 7 elixir cost, if the opponent has a decent air defense, it's a struggle. Arrows will just kill all my puppies, too.
I'm not sure if the Lava Hound is worthy of the "legendary" label.
Any advice for taking down a balloon / giant combo?
I have musk, minions, and spear goblins in my deck, so usually have one or two things I can get down quickly against the balloon. But I can never seem to get them to reliably target the balloon which I want to take down first, ideally before it gets to the tower and does that huge damage.
Whether I place units in front of or behind the drop of a giant / balloon combo, they just always seem to target the giant :/
It's hard to stop, but keep in mind that the combo is, what, 10 elixir? That's 10 elixir of units that can't attack anything but towers. You have to push the other side so your opponent never has that 10 mana to spend, and if they do, you need make them pay by attacking other side. If you have an ice wizard, it can help slow them down.
Any advice for taking down a balloon / giant combo?
I have musk, minions, and spear goblins in my deck, so usually have one or two things I can get down quickly against the balloon. But I can never seem to get them to reliably target the balloon which I want to take down first, ideally before it gets to the tower and does that huge damage.
Whether I place units in front of or behind the drop of a giant / balloon combo, they just always seem to target the giant :/
the big problem in attacking the other lane against Giant Balloon is that there's probably nothing that can beat it in a base race.
but basically, if you don't use decent ranged units like Musketeer, you're screwed. If you do have them, play them immediately to kill the Giant first. I can usually take it down before it reaches the tower, and the balloon will pop immediately without the Giant. That set-ups a massive counter push with all the units already in play.
Other than that, Inferno is the ultimate counter to it.
Yeah - if you use inferno, then that makes a big difference. You're not going to beat them to the other side, but if you let them pour every elixir they have into the attack, it's nearly impossible to stop.
Agreed that you're screwed if you don't have good anti-air. I would imagine that minion horde would stop that in its tracks, but you only have a few seconds before your opponent has 3 elixir needed for arrows. Musketeer is a card I need to use more often.
What's the best Defense against a valk? I switched from knight to barbs and shredded by a valk
Like against all ground units, 3 elixir minions is a no-brainer. I find most players are reluctant to use their arrows on it. But your original choice of Knight is actually good against it since it's lower cost so you can have it backed up by cheap ranged units.
Any cheap building to draw both into the center and in range of both towers. Otherwise focus on efficiently pushing the other lane and making your counter attack in the same lane efficient, which it should be since the giant / balloon won't kill your units.
I do think I need to work in a cannon somewhere. I have no buildings currently. Running knight, valk, giant, spears, musk, arrows, fireball, minions currently. Knight is probably the one to go which is a pity because he is a versatile card for either attack or defense that can take a lot of damage.
Cannon would buy me the time to take down both. And would probably be useful against hog decks too.
Most of what I am seeing in Arena 7 is giant/balloon, hog/freeze/rage/poison, and the occasional lava hound build, so a cannon would be good against all in slowing their progress to the tower.
Yeah every deck doesn't need a building, but if you're playing a deck without one you should really know what you are doing and be ready with alternative ways to deal with not having the ability to distract building only units. And sometimes that way will be a base race or whatever.
My favorite quick opposite lane push is valk + golbins behind so they push the valk up to the tower faster. Preferably dropped with two fingers at once. If you catch your opponent with 0 mana it's usually a free tower unless they have skeles or zap ready, and even people with mana tend to underestimate how fast it takes it down. Then you still lose the other lane but have units alive for a counter push, and end up ahead by about half a tower.
How important is it to upgrade the elixir pump? I noticed that it only upgrade the hitpoints, so is it detrimental to play a low lvl pump?
How important is it to upgrade the elixir pump? I noticed that it only upgrade the hitpoints, so is it detrimental to play a low lvl pump?
Well, just got a miner in a gold chest. Feels good man, trying out swapping the spear gobs in the above deck with Miner. It brings it at 3.9 elixir avg. What do you think of it? Any cool deck combining those two legendaries? No elixir pump is a plus in my book.I'm running a Lava Hound deck with Barbarians, minions, spear gobs, Baby dragon, musketteer, fire spirits and arrows. I'm currently tilting in the 23002500 range.
Note: These changes are not live yet! They're coming on 7/4.
