Played through the first level to get a feel for the game. Does Solange have any use for MP besides burst? None of her moves seem to consume any.
Destructoid review was very positive.
Destructoid review was very positive.
Surprising to say the least.
Well let's see who reviewed it...oh, it wasn't Sterling? Not really all that surprising, then.
True that. I'm usually all for the whole "a review is just one man's opinion" thing. Then I played The Last Story and Kid Icarus Uprising and concluded that Jim is a crazy person. It sucks not being able to trust his reviews.
I don't think there's anything wrong with Jim's reviews. He has established his preferences with respect to games. If they don't mesh with yours, then simply ignore his reviews. For most Japanese games, I either look for Dale North's review or consult with RPGFan.
I don't think there's anything wrong with Jim's reviews. He has established his preferences with respect to games. If they don't mesh with yours, then simply ignore his reviews. For most Japanese games, I either look for Dale North's review or consult with RPGFan.
You don't need to know the reviewers' history at any other sites to get a reasonable, average impression of a given game's quality. To me that indicates a problem.
Destructoid is "that site that lets Sterling review games." No other major site carries that kind of infamy.
Is there any place to see ALL the playable characters in this game? Aren't there like a bajillion? Also, you guys that have played it, how is the multiplayer? That seemed to be Dtoid's only complaint.
OMG, I was this close to cancel my pre-order and get Dishonored instead, but then I thought how much more this game actually needs my support, Dishonored will be successful anyways, I'm glad I didn't cancel.![]()
OMG, I was this close to cancel my pre-order and get Dishonored instead, but then I thought how much more this game actually needs my support, Dishonored will be successful anyways, I'm glad I didn't cancel.![]()
That is definitely different than what he does.
I do hope my copy ships soon. It's weird to not have had it already ship.
God damn! This game is so hype! Loving it more than I anticipated.
Game looks fantastic.
I wasn't expecting voice acting out the butt!
I'm grinding levels like a fiend. My Solange is dumb as a post, but hits hard as fuuuuck yo! :3
Love the alt colors too.
Play the tutorials first for a free level.
If you love beat'em ups and have a 3DS you need to own this. SOHYPE!
It's different from GH, but great.
So tempted to go out and get this game right now. Think I'm going to actually wait until tomorrow. Just got a ton of credit from GameStop today so hopefully they will have a copy available tomorrow that hasn't been gutted.
I'd go now. :3
So, was an art book for this released in Japan?
And OP will be updated when I get home people.
This topic will rise up to the heavens! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Oh, and Treasure fandom side is VERY happy when it sees the soldiers pull off the "Lord of the Dance"-like pose, just like the soldiers in Guardian Heroes.
Dark Skin, Black hair Solange is a hotty.
Anyone notice any throwback / homage colors for the characters?
Is this game really likely to become scarce? Because everyone said that about Overclocked, and it has been discounted many times now. As a matter of fact, it's only $30 on Amazon at the moment.
Probably depends on how fast it sells. This first run DOES have extras that won't stick for future prints, but I dunno if I recally care that much. Then again, ACE+ blew me away with Xenoblade's music, and even a little more of that would be fantastic.Is this game really likely to become scarce? Because everyone said that about Overclocked, and it has been discounted many times now. As a matter of fact, it's only $30 on Amazon at the moment.