Any examples of them covering up breasts? I know NISA removed the loli scrubbing mini game from that one game but I could care less since I have no intention of buying it in the first place.
Sure. It's easy to find if you spend any time comparing.

Any examples of them covering up breasts? I know NISA removed the loli scrubbing mini game from that one game but I could care less since I have no intention of buying it in the first place.
If the game is untouched, censor away. They could've sold this in solid black box for all I care.
(unless it's ESRB as someone above said.)
Yep.No cover should be so embarrassing that it alienates potential buyers. I love the art, but this is just necessary pragmatism.
I know Atlus censors breasts, I meant examples of the other publishers.
The in-game content isn't censored; that's absolutely all that matters.
Who cares about the cover?
Solange still seems too brainless. Never was a big fan of the strong and straightforward characters, but I'm just trucking through with her until I beat the game before I start experimenting with other characters.So I thought the game was "meh" until I learned about special moves and how to combo your B and A attacks together. I was just jamming buttons then pulled up the command menu and now I'm comboing enemies together like a champ.
Solange still seems too brainless. Never was a big fan of the strong and straightforward characters, but I'm just trucking through with her until I beat the game before I start experimenting with other characters.
Already ahead of you on that one. She's basically a Han expy and I never cared much for his strong & dumb play style.Y-A-A-A-A-B-Air->A-A-B is just one combo I've got working. Her vvA wrecks groups.
Atlus went out of their way to cover Solagne up in promotional material. The art they used was original Japanese art but they decided to show her in that alternate outfit instead of the original which is a shame. They even left out wallpapers that showed her wearing her original outfit. The boxart blatantly covers her breasts and they put Zozo in front of Solagne in an image at the site so Zozos hair covers her Solagnes breasts.
I really don't see how they'd go about promoting Senran Kagura. The in-game stuff for CoP is left the untouched, I'm glad for that but I'd rather have some else bring SK over.
Aksys, XSEED or NISA, that's just me though.
Just hosted a four player online co-op, it was a slideshow but still a lot of fun haha
I can't seem to find many people hosting....![]()
Just hosted a four player online co-op, it was a slideshow but still a lot of fun haha
I can't seem to find many people hosting....![]()
Yeah, at this point it's more about being frustrated with how stingy significant chunks of Americans can be (and retailers like Walmart that might carry on regardless of how big that group is) than an actual reason to be angry with Atlus or whoever. Though everyone has their limits, and even if some of those examples are the kinds of coverage I find exasperating there's stuff like Mugen Souls that definitely went too far and needed some cuts.I'll give Atlus a hard time whenever there are decisions which involve actual content removal, or stuff which hurts the consumer directly. But it's really hard for me to even get remotely worked up about the sort of "covering up" they do for promotional art and game covers when it comes to stuff like Dragons Crown and Code of Princess. It's simply understood that there are different values in America and in Japan. If you want to promote your game in any sort of mainstream manner at all, and you don't want people to get a poor impression of the game and prejudge it before they even find out what it is, you probably don't want to use some of the artwork in its original form for some of these games.
Square Enix censored legs:
Check out the girl in blue at 10 o' clock:
Wow, this sucks.
I am visiting an out of town friend next weekend who is a BIG Guardian Heroes fan (we played it together so much when we were roommates), but he doesn't keep up on games as much as I do. I was going to surprise him with the game and hope he would grab a copy so we could play multi-player over the weekend.
My copy was lost (or stolen) today. UPS apparently left it on my doorstep, I am in an apartment.
I can't fathom it was stolen though and if it was, it HAD to be the one guy across from me, our apartment is tucked away in a back corner and upstairs, any package would be invisible to all but the two doors up there. And I'm not sure anybody gets home from work as early as I do around here.
Anyway, UPS support told me to contact the shipper (why? they were not the irresponsible party here!) and Newegg immediately opened a ticket to have a replacement sent. But that will take seven to ten days.
So my only option to have this in time for my trip would to grab a copy locally and return the replacement there later. It's kind of scummy, but I don't know what else to do. And then again, wasn't the pre-order a special edition? So I wonder if my replacement will even be that or the game only.
I'm in a crappy mood from this.
The replacement should also have the artbook and OST. My understanding is that the entire initial print run of the game contains the extras. In future if they reprint the game, it might not have those extras.
Maybe Nich can confirm?
I'll give Atlus a hard time whenever there are decisions which involve actual content removal, or stuff which hurts the consumer directly. But it's really hard for me to even get remotely worked up about the sort of "covering up" they do for promotional art and game covers when it comes to stuff like Dragons Crown and Code of Princess. It's simply understood that there are different values in America and in Japan. If you want to promote your game in any sort of mainstream manner at all, and you don't want people to get a poor impression of the game and prejudge it before they even find out what it is, you probably don't want to use some of the artwork in its original form for some of these games.
Atlus works hard to bring these games out in English, and they generally pick the ones with worthwhile gameplay and interesting ideas. It would be a bit unfair to spit in their face just because they are trying to promote a game as something more presentable and hoping that more people take interest in the gameplay before forming preconceptions. On the other hand, if a business decision means there is missing content or features removed, then sure, we should all bitch away.![]()
Ah, thanks for the info, both of ya.
I may grab an extra copy locally this weekend and then figure out how to deal with it when the replacement shows up.
Maybe it can be a Christmas gift if I feel too scummy returning it, heh.
Another unboxing video for, y'know, the expanded audience, I guess.