The way we approach card balance in Clash Royale is a combination of playtesting and looking at the stats - in particular, card use rates and win rates. You can expect monthly balance changes to keep gameplay fine tuned and as fun as possible.
In this round of balance changes were taking a look at some of the lesser used cards and giving the Goblin Barrel a significant boost!
Skeleton Army: Skeleton count increased to 21 (from 20)
We found him! The missing 4th Skeleton joined the army.
Goblin Barrel: Elixir cost decreased to 3 (from 4), Goblin deploy time increased to 1.2sec (from 1sec), removed impact damage
Our previous change didnt hit the mark, so were trying something a bit wilder! 3 Elixir puts the Goblin Barrel on par with the Miner for surprise attacks and value, while still remaining counterable by Arrows, Zap or Fire Spirits.
Giant Skeleton: Damage increased by 20% (doesnt affect Death Damage)
Getting to the enemys tower is quite challenging for the Giant Skeleton - as it should be - but at least with this change hell be one-shotting Goblins on the way.
Dark Prince: Damage increased by 8%
Until our last round of changes, the Dark Prince dealt half as much damage as the Prince. This change brings his value back in line with his golden brother.
Bomber: Damage increased by 9%
Despite a few boosts already, the Bomber hasnt seen a big uptake in usage at the top. Extra damage will make him even more deadly and hopefully a compelling choice again.
Wizard: Attack speed increased to 1.6sec (from 1.7sec)
A faster attack speed should increase the Wizards value when compared to his more attractive cousin, the Ice Wizard.
Inferno Tower: Hitpoints increased by 6%
In the next update, Zap and Freeze will both reset the Inferno Towers damage. Were giving the Inferno Tower some more hitpoints to compensate for this, and for its low use rates.
Elixir Collector: Now affected by slowing and speed up effects (Poison, Freeze, Zap, Rage, Ice Wizard)
The Elixir Collector has very high use rates. It hasnt been affected by slowing or speed up effects (until now: 7/4), so this change will tone it down a little bit and also bring consistency with the Inferno Tower change above.
Tombstone: Hitpoints increased by 9%
The Tombstone has tough competition as a 3 Elixir defensive option, resulting in low use rates. Extra hitpoints should make it more appealing and an interesting alternative to the Cannon.
Bomb Tower: Hitpoints increased by 6%
The Bomb Tower is seen extremely rarely at the top, but has a pretty good showing in the early to mid levels. A small hitpoint increase should make it more relevant and interesting in the high Arenas, without overpowering it in the low Arenas.
New Balance Changes coming 7/4:
That makes 2 sets of wide reaching balance changes in a row where none of the cards in my deck received a buff![]()
Inferno Tower is getting a buff for me, but a bunch of cards that people use to support Sparky and Royal Giant are getting buffed, so it doesn't really matter.
Inferno tower is also getting a pretty big nerf. Zap now resets it.
If my calculations are right, I'm ok elixir wise if I shave off half of the elixir pump's life. So far that's approx what I've been able to shave of the pump with the miner. Bonus points if the opponent is forced into dropping something to kill the miner.I see it all the time. Not really sure if it's worth or not. It's more annoying than anything in my personal experience.
That makes 2 sets of wide reaching balance changes in a row where none of the cards in my deck received a buff![]()
Are they going to standardize unit levels the way they do in regular tournaments? Otherwise who would willingly join a tournament in this shit game?If my calculations are right, I'm ok elixir wise if I shave off half of the elixir pump's life. So far that's approx what I've been able to shave of the pump with the miner. Bonus points if the opponent is forced into dropping something to kill the miner.
EDIT : Didn't see it discussed here but Supercell put out two articles teasing what's coming in the tournament update (Part1, Part2).
Tournaments are going to cost gems to create (wonder if participants will be able to chip in) and they're going to reward people ranked above average Tournament Chests, looking forward a Gaf Tournament and get wrecked by peeps in Legendary arena![]()
Yup, if I understand the wording, tournament rules will apply : crown lvl 9, leg lvl1, epic lvl 4, rare lvl 7 and common lvl 9 with 3 min overtime.Are they going to standardize unit levels the way they do in regular tournaments? Otherwise who would willingly join a tournament in this shit game?