Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I'm also too scared to drop Tiger Lilly right now since I rely on her Medi-Mortar quite a bit to make up for not being the best strategist, haha.
Well I pre ordered this bad boy, I'm a huge tactics fan ( X Com, v cronicles, ogre, fire emblem) I read a lot of disappointing reviews and posts and I didn't pick my pre order up; however this thread I'm going to go grab that bad boy tomorrow.
Well I pre ordered this bad boy, I'm a huge tactics fan ( X Com, v cronicles, ogre, fire emblem) I read a lot of disappointing reviews and posts and I didn't pick my pre order up; however this thread I'm going to go grab that bad boy tomorrow.
About that character...Not sure how since I haven't got her yet, but I've heard people swear up and down she's the best with some set-up, like 500 damage per shot
What's this I hear about Adam Baldwin being in this game? Is it true?
I was told both Will Wheaton and Adam Baldwin are in the game doing voice acting, meaning it's getting criticism from both sides of the GG spectrum.What's this I hear about Adam Baldwin being in this game? Is it true?
I was told both Will Wheaton and Adam Baldwin are in the game doing voice acting, meaning it's getting criticism from both sides of the GG spectrum.
I was also told the voiceovers were finished before GG was even a thing, but I don't know if that's true.
Where did you hear that? I hope it's true because I was in the fence with this game but I'm not paying any money to anything Adam Baldwin's in. You only need to spend 5 minutes reading his Twitter timeline to witness what a nutcase he is. He coined the term Gamergate, for fuck's sake, and continues to champion it to this day.I was told both Will Wheaton and Adam Baldwin are in the game doing voice acting, meaning it's getting criticism from both sides of the GG spectrum.
I was also told the voiceovers were finished before GG was even a thing, but I don't know if that's true.
Two years ago? That's ridiclous! Anyway that's reassuring although were I the decision maker I would've recasted Baldwin's role if possible.On the twitch live stream I believe Wil said he recorded his lines like 2 years ago.
EDIT: also as far as I'm concerned there's no "two sides" to GG. There's the gators and then there's everyone else and that's it.
Well forgive me but I'm talking about an actor that plays the main role of the game in question, I think it's related. I wanted to make sure he was in, I had no idea and now unknow he voices the main character, and I'm venting my disapproval.In one sense, there's two sides: people who randomly bring up gamergate in threads in order to feel indignant about things scantily related to it and those who don't.
An acquaintance mentioned it but I don't have a source other than that.Where did you hear that? I hope it's true because I was in the fence with this game but I'm not paying any money to anything Adam Baldwin's in. You only need to spend 5 minutes reading his Twitter timeline to witness what a nutcase he is. He coined the term Gamergate, for fuck's sake, and continues to champion it to this day.
Dammit NoA. Why do game companies keep hiring this homophobe and all around general hater?
EDIT: also as far as I'm concerned there's no "two sides" to GG. There's the gators and then there's everyone else and that's it.
Two years ago? That's ridiclous! Anyway that's reassuring although were I the decision maker I would've recasted Baldwin's role if possible.
Why did Wil Wheaton specified that the recordings were so long ago? Did he stated that in regards to Gamergate and his and Adam's polar opposite stances on this mess?
In one sense, there's two sides: people who randomly bring up gamergate in threads in order to feel indignant about things scantily related to it and those who don't.
This is "Hitler ate sugar" levels of stupidity.
I've been completing all the missions with all units alive and within the turn count (is there a way to see the turns needed in order to get the bonus? I hate having to just bum rush if I don't have to).
My only wish left for this game is that I really hope I get a sniper unit at some point.
I was told both Will Wheaton and Adam Baldwin are in the game doing voice acting, meaning it's getting criticism from both sides of the GG spectrum.
I was also told the voiceovers were finished before GG was even a thing, but I don't know if that's true.
You definitely should. It's a great game.
From what I gathered the reviews only refer to the early missions which are subpar, but the missions afterwards are really good and very hard.
Man, I was looking forward to this, but between the review complaints and the Baldwin stuff I just don't want to pick it up anymore :/
EDIT: Let me be clear, the reviews are what really killed it for me
Then how come people are saying stuff like:They just showed off the game mechanics and stuff on twitch. You didn't miss much.
On the twitch live stream I believe Wil said he recorded his lines like 2 years ago.
So I'll ask again: Is there any place I can catch a replay/recording of the Twitch stream? It's seeming like I did actually miss stuff...During the twitch stream on Friday Wil Wheaton said they started voice recording in 2013 (!) so casting was done about or more than TWO YEARS AGO at this point.
Then how come people are saying stuff like:
So I'll ask again: Is there any place I can catch a replay/recording of the Twitch stream? It's seeming like I did actually miss stuff...
I can't check it right this moment (I saved at mission 5-3 because I need help finding the 3rd gear), but basically, there's 3 different ways you can replay a mission:Could someone with the game detail the options for replays?
Someone earlier mentioned you can replay missions with different settings like no HUD or extra tough enemies. I'd like to include that in the OP but I need more details.
If you're a fan of this type of game; ignore the reviews. I feel like a lot of the low review scores either didn't play very much of the game or just weren't fans of this type of game. I mean, let's be honest, third-person, tactical strategy RPGs are kind of a niche genre.
what's wrong with making an effort to enjoy things?
god people are so jaded these days!
I can't check it right this moment (I saved at mission 5-3 because I need help finding the 3rd gear), but basically, there's 3 different ways you can replay a mission:
- Blind Eye: No HUD for either your steam or the enemy's health. Reward: 1.2x the medals
- No Return: No backtracking. Once you take a step, that steam can't be recovered. Reward: 1.5x the medals
- Merciless: Enemies are much stronger now Reward: 2x the medals
Where it says "Team" on the top-right corner of the touch screen, tap it & it'll switch to show units & the stats of weapons.Is there a way in game to see what the effects are of various boilers and sub weapons? I feel like I am just blindly putting them on characters, but can't find a place to look at their specs anywhere.
How many missions are in the demo?
It's good to play another IS strategy game. There is definitely room for improvement in a sequel, but this is a good first game. Has there been any word on DLC for this? I'd hope so since Awakening had so much.
Thanks. I've played through the first three maps of mission #1. If the demo was much longer, I would just wait for the retail game. Looks like I'll play through mission #2 before buying then.2 "missions"
Mission 1 is three maps. Mission 2 is one map. After that you can replay all four maps with the four characters you have collected by the end of the demo.
Where it says "Team" on the top-right corner of the touch screen, tap it & it'll switch to show units & the stats of weapons.
Thanks! Talk about not straight forward. I've played like 5 missions and wasn't able to figure it out.